Rate the loadout

This is why you don’t get kills bro. No instantly available weapon is crazy.

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Here’s an unoptimized messy FTL loadout

For saving points skip the pistol toolbet and just get a regular pistol belt and use webbing for tools instead of a drop pouch; it’s both more space efficient and costs 15 fewer points you can put into something useful, I just go this way because I like how the sprites look.

Quick and dirty rifleman loadout

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black hazard vest and an M37 with only buck, as many roller beds as i can fit on my body
simply do not get pounced, easy
2 fast u furious


this mans worst enemy is stray offscreen AP ammo




you will have to run for ammunition in 10 minutes from the start of the sortie

Nice necro, however replacing them with CAS flares and Laser designator would make the load out much better.

Light armour
No helmet
Flare Pouch
Flare Pouch
Flare gun holster w/signal flares
Flare gun holster w/normal flares
Flares in my armour
A bag full of flare resupply boxes
RTO backpack

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