I don’t think that it’s outrageous to say that 95 percent of the people who roll surv on trijent are hoping they roll UPP. While yes, this would remove some of the variety from the map and the factor of marines OOCly not knowing if survs will be commies or not, what it does do is make the roleplay for survs 10x better, the gameplay itself more fun and rewarding, and not have the surv squad fall apart as soon as they realize they didn’t roll UPP.
I don’t mind but it’s just gonna be the same stale ass hold in elevators again because trijent fucking sucks .
Trijent is a fine map, it’s not our problem that survs choose the same boring fucking meta holds over and over.
Make it so using elevator has a 50% chance of spawning a dragon inside the shaft that fucking roasts everyone inside or something.
Isn’t Japan part of TWE?
Yes it is.
You’d need to nerf UPP survs for this, they are near full ERT strength, with their unnerfed guns. their LMG, and even a decent amount of AP and a LOT of regular ammo (which already have 15 AP on UPP rifles).
Also regular trijent survs are still worth playing, the checkpoints are still valid holds so long as you have a synth/engineer.
still stale as shit his point still stands
If only trijent had loot for regular survs so they could actually try hold different places
code it in and remove/rework stale holds with turrets then
I don’t know how to code
In this case I think u could make a code bounty to just mapedit some shotguns and mar 40s in and half turret damage
should be like 5$
I dont like the idea of making the map 100% UPP survs, regular survivor on that map is already quite unique in a sense, and nightmares in general should be chance based for the fact that they can get stale and repetitive when you can expect the same on a map.
Forecon is an exception because the map was designed that way, but Trijent is still a civillian colony and I would like to be able to play as a civillian engineering survivor.
I’d honestly change Soro instead of trijent to it. Trijent is them crashlanding accidentaly on there, while soro is litterary their colony.
Plus, when was the last time someone actually used any RP worth a damn from soro? I never even once see “Political Prisoner” be used other then name.
They removed political prisoner and replaced it with state contractor
my Soro CL gaming!!!
Simple, we make them a hyperdyne executive.
i run upp soro synthvivor all the time
how about we start balancing base surv instead of creating snowflake gigarare roles for them
Personally I think Trijent sucks only cuz it has NO loot(the only GOOD loot is incen slugs IN THE NORTH EAST LABS(xeno spawn)). Add cool loot, half turret damage BUT make all APCs charged at the start, except checkpoints. Besides that Trijent survs are cool overall, especially roughneck(please buff it to the old stats where it had engineering and construction).