Rals - Whitelist Report: Caroline A.W. Ljungman, CO code of conduct

Rals - Whitelist Report: Caroline A.W. Ljungman, CO code of conduct

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Brett McMatherson

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Caroline A.W. Ljungman

What rule(s) were broken?:

CO code of conduct

Whitelist in question:

Commanding Officer

Description of the incident:

I wish to preface this report by saying that it is about, what in my view is, major violation of Marine Law by CO. As per code of conduct, it says that COs should maintain same level of prefessionalism when it comes to ML as CMPs. As far as I understand, they are not supposed to violate marine law in major ways. Though if I misunderstood CO’s code of conduct, councilors are free to close this report.

Nearly the first thing CO did in the round was blanket order to issue NJPs for all Minor Crimes “where possible” without clarifying what it means.

Later in the round, she held some meetings with the CMP. As far as I understood, since she had to delegate my appeal, she either ordered or heavily encouraged CMP to arrest me for quite strange reasons, both tied to roundstart order to issue NJPs. I will try to explain both in details:

First, I was accused of setting marine status to “wanted” instead of “NJP”. Said marine, Joe Bravo, spoke in russian on Bravo comms after all marines were warned to speak in english language on comms. Since I was nowhere near him, didn’t know where he was, I went to security computer to mark him as wanted, so me and other MPs would see him in crowds. Furthermore, I put comments into his records regarding his crime, where I described crime name and what he has done exactly. After that I resumed patrols and expected that if other MPs would see him they would check his comments first, if he would not run. After some time, Bravo tried to run from CMP, got caught by him and then he was processed in brig by CMP. Despite the fact that CMP was arresting officer, both, CO and CMP, blamed me for that arrest and claimed that my intent was to get marine arrested. I would say that it is strange leap of logic considering that all I did was set him to wanted. As per CO: “First, he marked a private for arrest for FTFP, a minor crime, without offering him an NJP.” However I was not able to NJP him, since I was neither near him when he did the crime, nor was I arresting officer in his case. “Wanted” sign in my eyes means that person is literally wanted and that arresting officer has to determine what punishment to apply. I did not force CMP to perform an arrest and brig marine in any way.

Second incident was that CO claimed, that I issued impossible NJP to PFC. I asked him to repair window he broke. While I can acknowledge that it is possible that CO did not know that PFCs can repair windows, I still find it incredebly unprofessional, that she did not even ask me why I issued such NJP.

In essence, CO used one extremely questionable reason as well as one entirely false reason to order my arrest for Minor Insubordination. Thus, I believe that CO committed Prevarication. As far as I understood, she was involved in my arrest and even ordered for me to be demoted based on my charges, hence why I am reporting her.


I will provide same evidence as in the case of report on CMP.
Video of Tyrone doing NJP: Watch Tyrone doing NJP | Streamable
Arrest of Bravo: Watch Arrest of Bravo | Streamable
I have full videos and can provide more cuts, if needed.
My appeal as well as CO’s testimony:


