Sparkii - Commanding Officer Application

Commanding Officer Application - Sparkii

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Skadi Elsher

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?

Command Knowledge:

How familiar are you with command positions?

I am familiar with most if not all, command positions in this game. Most of my experience is in Squad Leader and Executive Officer positions.
I’ve spent plenty of time observing COs at work, like Newmann, Dafoe, and Calhoun.

Hours in XO:


Hours in SL:


Character Information:

Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?

Skadi’s first fantasies of conquering the stars showed during a cold night on her homeworld, on a mountain while stargazing with her family when a dropship flew past them. This sparked Skadi’s interest in exploring the sky which caused her to join the USCMC. At the time of her enlistment, the USCM struggled with manpower in the sector. This prompted the corps to rush the training of many aspiring officers and enlisted men alike due to rising CLF activity in the sector. Skadi was one of the highest-performing candidates due to her quick learning skills. This inspired her further to get her own vessel to explore the vast space.

How did your character attain the position of CO?

Skadi was part of what people called the “90-day wonders” This program was meant to produce trained officers in just 90 days of training! It had obvious drawbacks as the majority of officers were not sufficiently trained, not Skadi. Skadi’s sharp wit and quick learning were massive boons in the academy, resulting in her training being as effective as that of a fully trained officer with the usual academy time. After she got out of the academy she continued to impress with how quickly she adapted to the needs of her troops as an overwatch officer granting her a swift promotion to a captain and the XO of the vessel. She continued to perform above and beyond being capable of running operations on her own letting the CO handle shipside and diplomatic matters in sticky situations which served to further speed up her military career landing her the CO position and a promotion within a year of captaincy.

Provide a short story of your CO.

Command Actions:

When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?

Pardons are a great tool for letting good men get out of jail early and benefit the marines in combat.
With that being said the pardons should not be used constantly to release combat-capable marines, they should be used when you as the CO believe the marine in confinement didn’t mean anything malicious, sometimes it’s best to let them go with a slap on the wrist and let them redeem themselves on the ground or in their assigned duties, I would simply talk with the marine to understand him and make my judgment from there.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.

I would pardon someone for beating up a marine that griefed the requisitions line. While it wasn’t the best move it helped marines get the gear they needed to do the mission.
I would pardon someone for shoving a DCC excessively or some officer who constantly flashed marines at the briefing. Just like the above, I take it as an alternative justice.
I would not pardon a new player accidentally committing manslaughter, they are new but that does not mean I can let them get away with injuring others.
I would not pardon a marine deliberately injuring another with a chair or another weapon during a brawl, while combat is expected they shouldn’t be trying to kill each other.

When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?

BEs, like pardons, are powerful tools with many useful applications, ranging from enforcing authority to protecting allies in danger.
BEs should be used as sparingly as possible due to their consequences on the player receiving them. Being removed from a round negatively impacts the player and shines a really bad light on the CO and the whitelist as a whole which is why I’d ask myself these 2 questions before I execute someone.
Were there MP’s and would the outcome be more beneficial if I ordered them to be arrested?
Was it an enemy that would be better off dead for my team or perhaps just someone deliberately griefing the round by killing people around me?

Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.

I would execute a marine who opens fire on a group of MPs that are executing a controversial arrest. While the arrest may be unjust I cannot allow marines to intervene with violence, this would not only put lives in danger but also the MPs authority to enforce the rules.
I would not BE a marine fighting another marine without the intent to kill.
Brawls may get violent but that is expected in a penal battalion. Marines will often need to vent due to frustration or disagreements and fists are one of the best ways for them to settle it, when someone reaches for a gun its a different story though.
I would not BE someone in the presence of MPs that are capable of arresting the individual. BE’s are an effective but boring skip of the justice system. It’s better to simply order an NJP or arrest and let the MPs handle it along with a warning. Should they continue causing problems and preventing me from leading the marines I would execute them myself.


Have been tutoring Elsher for some time now, and am always impressed by their ability as an XO. The story is fine and the answers on BE are sufficient in my eyes.

The pardon reasoning is icky, but can be straightened out as the groundfloor is there. Generally, intent isn’t what matters, rather their likelihood of repeat offending and the groundside situation making it a necessity, or otherwise a quite major, good reason to do so.

Besides this though, I’m leaving my +1 for all my good experiences with them. They won’t do any harm to the whitelist.


+1 skibidi Elsher is a really good XO and a recognisable CO. And even when i see them as a RFN or deployed CO thier really robust definitely a good fit for CO

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The curse has reached CM forums

[ty for +1 by the by]

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Seen and interacted with Skadi Elsher plenty of times and they know how to roleplay. They were grinding XO about a year ago back when I was grinding out SO and I upvoted their application then so here I am doing it again, best of luck! +1

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I’ve played with Skadi a lot as SO, they are great. Would love to see them in the whitelist

Good luck pal c:


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Solid XO from what I’ve experienced. Not one who is skittish about making tough judgement calls when things get interesting, and tries to use logic in their decision making. +1


So, I gave myself to think sometime to think over if I should respond in the first place BUT, for the sake of Roleplay standards and the high regard the WL has I thought I’d voice my opinion. I’ll start by stating an incident that had occurred, which in itself was quite significant, during Round 25702 on Solaris Ridge and then other aspects I would highlight as well.

