Alrighty, I’ll read over it again. Thanks for pointing it out!
I’ve played with Elsher quite a bit, and they’ve good decision-making and a cool head.
They’ll make a good CO. Additionally, they’ve gotten some victories under their belt as aCO and XO.
Played a couple of times with Elsher, led some good ops and RPs fairly often.
Hi, thank you for the +1, I didn’t expect to get noticed by senior moderators so that’s a very pleasant surprise to wake up to!
Small note, changed my discord user. Not sure if it matters but I’m not supposed to edit the app so… Yeah
I already played a couple of games as CL , SO or FTL that i interacted with Elsher and all i can say that i had some pretty good RP and overall a pleasent experience , being one of the few names that i actually can remember through the rounds, i am not a whitelist upholder but as FrostN i support their behavior.
Hey RandomGuy. We’re more than nearing the end of the application process but I thought I’d still give my two cents, I’m no councilor so don’t take anything here as official.
I’ve watched you play XO since your app went up and was at first very unconvinced of both your tactical skills and ability to roleplay. The last couple days changed my mind, I saw things I wished I had seen earlier, you lead most of your operations probably as well as any CO could have.
Your app though left me hanging, the model and decorated officer who wants to experiment on her own is a side of Skadi I haven’t seen in round even if it’s obvious you understand how to roleplay as a senior military officer. Actually, it’s the only side of Skadi’s personality that’s described in your app and so I haven’t had the chance to learn about Skadi as a person, instead of her career.
A couple of your BE and pardon answers feel a bit iffy to me as well, how do you create greenos by mistake and why would you need approval from headquarters to do so as XO, even more so as CO? The first question about BEs has also for purpose to showcase your personal interpretation of that power and you instead put examples there, some of which are text book scenarios without any context and described in the CoC.
To sum it up, I think you have consistency issues because other COs saw you perform well and I did too but only recently and too rarely. Having read about Skadi, I expected you to show more initiative to stay in line with her character. You’re one of the few regular XOs right now that I know mean well and are capable but added to what I’ve described above, I don’t feel confident vouching for you yet. You’ve definitely improved and made a name for yourself since changing characters though and so I wish you good luck.
Hi! Thank you for your feedback!
I’d like to straighten out some of the things you said here.
I do not experiment for now as I decided I should “play it safe” during the application process though as its coming to an end and I feel like I have a chance of actually passing I’ll get a little creative.
And the case of requesting approval from high command was for pardoning a capital crime, thanks to you I caught a mistake in my answers as I should have put provost office and not high command so thank you for the help!
I like coming up with backstory on the run during roleplay and just expanding on what I already said, it makes for an interesting story that you can learn if you spend some time near me.
After a lengthy review period, the Council has reviewed your application and unfortunately, particularly took issue with your application and ingame experience.
The story does not do a good enough job of displaying how your CO will behave in command, and has been described as “lacking” in terms of content and portrayal of your character. I understand that English is not your first language, so it’s all the more important to ask for feedback from other people about your story.
- We don’t care about grammar as much as we do content - if writing it in another language becomes an issue for you, write it in your native language or whatever you prefer to do it in, and then use a translator to convert it later. It’s much easier for people to give feedback on grammar and spelling issues.
Some COs have noted you could use improvement in your callouts, situational awareness and initiative to lead. People have said they’ve observed some rounds in which you do these wonderfully, but they’re inconsistent and we would prefer a degree of being able to be more aware of surroundings and be more communicative.
- We’re not asking for perfect, skilled leaders, but we are asking for you to improve your skills with communication, with enemy awareness, and with callouts.
- Again, if grammar becomes an issue, don’t worry about it and just give the important information like “Queen at hydro!” or “Delta move to t-fort, it’s being taken”. Simple, yet communicates strategy in an exact way.
Overall, though, you’re almost there. I would say work on your story, your application responses, and your ability to communicate as an XO, and you’ll stand a much better chance in the future. Unfortunately, “almost there” is not at the finish line, and unfortunately, we will have to deny this application for now. You can reapply in 30 days on February 29, 2024.
Added co:denied and removed co:waiting