Brett McMatherson says, “While we are waiting.”
Brett McMatherson says, “I’d like to know what I was arrested for.”
LCpl Danny Katz says, “Ah. Insub”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “As said, Minor Insubordination and Neglect of Duty.”
Brett McMatherson says, “You will need to provide more information for the appeal.”
Brett McMatherson says, “I need precise reason why Minor Insubordination was applied.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Which will happen when the person handling the appeal arrives.”
Brett McMatherson shrugs.
Brett McMatherson says, “Sure then.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Second Lieutenant.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine nods
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Please, step here.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto nods.
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “And this is the accused?”
Brett McMatherson says, “CMP will have to start.”
SSgt Ruby Fairwight says, “That is he.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “McMatherson has been brigged for Minor Insubordination and Neglect of Duty.”
Brett McMatherson says, “He did not explain my charges in detail.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “And who else was present during this supposed non reading of your charges?”
Brett McMatherson says, “I was read my charges.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto nods.
Brett McMatherson says, “They were not explained to me, though.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “I see.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “Thank you for the clarification.”
Brett McMatherson says, “I do not know why Minor Insubordination was applied.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Mcmatherson was placed under arrest for Minor Insubordination due to violating the Major’s “spirit” of her orders. As I did not make the orders, I invite the Major to testify.”
Brett McMatherson points to the floor
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “In order, I will hear the words of the CMP, then the Major, then yourself.”
Brett McMatherson says, “I wish to ask Major to step closer.”
Brett McMatherson says, “Since I have limited field of view.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Major, would you like to testify on the Minor insubordination arrest?”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “You will be given a chance to offer clarity, or contest the Major’s explanation only once she is finished.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “Are we clear?”
Brett McMatherson says, “S*nod.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “Major, if you would explain?”
Brett McMatherson says, “We are, however I was not able to see Major a second ago, sir.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto nods.
Maj Caroline A.W. Ljungman says, “Second Lieutenant, at the start of this operation, I issued a standing order to NJP minor crimes under ML where applicable, as in, where the officer was of the appropriate rank to discipline the offender.”
Maj Caroline A.W. Ljungman says, “Sergeant McMatherson violated this twice.”
Maj Caroline A.W. Ljungman says, “First, he marked a private for arrest for FTFP, a minor crime, without offering him an NJP.”
Maj Caroline A.W. Ljungman says, “The private confirmed this after his arrest.”'re doing.
Maj Caroline A.W. Ljungman says, “Second, he offered an NJP that a marine was incapable of carrying out. A marine broke a window, and his NJP was to fix it, but the marine does not have the skillset to do so-- they are a rifleman, not an engineering. This is not a valid NJP.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto nods.
Brett McMatherson sighs.
Maj Caroline A.W. Ljungman says, “Accordingly, it is my belief that the Sergeant openly violated my orders, both in action, and in spirit, in both cases.”
Maj Caroline A.W. Ljungman says, “That is all I have to say in the matter.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto nods.
Brett McMatherson says, “May I start?”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “McMatherson, do you contest this perspective?”
Maj Caroline A.W. Ljungman nods.
Maj Caroline A.W. Ljungman says, “Let me know if I am needed further.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “McMatherson will give his side of this story.”
Brett McMatherson says, “First of all. In first case I was not near the perpetrator when he committed the crime, so I marked him remotely using the console and stated his charge and reason for it in comments. CMP was arresting officer of said marine and I am being accused of using “W” sign instead of “NJP” sign.”
Brett McMatherson says, “Usage of these signs are not listed anywhere.”
Brett McMatherson says, “And it was my assumption that whoever was arresting officer would read charges in comments first.”
Brett McMatherson says, “And then proceed with an arrest.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “Lieutenant Durstine can you confirm this?”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “I can indeed, confirm such.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “May I give my rebuttal?”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “You may.”
Brett McMatherson says, “May I state my comment regarding second incident?”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “When I had originally saw the Wanted signature through my sechuds. I proritized arresting them because I thought they had commited a greater infraction. Marines wandering by themselves marked for Wanted, generally mean that they got away from the MP when they were originally marked. How else would a marine be walking around with such? Therefore I performed an arrest, but after their resistance, my suspicions of this resistance was true.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “I was only made aware of the arrest reason, after I had performed the arrest, and the perpetrator had already resisted the orginal arrest.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “I rest my case.”
Brett McMatherson says, “Lieutenant Durstine, did you have time to check comments section on that marine?”
Brett McMatherson points to Wayne Durstine
Brett McMatherson says, “Or was he running you from the start?”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Does that matter?”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “It is a relevant question in this appeal.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “I will say that I had minimal time to check it, before they boarded the alamo, then.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto nods.
Brett McMatherson says, “I wish to say again that usage of these markers is not described in detail anywhere in ML or SOP.”
Brett McMatherson says, “Regarding second case.”
Brett McMatherson says, “Second incident. Major claimed that riflemens cannot repaiir window, which is false. I provided him with reinforced glass using autholate. Furthermore, it was his SECOND time being NJP’ed for the same crime. Before that he was able to repair window just fine, which shows that he was able to carry out NJP, but did not want to.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “I will ask to the fellow members of your force here. Do you believe that the actions of your fellow officer here constitued negligence of duty, or an intended act of insubordination?”
SSgt Ruby Fairwight says, “The way we use them is quite evident howerever Brett.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “This is a broad question for all of you.”
Brett McMatherson points to Ruby Fairwight
Brett McMatherson says, “I mark all marines who did the crime as wanted. And it is up to arresting officer to determine punishment.”
Brett McMatherson says, “Lieutenant could issue NJP.”
Brett McMatherson says, “Would he want to.”
Brett McMatherson says, “FURTHERMORE.”
Brett McMatherson says, “I wish to say.”
Brett McMatherson says, “That I did not report resisting arrest on comms.”
Brett McMatherson says, “Which I would do, if he did resist arrest.”
Brett McMatherson says, “So other MPs would know.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto nods.
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “Name of the marine detained?”
Brett McMatherson says, “Joe Bravo.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “Warden.”
SSgt Ruby Fairwight says, “Aye?”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “Can you read out the logs for Joe Bravo’s detainment record?”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “The record listed by Mister McMatherson here?”
SSgt Ruby Fairwight says, “There’s one comment. Made by Brett.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto nods.
SSgt Ruby Fairwight says, “FFP. Spoke foreign language on Bravo comms.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “This is all?”
Sgt Marcus Johnson says, “Charge is ended, why are we not releasing brett?”
Wayne Durstine points to Marcus Johnson
SSgt Ruby Fairwight says, “That is all the comment says.”
Brett McMatherson points to Marcus Johnson
Brett McMatherson says, “I am still appealing.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “If he is guilty, this will be relevant later.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “As it would stand, Mister McMatherson – the question here is not whether or not you performed the procedure correctly but whether or not your application of the procedure was an intentional act of insubordination against the Major’s orders.”
Brett McMatherson says, “Sir.”
Brett McMatherson says, “As per ML, arresting officer assigns punishment.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “As for that, I will ask. Did you at any point attempt to correct the CMP’s detainment?”
Brett McMatherson says, “Thus it was not my duty to issue NJP, since CMP was arresting officer. I did not try to correct CMP, because, as I saw, Bravo was already fleeing CMP. My assumption was that Bravo was offered NJP but decided to escape.”
Brett McMatherson says, “So I helped CMP to detain him.”
Brett McMatherson says, “And let CMP handle it.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “And you can confirm, once again, that Bravo fled your detainment. Was force used before words, Lieutenant?”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Yes, and no.”
Caroline A.W. Ljungman talks into the marine senior command headset
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “Yes and no?”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “If I may ask for clarity?”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “You asked me to confirm bravo fled my detainment, which is yes. You then asked me if force was used before words, which I said no.”
Sgt Kai ‘Ducky’ Duckworth nodded, taking a long drag off his cigarette. Grey smoke plumed into the already densely smoke filled room.
2ndLt Oswald Aalto nods.
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “Heard.”
Brett McMatherson says, “I wish to ask another question.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “However.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “One final question Mcmatherson.”
Brett McMatherson says, “CMP, what makes you believe, that BRavo would not escape for me?”
Brett McMatherson says, “Ahem, from me.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “I deem it important to not that I attempted to arrest them first. As they were marked for arrest, I followed that marked.”
Brett McMatherson says, “May I ask one last question, sir?”
Brett McMatherson says, “Regarding arrest procedure.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “While I had stated this would be the last question – for the sake of such, I will allow a genuine last question.”
Brett McMatherson says, “CMP applied resisting arrest charge, despite not stating that marine is under arrest. There was no resisting arrest mentioned in comment nor on comms.”
Brett McMatherson says, “So my question is, why was RA applied?”
Brett McMatherson sighs.
Brett McMatherson points to Wayne Durstine
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “RA was applied because he ran from me, plain and simple.”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “Right.”
Brett McMatherson says, “Very well. Did you hear my defense regarding second case?”
2ndLt Oswald Aalto says, “I will summarise this case, and pass judgement - in full awareness the timer has passed.”


