RandomGuy341 - Commanding Officer Application

Commanding Officer Application - RandomGuy341

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Skadi Elsher

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?


Command Knowledge:

How familiar are you with command positions?

I am familiar with being the Executive Officer, Staff Officer. I also have some time as the CMP and plenty of experience on the field as a squad leader, enough to feel comfortable in the field.

Hours in XO:


Hours in SL:


Character Information:

Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?

Skadi wanted to improve her leadership skills further, which she wasnā€™t able to accomplish as just a second in command as the commanding officer above her always made the critical decisions which didnā€™t allow Skadi to experiment with her own ideas.

Skadiā€™s second goal was to explore the galaxy, the idea of leading her own vessel was very exciting and appealing to her, along with the challenges awaiting commanding officers of the USCM.

How did your character attain the position of CO?

Skadi Elsherā€™s rapid ascent to the position of Commanding Officer within the United States Colonial Marines was a culmination of exceptional leadership, notable achievements, and recognition by her superiors.

Skadi consistently demonstrated her leadership prowess in critical and high-pressure situations. Whether it was taking charge during the absence of a commanding officer or leading successful missions against adversaries like the CLF, her ability to make sound decisions and inspire confidence in her team set her apart.

Skadiā€™s track record was marked by a series of exceptional performances and notable achievements throughout her military career. Her success in various missions and campaigns showcased not only her capabilities but also her effectiveness in leading teams to success.

Provide a short story of your CO.

Command Actions:

When do you believe itā€™s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?

I believe its appropriate to pardon a prisoner as long as its in best interest of the operation, for example pardoning the ordinance technician for blowing up his lab on accident provided heā€™s capable of making proper ordinance after being released. [No more lab explosions]

I would pardon a combat technician taking spare equipment vendors from around the ship such as a tool vendor and a medicine vendor groundside. They are trying to help the operation, if weā€™re in dire need of equipment he doesnā€™t deserve punishment for providing.

I would pardon a researcher for creating greenos without my permission IF it was on accident, they were friendly and I received approval from USCM High Command [Sedition]

Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.

I would not pardon a quartermaster who wasted all of our budget on random, useless equipment as he purposefully lost all of our budget on unnecessary equipment.

I would not pardon an ordinance technician intentionally making the ordinance overly dangerous to wield, this results in high chances of mishandling and deaths

I would not pardon a rifleman for stealing someoneā€™s gun or attachments. Common decency, no good from a riflemen who just steals equipment from his comrades

When do you believe itā€™s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?

Battlefield executions should be used against individuals when military police are unable to carry out an execution themselves when repeatedly being harassed, or in life-threatening situations among other things.

I would execute a marine constantly interrupting my briefing. This actively makes informing marines about current plans/circumstances difficult.

I would execute someone sabotaging CIC. Heā€™s actively hindering the operation in possibly critical moments.

I would execute someone attempting to overthrow me. Someone attempting to overthrow me is a danger to the operation as heā€™s actively drawing the command staffā€™s attention from the operation towards himself and directly threatens the commanding officer [me].

I would execute someone for killing multiple marines with CAS or OB. There is a point where you have to receive punishment even if its accidental, especially when the casualties are double-digit.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.

I would not execute someone disrupting my briefing but stopping after a warning. If they understand they made a mistake thereā€™s no reason to shoot them over it.

I would not execute someone accidentally discharging their rifle at me or other marines. Accidents happen, let him off with a few pushups or let him free in general.

I would not execute someone for accidentally disabling a critical part of the ship. While it was a big big mistake, its still a mistake and that doesnā€™t mean we should shoot everyone for slightest overdoses and others.

