PvE Helmet Cam Port

Following discord discussion:

Style is everything in CM13. It feels nice to have style and people judge you by the lack of style. Everyone reading this post knows they can tell apart a newer player, by having a shiny bald helmet, and wearing a coif or gas mask.

There are many non-helmet options in-game primarily through loddouts, however not wearing a helmet comes with a downside.
Your head is no longer protected, making it much easier for Xenos (and Humans) to target it and:

  • Deal more damage
  • Fracture your skull
  • Decapitate you

And, you grief CIC, because they cannot watch your helmet cam. This is fine most of the time, except for Squad Leaders and FTLs, as that means CIC is blind to what the leader of the unit is wearing. This, in theory is not a problem. However, in the CIC consoles it does not feel nice, as you usually watch the Squad Lead or FTLs as they’re at the top of the list and are generally where they’re meant to be.

PvE accounts for drip and not-griefing command player(s) by:

  • Having a wearable Helmet Camera, it goes on your ear slot.
    • You wear the camera, Overwatch gets to see what you’re seeing.
  • Comes in the uniform vend, (probably spare uniform vend here).

Importantly, you are still vunerable. It provides zero protection, all it does is mean that CIC (PltCO) can still watch you and you can carry that risk of having your head fractured.


No because I’m evil and don’t want you to hear hats out of spite.

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forest or frozen(I forget which) had a PR up for this which iirc got denied on the grounds of “not wearing a helmet should be bad for you” in short.

not saying I agree with that reasoning but it’s been tried.

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which is silly because the SO seeing you get beaten to death isn’t going to make your life any better?

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You get drip without the guilt and shame :frowning:

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Good thread, I agree with helmet cams because Vasquez in the movies I think had a headband and a camera.

You can still decide not to take a head cam if you want to be a dick to CIC as well.

Side benefit is that with this you can’t have your banging tunes on your ear slot. So we literally can be the fucker without a camera for our tunes if we wanna be a dick to cic >:)