I think all of us while playing as marines and using a shotgun at least once in their life had a thought like this: “Hmmm what shell will I use today”. You can pack many shells but the problem is that the tube holds 9+(1) of them and all of them are very situational.
Buccky: Good damage and stun against low armored opponents but absolute TRASH range.
Slug: Horrible damage and a smaller stun duration but accurate at medium ranges.
Flechette: Gods best FFing ammo, does almost nothing to most xenos, trades the stun for AP, good at medium ranges.
Now with all the properties being described you could see how situational having your shotgun loaded with just one type of shell can be. If someone ever invented a shotgun that could hmmm… not have that problem… ekhem…
I present to you the KEL-TEC KSG 12 pump action shotgun. This peace of engineering wonder has the whole of TWO shell tubes that can be swapped in a fraction of a second! Now adding a KSG with all its benefits but with stats of M37 would be too OP.
So I’m thinking of making this more in to a CT or a HM weapon. Having a slug and a buck at your hand almost instantly can save you allot of trouble with being out of range of defending yourself because as a support role you can’t really carry 2 or 3 weapons at a time. Now when it comes to not making this OP I would just copy paste the M37 stats but modify few quirks:
First of all the shotgun would be INCAPABLE of attaching most under barrel attachments. I would leave the UGL and flashlight grip out of the chopping block.
Only attachment that could go on the barrel would be a bayo.
Top rail attachments would be the same as M37.
SWAPPING between the chambers would differ on if you were moving or standing still.
While standing still it would just take half a second to swap the chamber.
While running the time to swap would be the same but you would receive a slow penalty for 2,5 seconds making this shotgun unideal for chasing down xenos making this a more of a self defense weapon
Both tubes would hold 4 shells so it would be 4+4+(1)
This weapon being a bullpup naturally would not have an attachable stock.
The method to acquire it would be through req though I was thinking of making this a 20 point weapon at HM and CT racks, also it could be one of the SL squad kits. I’m not good with the req scaling but I would make it scale the same as MOU does.
Sadly my coding and spiriting skills are none existing. If you have any other suggestions or opinions feel free the write them down bellow. I hope that the idea of making a shotgun that utilizes the shells at will is not be too OP. If this topic gets enough traction and I will find enough time I could possibly code it but that is allot of variables that have to be filled out.
this is already in the game with colony shotguns
the HG-37 has two tubes and they hold 4 shells, you can switch between them and load them with different things
unfortunately everything except for buckshot is bad in the m37a2 because the MOU53 exists
m37 slug isn’t bad just because the mou slug is op
but it is bad because of its low accuracy, dmg, stun duration, firerate, and generally isn’t used to all that much effect outside of defense. It’s decent on the frontline tho esp. for new players who need a simple gun to counter some of the more difficult benos to fight.
And decent on the backline if you get into a good position - but honestly buckshot is a million times more useful there since you can frag (and protect yourself against) backliners much more reliably with buckshot with less team presence.
it could also be that noone good (especially duos) wants to try and figure out m37 slugs and prove its worth, since buckshot is just fun to use. I’m always open to my perspective changing tho, and I do think its got an advantage in some situations, especially with better aiming skill then me.
and with it being a stun gun too it’s also better then having no stun gun.
You can already reload various ammo to regular shotgun and it works thousand times better than with this shitty colony gimmick shotgun.
Simply do not load the last shell (so only 8 buckshots) and do not pump it. When you deem it necessary, pump to have buckshot, when you need slug, or flechette, simply load one and pump, shotgun should chamber the last one loaded.
I don’t think I was being passive aggressive, I’m just pointing out that these aspects of the slug were nerfed specifically because the MOU exists.
Going forward, when thinking about it, it could be easy to buff slugs/flechette while giving the MOU a damage/accuracy reduction modifier to balance it
Oh, I think I just got confused and misinterpreted it then. My bad.
I do agree tho… and I think the shotgun slug buff pr will probably not be merged too at this moment, since mou slug is so powerful…
That’s fair enough tbh. I just hope they don’t mega-nerf mou flech in the crossfire, just because mou slugs are so powerful. Mou flech is a really fun weapon that doesn’t necessitate stun combat to be viable.