You, as Executive Officer during the operation under Major Aalto, kept overriding orders that were given to you by Aalto. An example would be during that round you ordered marines to pull back to FOB, just after Aalto ordered marines to attack an area. You kept up this pattern of attempting to override his command even later on when Aalto was ordered to not detonate the Nuke on the planet due to a small operation from “High Command”, you kept ordering the nuke to be deciphered and detonated repeatedly when Aalto kept on saying to stop. And to add the cherry on top of everything you, as a Captain decided to insult High Command openly on Comms, which they listen to. To me this shows a low standard of RP

There are other aspects, an example being deploying and just focusing on frontlining rather than attempting to coordinate and analyze the front. I’ve mentioned this to you before about “tunnelvisioning” on LRC and it hasn’t really changed. Another example being contradiction of orders
and/or misinformation, where I have experienced first hand, was a case of stating the totally wrong location of xenos. During Round 25440 on Kutjevo, you had informed and announced the xenos were to the far south of botany and were moving to the comms relay south east of LZ1, which was blantly wrong due to the xeno presence being at medical and resulting in a few marines killed.

With all this stated I am going to -1 your app. I hope you improve from this or maybe I just saw you at your worst or you have ironed these out as I mulled over the everything I highlighted.


User has a tendency to field deploy as XO and get captured / killed in a unrecoverable area, leading to a breakdown of command and morale.

Not the first time, its happened multiple times; I CBA to find all round ID’s but those who know, know.

Fix your habit of frontlining as a deployed XO and focus on actually commanding as the strongest traits of XO / CO is their orders, full vision due to binos, tablet for general announcements to get marine attention to critical information, a beacon for SL’s to rally to when times are tough, all comms, and final decision on what marines should overall be doing.

Not pushing with a Mk1 and hoping people will follow you. And if you DO push like this, be damn sure others are following you, as your death is a huge loss overall to marines.


Heyo, thanks for the feedback and comments you two. I’d like to explain some of my reasoning and clarify some things though.

This is half true as yes I did go against Aalto’s command due to confusion on my end among other things. We cleared it up post round and I understood his reasoning.

The high command part is a complete lie, as it was a MARSOC captain who did not understand something I explained and later commented about on the radio.

As I do not record every single round nor have the memory to remember them all I will assume you and Swagile refer to my “training” rounds, those rounds were about 20 days ago? Something around this time.

Those rounds were more of a test if I was good at it and while I wasn’t at the time I feel confident in my abilities now. I had plenty of time to think about how to run groundside command more efficiently and learn what works and what does not.

If stars align I’ll try to prove both of you wrong regarding that.


Hi, apologies for the delay in reviewing this app, New Year’s happened and everything and I didn’t want to put 2025 off to a start like this. However, the Council has determined that while you have the energy and the enthusiasm we love to see in a CO applicant, we generally find you still have a ways to go in terms of the following:

  • Commanding Officers are given special tools and provisions like BEs/DAs/pardons, yet what we’ve noticed in your application is you generally seem on the hesitant side to use them, while simultaneously issuing a pardon to someone who is doing excessive shoving or usage of the flash; this demonstrates a willingness to commit a crime again and shouldn’t be granted a pardon, at least in our eyes. We’d recommend looking into the nuance of pardons and BEs more and be able to gauge how threatening a person is vs. their willingness to reoffend.

  • Some Councilors have noted a lack of presence or engagement during your time as SL & XO, appearing, quote, “out of it.” As CO, it’s important to maintain a thorough presence at all times, making sure you are constantly engaged and concentrated on the operation. While we’re not asking you to put as much concentration as, say, being on an actual battlefield, we would suggest being more active and reactive in how you lead. Maybe you are! In which case good on you. But it’s still something to note.

  • Councilors generally haven’t seen you enough as XO. Whether or not this is a timezone issue I’m not sure, but playing while your application is up to the best of your ability is one of the key ways you can get support and vouching from the Council especially. If you can, the rounds around 6-11 PM EST have the highest concentration of people who are watching out for up-and-coming XOs, so maybe consider playing a round or two around that time.

I will make it clear: you’re almost there: you have community support, as evidenced by this application, and you are clearly putting effort into the app, which we truly respect. But we think you need a bit more time before we can be confident in our decision to accept you.

With all that said, the Council has unfortunately found it best to deny your application for now.

Due to the delay in this application process I’m going to allow you to reapply 30 days from January 1, which would be on or after January 31, 2025.

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