hi, i’m not related to this round deeply but did notice i think a disparity in that there was some between-round talk that holds relevance here on discord that wasn’t captured in this original report (and not overtly reflected in the actual space of the game).
this round occurred after the prior one crashed. brett was on the roster as MP in both the aborted round that occurred before this one, and then of course the round that this report is actually for. before all this stuff in the report, i think it is of importance to acknowledge that in the discord between round restarts, the person who ended up being CO here said this of the round prior:


I will be pulling logs, this will take a while for me to do due to the volume of logs this incident covers, I invite anyone who was witnessed to these events, or who was involved, to make their own statements.

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I mean if we want to take shitposting in discord as some sort of “gotcha,” the context of the conversation was that brett was arresting people for speaking spanish on the radio or some such and everyone was laughing about the ridiculousness of it.

Anyway, as to the real report here:

I did clarify when asked, as I’ve done this before, and you’ve faxed provost saying it is an illegal order (which it has not been determined to be any time you’ve faxed). As I recall, I stated that you should issue an NJP where possible, then clarified that I meant if the criteria for an NJP were met, such as being of proper rank and it being a minor crime.

As for the incidents that led to your arrest:

As previously stated, I issued an order that minor crimes should be NJP’d where appropriate in accordance with the NJP guidelines to the CMP, which he disseminated to the rest of the MP department. At briefing, the CMP noticed a PFC marked for arrest, and went to perform it, the PFC of course then resisted and was generally noncompliant. The CMP asked, multiple times, if he was to be arrested, and you simply said something along the lines of “yes, check the comments.” I believe it was for speaking one line of Russian on the radio and then picking up some found contraband item for a short period by your own statement later on, which if you saw, the issue in my eyes is that you then did not offer an NJP, but marked him to be arrested instead. I did not take action on this at first, but you seemed to be quite openly trying to skirt the intent and purpose of my order in this instance.

The second incident was the PFC you mentioned, they came to the brig and you said they had refused an NJP, he claimed that he tried and could not. The SEA and others, as well as I, were all under the impression that a pane of glass could not be fixed by a PFC because he doesn’t have engineering skills (come to find out he didn’t have enough glass sheets in his hand, according to the last round chat), which would make it an invalid NJP. At that point, in my eyes, you were now twice flying in the face of my order. I spoke to the CMP about it and reached the conclusion that you would be charged with minor insubordination, which is “(failure to follow) an order which is not personally directed at you. Or disrespecting someone of a higher rank or position that is not an officer.” I would argue that you failed to follow my NJP orders by your actions.

Additionally, you were ordered to be demoted because of this section of ML: “For Minor Crimes, demotion is subject to the wishes of the Chief MP, or the Commander in their absence, and their decision cannot be altered.” I had to leave the round before your sentence was up, but had already communicated to the CMP that I would’ve liked to see you demoted. I imagine he was going to do so regardless, but I was explicitly not invoking my CoC privileges on demotions (pasted below), nor would they have stood since I had to leave and would no longer be in the round. The CO’s provision is NOT the same as the standard punishment for major/capital crimes. In the case of an MP being arrested and an appeal upholding the charge, ML explicitly states “they are to be removed from service as law enforcement.”

In short, this does not pertain to the CoC at all, given no CoC provisions were used, and I believe based on the information I had in the round and the events that transpired that you were guilty of minor insubordination, especially when taking the spirit of the law into account.


I want to quickly throw in my two cents and say that I did accidentally misinterpret your order as CoC demotion, rather than MP demotion as stated in ML.

When I play CMP, I always cross reference with the book, or otherwise avoid doing actions due to possibly missing something. In this case, I couldn’t cross reference the ML clause stating about MP demotion, so I assumed it was the CO’s demotion clause.

I apologize for any confusion this has made. Regardless of CO’s clause or normal ML clause, the demotion was still legal.

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I meant if the criteria for an NJP were met, such as being of proper rank and it being a minor crime.

Which means all Minor Crimes committed by someone other than CMP or MP. I believe that rank requirement was long ago removed, so even XO can be NJP’ed for Minor Crime by regular MP. Furthermore, I wish to add my response from other similar report:

By “Regardless of Circumstances” I meant to show that MPs would not be able, for example, to arrest those who recommit crime immediately after their NJP is done. Or that, for example, MPs would have to chase marine (if marine would run from them), cuff them and then ask if he wants to do an NJP, since additional crimes do not prevent NJPs from being issued outside of cells.

The CMP asked, multiple times, if he was to be arrested, and you simply said something along the lines of “yes, check the comments.” I believe it was for speaking one line of Russian on the radio and then picking up some found contraband item for a short period by your own statement later on, which if you saw, the issue in my eyes is that you then did not offer an NJP, but marked him to be arrested instead.

