PVT John ‘pissinhot’ Marine. Lets begin, ready?
Yes sir warcry
Recite your baseline
A blood black nothingness began to spin, a system of fragging within fragging within fragging within one codebase, and dreadfully distained against the dark, a tall RP situation played out.
have you ever been in an RP situation? Frags
Do they keep you in briefing? Frags
When your not rushing hive do they keep you in medbay? Frags
;abcd charge
;abcd charge
What’s it like to not be fragging and to RP? ;abcd charge
;abcd charge
Do they teach you how to type more than 5 words per match. ;abcd charge
;abcd charge
Do you long to listen to your SL for once. ;abcd charge
;abcd charge
Do you dream about more than fragging. ;abcd charge
;abcd charge
Whats it like to role play. ;abcd charge
;abcd charge
Do you feel there’s a part of the game you’re missing. ;abcd charge
;abcd charge
Within OB’s there’s good hits
Within OB’s there’s good hits
Why don’t you say that three times. Within OB’s theres good hits
Within OB’s there’s good hits, Within OB’s there’s good hits, Within OB’s there’s good hits
We’re done. PVT John ‘pissinhot’ Marine you can pick up your xenos mad at the door.
Thank you sir.