Iā€™ve seen and roleplayed with Skadi Elsher multiple times in CIC while they were a SO or a XO. They are always in-character, communicate well, attentive and responsible when it comes to playing command. +1

Hey there! Iā€™ve seen you around multiple times playing command roles, and I canā€™t really remember any bad interactions or unpleasant memories with you. However, Iā€™ve found your pardon and BE answers pretty weak, they donā€™t tell much about your personality or how would you play CO. Therefore, I would like to ask you a few questions, Iā€™ll be glad if you answer them. However, you do not have to answer them since Iā€™m not a Councillor. Remember, there is no correct answer, but there are many wrong answers. Iā€™m curious not only about your answers to the questions, but also about what you were thinking while answering them, I would be glad if you add your reasons to your answers. Best of luck! :pray:

  1. During briefing, one Marine hits an another Marine with chair repeatedly, then you stop briefing and call the CMP over to hall, you point the Marine and order CMP to arrest him. CMP refused to arrest that Marine and leaves the hall. How would you react?

  2. The CL acquires a Xeno egg and is busted by the MPs and charged with sedition. The egg is in his private containment, but was never planted. The CMO mentions that the CL was asking about growing a xeno specimen, but since they didnā€™t have everything they needed for one, the conversation never got anywhere. The CL is appealing his Sedition charge, whatā€™s your move?

  3. Your SO accuses you of breaking SOP for wearing M46C in CIC on green and he says heā€™s going to fax to Provost about it, is he correct?

  4. Youā€™re a CO shipside handling an appeal. You speak with the prisoner who has committed a Manslaughter, as well as MPs who witnessed the arrest and youā€™ve decided to pardon the prisoner, believing that heā€™s a good guy who doesnā€™t have to be brigged over an accident. The Warden and CMP, however, disagree with you and not releasing the prisoner, claiming that you canā€™t pardon a prisoner who has committed a Capital crime, they are disrespectful to you the entire time, and the MPs are uncomfortable with both the CMP and MW. How do you deal with the CMP, MW and the prisoner?

  5. As the CO, you will be called upon many times to make the final decision on cases that are extremely complex and involve many parties, do you think that you have sufficient knowledge and experience to handle this responsibility?

Hi! Iā€™m glad to hear that youā€™ve noticed me! As for the questions, hereā€™s my take on them:

  1. During briefing, one Marine hits an another Marine with chair repeatedly, then you stop briefing and call the CMP over to hall, you point the Marine and order CMP to arrest him. CMP refused to arrest that Marine and leaves the hall. How would you react?

I would call additional MP members to handle the marine and continue the briefing! After the briefing is concluded I would have the CMP arrested for insubordination and talk with him to consider a demotion.

The head of the Military Police not listening is a big threat to my command and integrity of the department, if that was a one-time thing then he deserves a second chance, however, if he continues to disrespect me and refuses to listen, by all means, he deserves a demotion.

  1. The CL acquires a Xeno egg and is busted by the MPs and charged with sedition. The egg is in his private containment, but was never planted. The CMO mentions that the CL was asking about growing a xeno specimen, but since they didnā€™t have everything they needed for one, the conversation never got anywhere. The CL is appealing his Sedition charge, whatā€™s your move?

I would have the CLā€™s charge lowered to possession of contraband along with the egg being confiscated and brought to research for proper studies.

I believe the liaison does not deserve the sedition charge as he did not technically grow a xeno thus not putting the ship at risk, he did however I assume steal a xeno egg which is considered contraband!

  1. Your SO accuses you of breaking SOP for wearing M46C in CIC on green and he says heā€™s going to fax to Provost about it, is he correct?

Yes, he is absolutely correct, unless Iā€™m specifically seeking to deploy and preparing for that I should not carry around a primary weapon

  1. Youā€™re a CO shipside handling an appeal. You speak with the prisoner who has committed a Manslaughter, as well as MPs who witnessed the arrest and youā€™ve decided to pardon the prisoner, believing that heā€™s a good guy who doesnā€™t have to be brigged over an accident. The Warden and CMP, however, disagree with you and not releasing the prisoner, claiming that you canā€™t pardon a prisoner who has committed a Capital crime, they are disrespectful to you the entire time, and the MPs are uncomfortable with both the CMP and MW. How do you deal with the CMP, MW and the prisoner?

First, I would have the prisoner released as the only crime he committed is a manslaughter which is NOT a capital crime, I would then talk with the CMP and MW about their failure to follow lawful orders AND consider demoting them as not only did they prove they do not know the law theyā€™re supposed to enforce but also arenā€™t fit for leading their team, the CMP and MW are supposed to ensure the home of the Military Police is safe AND to guide their underlings, not use them as stress relief and something to yell at.

