Questions about the predator honour code

Injured below 75% huntables. (splints excluded, will appear with a yellow healthbar) - excluded as in they’re unhuntable when they have splints? how do splints affect the % health in this case?

Faction Command Structure


Does this mean that the honored prey is now part of the command structure? Does it mean that honored prey are unhuntable? as in, someone who has killed a pred is now unhuntable for the rest of the round unless they become dishonourable? this one is the strangest to me

They do not hurt or hunt any marines inside the fortifications (if you want to challenge a marine inside fortifications, you should beckon them out, if they don’t come out that’s that).

what if they come out of the FOB, and then run back in after you damage them? would you be allowed to chase them in / non-lethal them and drag them back out?

in the case that chasing them in would cause significant disruption, would that prey then become permanently dishonourable or be restored to worthy status? (gamey!)

Killing/Murdering a fellow Yautja outside an honorable duel is considered the worst possible crime. This action will result in your Yautja becoming a bad blood, and will result in disciplinary action being taken against your whitelist.

what if they get hit in the crossfire, say, during an attack on a lodge?

Should an abomination appear, the Yautja may parley with the Marines

this should probably be extended to parleying with the xenos against greeno abominations (which has happened before!)

Gear within a key location such as the Hive, FOB or an LZ, is not to be sought after.

does this extend to the non-primary LZ?

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Come out, find out.

Aka apply.



splints dont determine if they’re huntable or not but its a dick move to hunt someone with more than one splint or a splint at all

no, you’re a predator not a xeno

you shouldnt sit at fob it makes you look like an idiot


shit happens

greeno aboms tend to happen shipside, and serpents/xenos are frowned upon in pred society and are just seen as something to kill only, an animal thats strong so it’d be pretty weird for a pred to ally with xenos

also xenos are hostile to everything

no, if theres cades on it/its being defended yes

before you make another thread, i suggest asking yourself “will i look stupid if i X”
“will i impact the round if i X”
if the answer is yes dont do it


thanks for your response, but i don’t think that my questions are invalidated by ‘would it look stupid’, based solely on the wording of the honour code. although i appreciate the intention of the honour code is to reduce round impact

some of your answers don’t actually really answer the questions. why was the word ‘honorable’ included in the section of ‘command structure’ anyway?

what does ‘splints excluded’ mean, although i guess you can interpret it as a note added after saying how splints should be factored into health considerations

in which case, should allying with the xenos be disallowed in the honour code? it’s happened before, which seems to be contradictory to what you’re saying preds should do. in game, xenos aren’t really hostile to everything, as they’re allowed to be ambivalent towards synthvivors and friendly towards other hives, or other factions in the case of greenos / etc

LZ shouldn’t be included in the wording then, because having cades at an LZ is the same thing as an FOB (except in the limited extenuating circumstances where command builds 2 FOBs, which would still fall under the wording of FOB)

i guess if there were some kind of last holdout of people building a cade line at the LZ it would make sense to have that in the wording


in which case, should allying with the xenos be disallowed in the honour code? it’s happened before, which seems to be contradictory to what you’re saying preds should do. in game, xenos aren’t really hostile to everything, as they’re allowed to be ambivalent towards synthvivors and friendly towards other hives, or other factions in the case of greenos / etc

Xenos IC are killing machines, a Yautja wouldn’t actively ally or work alongside them because IC, they are just pests to be hunted. From a OOC perspective, going out of your way to ally or work alongside xenos is just going to end up with the hive ganking a pred. Even if it’s “allowed” it’s not a smart thing to do.

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So the answer to the question is yes your allowed to ally with xenos if there’s an abomination on either team.

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yeah but in reality things are different, and yautja honor code is quite obviously not based on real in-context lore

besides, preds are quite capable of getting away from a hive


Like c4xmaniac said, apply for the whitelist and experiencing will give you the answers to your questions.

The honor code isn’t something to be breaking your head over like marine law or SOP. It’s a guide to filter good and bad actors in the whitelist.

From all whitelists, not just pred, you have to consider the IC and OOC ramifications of your actions, SS13CM may be a bastardization of CM lore, but we still strive to have good actors which expand the rounds for everyone’s overall enjoyment.


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