First of all, I was asked as why “Joe Bravo was set to arrest”, I did not reply to CMP that he should be arrested, I just refered him to the section of his record where CMP will be able to find relevant information, since I was busy looking for another marine. CMP, as arresting officer, would have more information on his case and would be able to issue proper punishment. Second, Bravo did not do any contraband stuff and I have no idea where you got it from, it was not reason for his arrest. Third, I was not able to issue NJP, since Bravo was not near me. I marked him as “Wanted”, as I usually do and left NJP to the discretion of the arresting officer. I’d try to issue NJP would I be arresting officer, however CMP instead arrested Bravo without even checking the record. CMP may claim that marine was resisting, which I will parry by saying that I’d report resisting arrest on MP comms.

The second incident was the PFC you mentioned, they came to the brig and you said they had refused an NJP, he claimed that he tried and could not. The SEA and others, as well as I, were all under the impression that a pane of glass could not be fixed by a PFC because he doesn’t have engineering skills (come to find out he didn’t have enough glass sheets in his hand, according to the last round chat), which would make it an invalid NJP.

Regarding this. As can be seen in the first video, PFC was able to rebuild window and he knew how to do it. My belief is that he deliberately wanted to deconstruct window frame, so he does not have to rebuild it. My assumption is based on the fact that he faked pain in the leg, then went to get the wrench and then tried to play dumb even when I put reinforced glass in his hands. After arrest he tried to bullshit his way out of charge, which I do not hold against him. I do hold against you, however, that you based your testimony of the words of PFC, instead of on the words of MP. It is worth mentioning that PFC did not notify me about the lack of glass nor did he say that he cannot do it, I do believe as well that I printed two sheets of reinforced glass.

In short, this does not pertain to the CoC at all, given no CoC provisions were used

I wish to reiterate, that this report is not about using any powers outlines by COC, but about violating COC itself. As per forum’s COC: “You are expected to maintain the same level of professionalism as the CMP when handling Marine Law related business aboard your vessel.” I believe you were in the violation of this clause, since you have committed Major Crime by ordering my arrest, which is unbecoming of CMP and thus CO.


I think joining the round before with a declaration of intent to specifically try to get someone in trouble is…curious, yes, considering you then did get them IC in trouble in the round after where you had the authority of CO and they decided to continue in the same role from the round that crashed. You as well as others make your distaste for Brett routinely clear in discord round after round, but specifically announcing you joined as a role you’ve said before that you dislike, because you intended to get someone else in trouble is really weird.

Holy revision, though, i edited this a lot to write it less like slop, sorry:
I am deeply familiar and involved with the context of the round in the comment as I was not only an MP but i was the one doing reminders to people speaking other languages over comms. The MP team, i included, reminded people per SOP to use English. Lcoal use wasn’t punished. When someone pranked the req line by flipping an intercomm on on two people speaking spanish, that wasn’t punished. People were being arrested after numerous reminders and after banter around it, sometimes even by MPs in those other languages. It was to-the-letter of SOP beyond a certain point but this was well after reminders, plenty of jest, and people willingly decided to participate in foreign language on comms. It was something a lot of people were engaging in, it was done with escalation. It was in good fun. There wasn’t some hardass “someone spoke a single line of spanish and i arrested them because they should know by heart SOP says not to do that”. Like i think there’s some gross misunderstanding to the framing you gave the comment, but i know you also latejoined as MP that round and probably missed a fair bit of the shenanigans, the reminders, the tone, and the radio key fails.
Whether both rounds have to be evaluated for this report, I’ve no idea but you made an impression in discord based off a round you latejoined MP to with the intent to get someone in trouble, because you saw someone getting arrested for speaking spanish without knowing the lead up or whatever (after they had been told at least 2 times to use english!). The language RP here was dynamic, it was in the letter of SOP but people were goofing around with it; so was I in spanish and russian. Commenting that youre seeking a way to get someone in trouble and then getting them in trouble when you manage to roll CO and have the authroity to do so seems connected, at least in appearances.

I only played MT the round after (the one in this report) and my level of involvement with MPs was minimal: cleaning briefing when one asked and passing by brett at the very moment he issued the NJP to the PFC but well before they actually got to the window and started fixing/not-fixing it.

I quite literally joined as the round crashed.

It feels absolutely ridiculous I am even having to say this, but as you can tell in the context of the wider conversation ongoing at the time, I was joking. I saw the Miracle of Sol and simply wished to play the game as his loyal guardian. It’s also pretty ridiculous and insulting to insinuate I would roll for CO the next round with to grief another player based on a discord shitpost among millions of other discord shitposts. I rolled CO to play CO and see if any current CO applicants would be on for me to watch in round. I’m also not going to engage with you any further about this, since you seem to be fixated on a one-liner making some kind of weird conspiracy.

Your testimony was simply that he refused the NJP, and you did not elaborate further. Meanwhile the PFC claimed he had tried to but was not able to put glass in a window, and every other person who saw this came to the same conclusion that it was because he cannot, wrong or not. I can’t exactly take video evidence into account in the middle of a round.

Your appeal was denied by a completely uninvolved SO, and I have no idea if you faxed the provost or not for a further appeal, but the charges were not false charges. Several parties were in agreement that you had violated my order on NJPs.


Your testimony was simply that he refused the NJP, and you did not elaborate further.