  1. As the CO, you will be called upon many times to make the final decision on cases that are extremely complex and involve many parties, do you think that you have sufficient knowledge and experience to handle this responsibility?

That is a very interesting question, I never had to deal with a situation Iā€™d consider extremely difficult besides the standard CIC task of guiding marines in tough situations, Iā€™d love to say Iā€™m 100% capable but you never know! I always played my part to the best of my abilities and delegated whats not for me to decide to appropriate parties.

To add onto that, you probably noticed I didnā€™t even consider using BE,
Iā€™ll add a bit expanding on BEā€™s on my own here!

I believe BEā€™s should be used to either:
A: Get the crowd to listen and behave, i.e during briefings when Iā€™m unable to perform it due to the amount of marines doing ā€œdumb shitā€

B: There is an immediate threat to me and others around me that needs to be dispatched now

C: There is no MP to handle the case in time and its incredibly urgent


this application feels so barebones and it comes off as low-effort to me. I canā€™t lie, it hurt me a little bit inside to read. I donā€™t think itā€™s up to standards. Refine the story, add MORE.

I see you doing Command roles frequently, and youā€™re writing a gloried character thatā€™s worked and earned their keep, but when I see you perform in game itā€™s just; ā€œYeah.ā€ I canā€™t lie, If I was asked to, I would not be able recall a single thing from your rounds that stand out to me. Callouts feel slow, and I think there is a LOT of improvement you could do both in your mechanical ability and character refinement.

I think I also see a few slip-ups in your rounds in your English, which can be a difficult language to a non-native speaker, so no shade there, but itā€™s better to practice avoiding these mistakes.

Iā€™m not saying to drop everything and quit, but Iā€™d definitely recommend showing you know what youā€™re doing. I have to give a -1 as it stands, but Iā€™d love for you to prove me wrong.

best of luck

While I do agree some rounds were slower on my end Iā€™m pretty confident I improved on that end, and yes sometimes my English is sloppy because I have to write fast so the announcements are still relevant!

no hate or anything,
iā€™m just trying to give you pointers on where to improve, iā€™ll definitely be watching and willing to change my opinion as i see you play.

Thanks! Iā€™m doing my best!

Iā€™ve had Skadi as my XO and SO for some time now so I figured it would be appropriate if I dropped my vote here.
From what I have experienced, they are a good roleplayer and capable XO and SO. Usually when Skadi is XO, I leave the operation to them so I can see how they will perform. Iā€™ve had to attend appeals in the Brig but they handled the operation very well without me.
Iā€™ve seen them as CMP too and no issues with them.
Slyoski mentioned some slip-ups in Skadiā€™s english which I agree, however itā€™s not that big of an issue and it does happen when you are typing announcements or information fast to relay it to marines. I myself make english mistakes when typing fast. Not a big issue but do seek to improve it during the application process.
Regarding your answers to Nessie, donā€™t forget that when a CMP or MP breaks Marine Law, they are to be charged with Neglect of Duty as an additional charge. If the MP or CMP broke ML in a way that interfered a lot with the round or a capital crime, you can also ahelp it as they arenā€™t supposed to do that unless in special circumstances like an event.
Iā€™ll ask you a question before I cast my vote. There isnā€™t a right or wrong answer but Iā€™d like to see what you think.

  1. What do you prefer? Winning a round for the marines or having fun even when losing?

Thanks for showing up, as to answer your question:
Back in the days I used to want to win which was about a year or two ago, I still canā€™t exactly tell how long ago but that does not matter anymore!

Currently, the answer is straightforward! Letā€™s have some fun! Dumb but interesting plans make the memorable rounds memorable in this game, the more the better in my opinion! Every round should feel special in its own sense.

Alright! Iā€™m very satisfied with your application and answers overall. +1 Good luck!

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Thank you!

While not a upholder of the whitelist, all my interactions with Skadi have been pleasent, while they were playing any of the command roles they did not disappoint in being a good fellow. Iā€™d happily support their behavior.

