especially often if you have been declared excommunicado by xenocords and theres bounty on you to blow you up with hedps whenever possible
(though you can probably unlink the fling pouch somehow, i just dont know how exactly)
especially often if you have been declared excommunicado by xenocords and theres bounty on you to blow you up with hedps whenever possible
(though you can probably unlink the fling pouch somehow, i just dont know how exactly)
where can i find the xenocord hitlist? i know for a fact i’m on it
Asking where you can find it adds a star next to your name on said list.
My two default loadouts right now are:
Light Armour
Shotgun Shell Ammo Belt
4 M41Amk2 EXT Mags [goes in webbing]
Webbing [get this from the later vender for free first before buying 4 est mags]
Shotgun Scabbard [on back]
Pills and First-Aid Pouch [for pockets]
M41Amk2 [load in the ext mags]
-Magnetic Harness
-Flashlight Grip
M37A2 [get slugs]
-Reddot Sight
-Angled Grip
Goal: Be a Good Support Fragger!
Use the m41a for any xeno that is to much of a hassle for the shotgun, usually T3s and Queen. Then use the slug m37a2 for knocking down warriors and such when they pounce on fellow marines or if you can help marines get more shots onto xenos by stunning them in place for a bit longer.
Light Armour
Ammo Rig Belt
4 AP M4RA Mags
Webbing [optional for more ammo]
Pills and First-Aid Pouch [for pockets]
M4RA [load AP or whatever]
-S8 8x Scope [Optional]
Goal: Long Range Support Sniper!
I use this loadout when I see that it would be a map that would be great for sniping.
I also sometimes get a S8 8x Scope and keep it in my armour for when boilers are sieging fob.
Rate my loadouts!
He is good as dead. A living corpse.
i was already a highly targeted xenocord individual. it’s joever for me guys. i’m going to have to go into hiding.
Magharnessed item goes on ground for a split second, explosion reaches it in that split second, checks to destroy it, then destroys it before it slings back into suit inventory
It’s so incredibly annoying when it happens
Combat tech loadout - Multitool in my armor, wrench and welder in my m2c ammo belt.
double gauze, MRE, binos, and splints in my webbing. Extra bic and kelo injector in helmet.
Can replace the stuff in your backpack with metal if you feel like building (lol)
Rifleman Bipod HPR Loadout (Support Gunner)
I’ve put it through a lot of iterations, this is my main HPR loadout when I don’t use a breaching shotgun. The M4A3 with spare Hollowpoint ammo serves as a excellent self-defence weapon against most T1s and T2s, and it can put a dent in some T3s, this is due to the fact a bipod HPR has a bad rate of fire when not using a bipod, so you are very vulernable when on the move. The Machete is for clearing resin environments quickly. All the ammo I carry helps to keep me on the frontline, the items in the webbing are self-explanatory.
The key to the loadout is to set yourself up with a porta-cade near the front, or at a defensive area, and to suppress the enemy and hurt over-extending targets. Silencer HPR means xenos won’t know the damage they are taking.
Based HPR load out + beautifully organized visual. I give it 4 FF’s out of 9 Unga’s. 10/10
Honestly what I take depends on my mood:
The contents of the helmet, webbing vest and armor remain the same, with the difference that this time you use a light armor.
On the M41As attachments: Extended barrels, Relex sights, M41A Solid stock, and angled grips. You MUST use burst firemode, it shreds and that’s why you have a reflex sight as well. Also if 40 AP shots prove lacking to finish of a beno you can just Q → E → Z and finish the job (Z → X → E → X → E → X → Z if you actually have hands unlike me).
On a sidenote, PLEASE alt-click your in-hand gun when you are in the almayer or set as an active hand the empty one. I once nailed the ASO with a missclick on a hangar brief, shit got unfun real quick.
AHHHH, I see you’re a user of the restrictive loadouts [loadouts that uses one of your hands permanently]. Good to see the konami code like X,Z,E combos appearing here.
I actually have another good old loadout:
Light Armour
General Pistol Holster Belt
1st Aid + Pills Medical Pouches
Black Webbing vest [optional for more ammo]
-{Cram Mod88 mags anywhere where they would fit}-
4x Mod88s [Two in your satchel, One in your suit, One in the belt]
-Extended barrel
-Laser Sight
-Reflex Sight
-{Attachments do not need to be on all the pistols}-
Goal: Melt Xenos!
What you would do is take both of the pistols from your satchel in both hands and shot apart any xenos in your way. Then when those are out you would do; E, X, E, X, E, X, E or E, X 4x or E, E, X, E, E or E, E, X 2x. This would put your used guns into your satchel, and draw out your other two guns from your suit and belt slot [I remember I could do this in like 1 second], then just continue shooting while retreating usually cause you would be out if those run out. I used to melt T3 xenos with this loadout before the accuracy of dual wielding the Mod88s where nerfed severely. Another added benefit of using this loadout is that if you lost an arm, you can just use the guns with one hand which made them deadly accurate and still pack a punch.
very funny right up until you get pounced and lose the USCM’s $6000 M2C or your RTO pack and your sentry gun. wtf are you doing. get a tools pouch and a drop pouch and change out for an HPR, sentry in the drop pouch with a multi and then you’ve got a shitload of ammo that fits comfortably in the armor. blowie in the heavygunner belt. screwdriver ear as pictured. rest in the tools pouch, multi in the drop pouch. lose all the trash in your RTO pack and forsake the RTO pack because you’re not RTO.
what in the heavygunner belt?
da fakkin blowie
RTO backpack ain’t coming with me on the frontline usually. I’ll usually drop it off a lot further back and see when/where I can deploy my sentry
valid but still i cannot abide by your inability to have empty hands
Yes usually i prefer empty hands. When I do I’ll just deploy my sentry at the FOB
this is why none of you are real fraggers
Head: M10 Pattern Marine Helmet with splint
Armor: B12 Pattern Personal Armor with MRE+binoculars
Armor slot: MD
Uniform: webbing filled with tools
Belt: M804 Heavy Gunner Rig
Back: M56D!!
pouch: med injectors pouch+flare pouch