This statement is false. First of all, I do not believe that you have asked for my testimony at any point during the round. I was asked what Tyrone’s charges were and I answered. Furthermore, I did provide full testimony to the CMP, when he was handling appeal, where I mentioned that marine repaired window once before his arrest, as well as the fact that tried to decon window frame. Here are logs from that appeal and I can provide video evidence, if needed:


Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “CMP, sir, prisoner is requesting an appeal.”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “They have less shit to do”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “Well”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Who?”
Brett McMatherson points to Cell 3
Wayne Durstine points to Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “Cell 3.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “To me or the Commander?”
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “Formally Minor DtGP and resisting arrest.”
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “To you.”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “I appeal to you”
1stLt Wayne Durstine nods
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Brett, are you the AO?”
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “I am.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Mcmatherson, are you the arresting officer.”
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “As I said sir, I am.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine nods
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Explain what happened.”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “So Im just walking to my shuttle”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “And then muh gun pops out of nowhere when I trip”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “Then mister officer comes to me saying I broke a window”
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “He broke window, I asked him to replace it, he then lied to me about his leg hurting to get wrench and then tried to deconstruct window frame.”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “A honest to god mistake”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “I didn’t lie!”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Tyrone, if you’re being dishonest with me.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “I suggest you stop now.”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “You don’t have proof that my leg didn’t hurt”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Right.”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “Also I saw few screews loose so I wanted to tighten them”
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “It was hurting for two seconds, then.”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “So the window wouldn’t fall”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “And thats about all I did”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “I am denying your appeal to Minor DtGP, seeing how you refused to repair it.”
Franklin ‘Dumbfuck’ Brown says, “This is bull shit.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Will you please explain the Resisting arrest, Mcmatherson?”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “I TRIED”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “I REPAIRED IT ONCE”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “Then it broke”
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “It was for failure to carry out NJP.”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “Then I tried again”
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “As NJP he was asked to repair window.”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “But he arrested me doing that”
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “Which he failed to do.”
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “And instead tried to deconstruct frame.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine sighs
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “Im a PFC without any engi skills”
Wayne Durstine has thrown Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone’s ID Card (Delta Rifleman).
The locker has been locked by Wayne Durstine.
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “How am I supose to know how to fix it”
1stLt Wayne Durstine nods
Franklin ‘Dumbfuck’ Brown says, “Can you just let me go?”
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “He fixed same window minute before it, sir.”"
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “It was the second time he broke it.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine scratches his chin
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Right, here’s what’s going to happen”
Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone says, “Sorry I fell asleap did I miss something?”
Marcus Johnson tries to remove Franklin ‘Dumbfuck’ Brown’s USCM uniform.
Franklin ‘Dumbfuck’ Brown says, “All I wanted to do was fight.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “In accordance with NJP article.”
Sgt Brett McMatherson says, “Not really.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “I am going to treat refusal as inability, in the spirit of ML.”
1stLt Wayne Durstine says, “Therefore, I will be accepting your appeal for Resisting Arrest.”

Your appeal was denied by a completely uninvolved SO, and I have no idea if you faxed the provost or not for a further appeal, but the charges were not false charges. Several parties were in agreement that you had violated my order on NJPs.

None of those parties were staff members and I specifically asked staff, if they believe that you and CMP were in the right. I was told that no judgement was passed and thus it is why I made these reports. It is worth noting that SO is not the highest Marine Law authority and, to be frank, I believe that my appeal was denied on shaky grounds (SO’s words: “I do not believe you intended insubordination, but the neglect your actions brought were inheretly insubordinate”).

Furthermore, I wish to provide more context to my decision to use “W” instead of “NJP”, for whoever will handle this report and report on CMP. My philosophy regarding is simple: I mark marines who I see did the crime, but I am not in their vicinity at the moment. It is up to arresting officer to determine the proper punishment for the crime, be it NJP or brig time. “W” sigh allows MPs to easily see marked marine as well as to use IFF tasers to catch them, if marine would try to run away (NJP sign does not have such functionality I believe). In order to make sure that arresting officer has information regaring charges and circunstances crime was committed in, I add comments to the marine’s record. Furthermore, in my eyes, NJP status is reserved to those who carry out NJPs, so other MPs can see that marine was issued NJP and is carrying it out. I used these markers in the same way for past years and I was not asked during this round to use them in any other way.

1 Like

When you first brought him in I asked (or the CMP), and you said that. I did not ask on the appeal because I didn’t handle it.

That’s why spirit of the law literally exists. You were being inherently insubordinate to my orders.

Anyway, there’s no sense in going back and forth, so I’m not going to be posting further unless it’s requested or there are some other points brought to the table.


Relevant logs are posted below.

Caroline A.W. Ljungman | Accused | CampinKiller
Brett McMatherson | OP | Rals

Considering the volume of information I’ve collected. I’ve focused mainly on what the OP and CO said/did. Ancillary information is provided after this section.

Commander and the OP join the game.

The Commander joins the game about 20 seconds after the MP joins.

Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:34:37.170 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Morning. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Staff Officer Bunks)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:34:18.826 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: Reporting in. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Cryo Pods)

Shortly later, the CO issues their order to treat all Minor Crimes as NJPable when possible.

The CO and the OP have a discussion about this on comms.

Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:35:15.986 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [Command]: I have an idea I’d like to see implemented. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Secure Command Hallway)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:35:37.768 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [Command]: I feel our marines will learn better via NJPs for minor offenses, no? (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Secure Command Hallway)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:37:37.532 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: Fair point. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:37:56.733 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [MP]: It is not an illegal order to issue NJPs for minor offenses were possible. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:37:57.461 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: Where does it state that you can force NJPs, sir? (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:38:08.137 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: Define where possible, ma’am. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:38:18.155 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: If person does NJP and then recommits same crime. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:38:23.899 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: Should I still issue NJP to them? (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:39:02.559 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: Define when possible, please. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:39:16.021 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: You cannot assign aCMPs, sir. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Starboard Hallway)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:39:22.986 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [MP]: When the circumstances allow, as in, a minor crime, and you are of the proper rank. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Secure Command Hallway)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:39:28.801 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: So if person reoffends immediately I have to issue NJP? (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Starboard Hallway)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:39:34.060 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: It is a bit counterproductive. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Starboard Hallway)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:39:35.229 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [MP]: I do not want to see malicious compliance with marine law, Sergeant. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Secure Command Hallway)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:36:50.339 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: Sir, it is illegal order. You can issue NJPs only on case by case basis. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig General Equipment)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:35:55.946 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [Command]: Where possible, at least. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:35:58.405 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [General]: Use english language on comms. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig General Equipment)
The CO voices their displeasure with the MP privately, then in LOOC.
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:44:52.955 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Unfortunately, I already have that MP on my back. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:45:13.314 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I don’t need a third provost fax in a half hour. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:46:03.119 23126 OOC OOC: (LOCAL) Caroline A.W. Ljungman/CampinKiller : I can but I don’t want brett blowing up the admins
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:46:13.450 23126 OOC OOC: (LOCAL) Caroline A.W. Ljungman/CampinKiller : he already is cause I told him to NJP for minor crimes
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:46:39.328 23126 OOC OOC: (LOCAL) Caroline A.W. Ljungman/CampinKiller : technically SOP changes are submittable to provost
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:46:41.835 23126 OOC OOC: (LOCAL) Caroline A.W. Ljungman/CampinKiller : yeah
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:46:52.114 23126 OOC OOC: (LOCAL) Caroline A.W. Ljungman/CampinKiller : factos
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:47:02.712 23126 OOC OOC: (LOCAL) Caroline A.W. Ljungman/CampinKiller : sorry but no drip this time…
Admin Help between OP and a Admin.
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:38:52.442 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: Ticket #4: Rals/(Brett McMatherson): Flashbangs are invisible for some reason. Is it a bug or is it due to lag?
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:39:09.872 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: PM: SmellyHippie/()->Rals/(Brett McMatherson): clear your cache, I can see them in your backpack.
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:39:51.484 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: PM: Rals/(Brett McMatherson)->SmellyHippie/(): Very well. May I ask one more thing?
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:39:59.850 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: PM: SmellyHippie/()->Rals/(Brett McMatherson): sure thing
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:40:26.163 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: PM: Rals/(Brett McMatherson)->SmellyHippie/(): Is it allowed for CMPs and COs to order MPs to issue only NJPs for Minor Crimes? It is limiting MP flexibility in essence
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:40:59.161 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: PM: Rals/(Brett McMatherson)->SmellyHippie/(): And I think they just want to let marines not be arrested for minor offences. Correction on previous statement: blank order to issue NJPs for all minor crimes regardless of circumstances
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:49:00.361 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: Ticket #7: Rals/(Brett McMatherson): I am disconnected for a second. If you have an answer to my previous question, send it to me, please
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:49:35.520 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: PM: SmellyHippie/()->Rals/(Brett McMatherson): Sorry for the late response. There’s nothing really about this in the rules. as far as I know CO’s and CMP’s cannot modify marine law as an SOP, but I could be wrong.
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:50:16.709 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: PM: Rals/(Brett McMatherson)->SmellyHippie/(): So, if I understand you correctly, you do not have an answer to my question, right?
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:50:41.405 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: PM: SmellyHippie/()->Rals/(Brett McMatherson): Not a definite one. Has the situation in which you asked about happened in the past, or is it theoretical?
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:51:11.884 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: PM: Rals/(Brett McMatherson)->SmellyHippie/(): It happened in the past and in the previous round. And I believe that CO does it in order to prevent me from arrest marines, since she believes I am griefing
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:51:24.761 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: PM: SmellyHippie/()->Rals/(Brett McMatherson): Whitelist report it, in that case please.
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:51:59.741 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: PM: Rals/(Brett McMatherson)->SmellyHippie/(): Very well. I will message councilor once more then. Thank you for an answer
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:52:25.568 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: PM: SmellyHippie/()->Rals/(Brett McMatherson): you can do so here: Whitelist Reports - CM-SS13 - Forums Or you can do so directly to the councilors on the forums/discord here is a list of councilors: Co councillors - CM-SS13 - Forums
Abridged logs of the OP arrested a Marine for breaking a window, as detailed in their video
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:55:47.253 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: I did. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Dropship Alamo)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:55:50.310 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [MP]: Check the comments. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Dropship Alamo)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:56:33.745 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: TYRONE. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Dropship Normandy)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:56:34.851 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: Follow me. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Dropship Normandy)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:56:38.114 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: You are getting NP. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Dropship Normandy)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:56:45.861 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: NJP. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Dropship Normandy)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:56:49.092 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: For breaking the window. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Dropship Normandy)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:56:52.028 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: Follow me. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Dropship Normandy)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:57:17.438 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: Your NJP it to repair the window. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Hangar)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:57:52.630 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: We will get meral and glass. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Hangar)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:04:26.925 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: You are under arrest for Minor DtGP and failure to carry out NJP. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Lower Deck Port-Midship Hallway)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:07:25.423 23126 ADMIN ADMIN: Rals/(Brett McMatherson) jailed Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone for Damage to Government Property, Resisting Arrest.
The CO leaves CIC to handle the appeal of the aforementioned arrested Marine.

Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:59:55.508 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [Command]: Did he refuse an NJP, Lieutenant? (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:00:07.626 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [MP]: Yes? (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:00:14.665 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [MP]: Alright. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:00:31.364 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Captain, throw the tablet, so I can keep track while I handle the appeal. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)

Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:01:23.229 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I’ll be handling an appeal. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:02:05.032 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Good morning. Right. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:02:13.049 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: And why was he not NJP’d for FTFP? (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:03:19.490 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Right, I did know of the resisting-- (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:03:21.426 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: What? (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:04:16.730 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: So, who set him to arrest and did not NJP him? (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:04:37.743 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Did Sergeant McMatherson ever offer you an NJP, Private? (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:05:16.770 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Lieutenant, I want the Sergeant handled for this. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:05:20.759 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Now, let’s get to the appeal. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:06:05.472 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Unfortunately, it is what it is. You did fail to follow procedure and you did resist arrest. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)

The CO and OP have a discussion about this arrest in the middle of the appeal.
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:06:21.260 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Sergeant. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:06:27.176 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Come here a moment. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:06:56.722 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: It is, unfortunately. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:07:09.442 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: You’ve admitted to both offenses, so there’s nothing I can really do in terms of an appeal. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:07:17.242 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Well. I witnessed the resisting personally. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:07:29.031 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: Yes? (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:07:34.781 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: Ma’am. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:07:39.013 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Why did you not offer this marine an NJP and instead set him to arrest? (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:07:43.561 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: Ask CMP, sir. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:07:49.807 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: He was the one who was chasing him. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:08:02.041 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: And? (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:08:02.269 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Because he was marked for arrest by you, and not NJP. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:08:12.139 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I feel both of us were quite clear in our orders. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:08:13.867 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: Ma’am, his crimes were listed in comments. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:08:46.906 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: There is not convention on how markers work. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:08:48.740 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: It’s mainly for resisting, Private. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:08:59.767 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: Usually person who are currently doing NJP are marked with NJP sign. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:09:16.655 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Sergeant, you are out of line here. You know quite well what an arrest marker means. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:09:32.765 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: Very well. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:09:43.194 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: Then arrest me for Minor Insubordination and NoD, ma’am. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:10:04.222 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [1]: And I will appeal to someone. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:10:21.556 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Resisting arrest is ten. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:11:04.866 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Plus ten for resisting. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:11:41.447 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: It is the appropriate punishment, I’m sorry to say. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
CO summons a meeting with the CMP and/or others to discuss the situation regarding the OP. It is interrupted by Chem Goons.

Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:14:06.744 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Sergeant Major, come with me a moment. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:14:54.256 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I do believe Sergeant McMatherson is skirting the line of my orders quite openly. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:15:20.132 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: He made the NJP for the other marine fixing the window he broke, yet the marine does not have the skillset to do so. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:15:29.184 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: He marked the Bravo private for arrest. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:16:23.426 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: You may be needed, so I will keep it short, but-- I am quite certain I will be in a provost battle shortly. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:17:29.215 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [Command]: Lieutenant Durstine, when you are done with that appeal, report to my office. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)

Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:22:13.872 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Okay, I’ll keep this brief, instead of a full meeting. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:22:30.382 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I believe Sergeant McMatherson is violating the spirit of my order quite openly. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:23:05.748 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I am considering an arrest, which will mean provost, knowing him. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:23:14.222 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: That is all, you can give me your opinion after we solve this. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:23:47.653 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Who is in charge of this team? (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Medical Research laboratories)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:24:06.722 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Everyone in here shut up. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Medical Research laboratories)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:24:24.438 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Company-- (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Medical Research laboratories)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:24:30.076 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: COMPANY PERSONNEL, TO THE CL’S OFFICE. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Medical Research laboratories)

CO and company resume the discussion following resolution of the Goon incident. It ends with the CO ordering the arrest of the OP

Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:40:30.300 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Anyway. I believe the issue with Private Bravo from earlier was clearly against the spirit of the order. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:41:02.106 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: He is also sitting at a computer and marking people for arrest for unknown reasons, it seems. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:41:42.900 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I know he does. It is still not what I ordered when I said to NJP where possible. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:41:54.523 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: All the people he marks for arrest are magically turning up in the brig. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:42:46.101 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [MP]: Oh, yes, all minor crimes are to be NJP’d if possible. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:42:53.921 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [MP]: That is a standing order from earlier, Sergeant. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:43:22.285 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I am between DA’ing him and simply ordering his arrest for minor insubordination and neglect of duty. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:43:38.704 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: This is detrimental to our operation as a whole and clearly going against what was ordered. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:44:02.888 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I would not mind it. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:47:18.862 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: It does indeed have spirit of the law, yes. Which I find to be a much better application than the letter of the law. The entire thing reeks of malicious compliance to me. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:50:12.065 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Right. I think a DA may be a bit much, but, I do believe he should be arrested for minor insubordination and then neglect of duty for the two NJP instances I’ve seen him not go with-- (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:50:28.288 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Do you know, Lieutenant, the issued NJP for the PFC that broke a window was to repair said window? (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:50:39.021 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: The PFC does not even have the skillset to do so. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:50:46.644 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: It was not a real offer. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:51:28.060 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Dismissed. And get ready for the-- (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:51:35.363 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Minor insubordination and neglect of duty. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Commanding Officer’s Bunk)

Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:52:16.739 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Captain, you’ll have an appeal to handle in about… (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:52:20.039 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Three minutes. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:52:27.211 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Brett is being arrested. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:52:40.793 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Minor insubordination and neglect of duty. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:53:04.862 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I considered a DA, but that is perhaps a bit much. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:53:46.278 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Yes, Sergeant Major, I decided after the two instances, especially the one where he made a fake NJP offer. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:54:37.721 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Good luck. I expect several angry provost faxes. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:54:54.210 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I know… (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)

The CO gives his statement regarding the appeal of the OP.

Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:59:08.481 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Captain-- actually. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:59:15.244 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: SOs, do any of you want to handle Brett’s appeal? (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:59:29.707 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Minor insubordination and neglect of duty, ordered by me. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:59:34.469 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [MP]: Delegating now. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:59:55.232 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I will have to be present, I suppose, but you may handle it. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:00:07.509 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [MP]: Aalto is coming to handle it. I’ll come since I ordered it. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:01:08.638 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I will be over here until any testimony is needed from me. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)

Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:03:52.744 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Second Lieutenant, at the start of this operation, I issued a standing order to NJP minor crimes under ML where applicable, as in, where the officer was of the appropriate rank to discipline the offender. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:04:12.245 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Sergeant McMatherson violated this twice. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:04:35.417 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: First, he marked a private for arrest for FTFP, a minor crime, without offering him an NJP. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:04:49.479 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: The private confirmed this after his arrest. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:05:35.407 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Second, he offered an NJP that a marine was incapable of carrying out. A marine broke a window, and his NJP was to fix it, but the marine does not have the skillset to do so-- they are a rifleman, not an engineering. This is not a valid NJP. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:06:16.196 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Accordingly, it is my belief that the Sergeant openly violated my orders, both in action, and in spirit, in both cases. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:06:24.153 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: That is all I have to say in the matter. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:07:22.435 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: Let me know if I am needed further. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Processing and Holding)

Following this, the CO states they have to cryo, they do so and quit the server.
Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:11:09.520 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [1]: I need something to eat while Brett tries to spin a long tale about how he is innocent. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Brig Lobby)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:21:06.156 23126 SAY SAY: Caroline A.W. Ljungman [Command]: Command, unfortunately something has come up requiring me to cryo. (CKEY: CampinKiller) (JOB: Commanding Officer) (AREA: �Combat Information Center)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 23:22:09.267 23126 ACCESS ACCESS: Logout: CampinKiller/(Caroline A.W. Ljungman)

I felt it useful to include additional information about the two regular Marines who were involved via the actions of the OP, MP McMatherson, as it was the actions rendered unto them that facilitated the events of this incident.

Joe Bravo is the first Marine detained by the MPs. He spoke the following sentences. After which he was detained in the Alamo by third party MPs after being set to arrest. The OP assisted in the arrest but was not the arresting officer.

Joe Bravo Incident
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:35:58.405 23126 SAY SAY: Brett McMatherson [General]: Use english language on comms. (CKEY: Rals) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: �Brig General Equipment)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:36:03.904 23126 SAY SAY: Joe Bravo [General]: 3: ahhh (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Requisitions)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 21:36:23.151 23126 SAY SAY: Joe Bravo [General]: Bluk smegmanard (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Requisitions)

Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone is the second Marine that we see in the video posted in the OP. A detailed post of their chat logs is not required since 99% of it is the player being as slow and obstinate as possible is repairing the window they broke. I did, however, find this relevant log indicating they lied to the CMP about their ability to repair a window, ergo I’ll post the full log of this section for context.

Zachery Tyrone Incident
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:13:35.784 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: I appeal to you (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:14:29.979 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: So Im just walking to my shuttle (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:14:38.820 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: And then muh gun pops out of nowhere when I trip (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:14:52.367 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: Then mister officer comes to me saying I broke a window (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:14:58.834 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: A honest to god mistake (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:15:07.087 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: I didn’t lie! (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:15:19.274 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: You don’t have proof that my leg didn’t hurt (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:15:32.519 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: Also I saw few screews loose so I wanted to tighten them (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:15:44.170 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: So the window wouldn’t fall (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:15:56.553 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: And thats about all I did (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:16:13.834 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: I TRIED (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:16:18.111 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: I REPAIRED IT ONCE (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:16:24.149 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: Then it broke (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:16:27.690 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: Then I tried again (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:16:34.667 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: But he arrested me doing that (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:16:49.815 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: Im a PFC without any engi skills (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)
Jul 18, 2024 @ 22:16:59.035 23126 SAY SAY: Zachery ‘Worm’ Tyrone [1]: How am I supose to know how to fix it (CKEY: ) (JOB: Rifleman) (AREA: �Brig Cells)

After this the CMP appears to accept the appeal and discharge Tyrone from the brig.

These are the relevant logs as far as my deep-dive can ascertain. I’ve not included further logs regarding the in-game fate of the OP since I do not think they are relevant to the accused whitelisted player as they had already left the game.

I will be available to the CO council if they require further information from the logs, I can be easily contacted in Discord for quicker dispersal of information. If anyone part of this report believes there is more information that needs to be expanded on or clarified I can also do so.


Added report:needverdict and removed report:pendinglogs

After investigating this report the CO Council found the CO in this case, Ljungman, to be generally in the right, with only some minor issues that we will talk to them separately about.

  1. The arrest order on the reporter for insubordination was valid. CO’s order to issue NJPs, while unusual, was valid, and disobeying that was ultimately a valid reason for your arrest; this was independently verified by an SO via the appeal.
  2. Spirit of the Law applies above all; as is stated in ML if verbiage is disagreed upon (which it can be argued was the case here), the CO’s word is law unless overridden by High Command. This inherently makes the CO’s actions justified if they were acting in the spirit of operational security.

Of note: Mass-issuing NJPs was prohibited following this incident, but because it was issued after-the-fact we will not be applying that ruling retroactively to this report.

Overall this report does not hold much merit against the Commanding Officer. They are the person in charge of the ship, not the MPs, and so their word shall be taken and followed unless overridden by a higher authority; not doing so is natural insubordination and, in the case of an MP, neglect of duty. The arrest charges were perfectly warranted and the CO was in the right to issue such actions against the reporter. This report is denied.


Added report:co, report:denied and removed report:needverdict