Good morning aspiring Major, I have some questions for you : D

You are holding a briefing in the briefing room when a Charlie marine walks up to the back door, deploys an m2c, and tap fires it to break the door then runs away. What do you do at any point during this process? As in, where would you take action, and what would it look like.

You order the OB cannon reloaded, and after 10min the MT Pvt. Greg Misfireowitz announces its reloaded. Your SO Greta Bjornsdottir dials coordinates on a reputable SLā€™s coordinates, and fires the OB. It lands far south and in the middle of the marine formation, killing 1/3 of your total force. The SO blames the SLs coords, the SL blames you and the SO, and the marines are pissed. What is your response?

The MP department has decided itā€™s time for the major ML debate of the round, itā€™s over whether the CL handcuffing a marine and mag dumping him with his non lethals over and over again constitutes assault with a lethal weapon or not. Youā€™re called in by the CMP to handle the appeal personally.

Youā€™re at the front leading the marines when you get burst in the back by an m41, the marine who burst you is wearing a backpack and a gas mask. About a minute later you are burst in the back twice while speaking to another marine just off the frontline. The marine who burst you goes Pvt Joseph ā€˜Fragsā€™ Officers says, ā€˜srry new,ā€™ before doing it to you again about three minutes later. At what point would you do something, if anything?


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Hello! Here are the answers to your questions!

  1. You are holding a briefing in the briefing room when a Charlie marine walks up to the back door, deploys an m2c, and tap fires it to break the door then runs away. What do you do at any point during this process? As in, where would you take action, and what would it look like.

I would have run out and deployed my telescopic baton the moment I realized what was about to happen as the marine presents imminent danger to not just the commanding officer, but all the officers in the bubble.

If I say wasnā€™t able to run there in time as the marine has already deployed his machinegun I would shoot him with my revolver [or whatever long-range stun tools CO gets] to stun him and prevent him from firing his gun!

If the whole situation played out as you said in the scenario I would order the MPs to charge him with disorderly conduct and damage government property

  1. You order the OB cannon reloaded, and after 10min the MT Pvt. Greg Misfireowitz announces its reloaded. Your SO Greta Bjornsdottir dials coordinates on a reputable SLā€™s coordinates, and fires the OB. It lands far south and in the middle of the marine formation, killing 1/3 of your total force. The SO blames the SLs coords, the SL blames you and the SO, and the marines are pissed. What is your response?

I would have ARES tell us how many fuel blocks were loaded with the OB, assuming it was loaded incorrectly the MT would be brought to justice.

  1. The MP department has decided itā€™s time for the major ML debate of the round, itā€™s over whether the CL handcuffing a marine and mag dumping him with his non lethals over and over again constitutes assault with a lethal weapon or not. Youā€™re called in by the CMP to handle the appeal personally.

Now I would classify this entire case as a textbook example of where to apply the ā€œcrimes against humanityā€ charge, with that being said I would order the CMP to clear the assault charge and charge him with crimes against humanity as shooting someone continuously with non-lethal weaponry multiple times is meant to cause suffering.

  1. Youā€™re at the front leading the marines when you get burst in the back by an m41, the marine who burst you is wearing a backpack and a gas mask. About a minute later you are burst in the back twice while speaking to another marine just off the frontline. The marine who burst you goes Pvt Joseph ā€˜Fragsā€™ Officers says, ā€˜srry new,ā€™ before doing it to you again about three minutes later. At what point would you do something, if anything?

At first, I wouldnā€™t react and continue my duties as friendly fire incidents happen on the battlefield very often, however, after the second attempt I would execute him for an attempt at my life as we were not on the front which means there was no xeno presence, his name suggests heā€™s a griefer targeting me and he shot me twice which means that wasnā€™t just a missclick.

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Also, forgot to say earlier!
Thanks for the +1 Frost!


Answers were good besides the first, you canā€™t use the mateba as a stun weapon. GL Captain.

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Alrighty! Iā€™ll keep that in mind even though it seems appropriate to respond to immediate threat to my life with a gun

Itā€™s in the CO guidelines specifically.

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