rattybag - Player Report: Don’t remember. It was the ASO., Rule 11 - Malicious Compliance, Rule 3: don’t be a dick.
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Emmanuel Eggbert
Accused character name:
Don’t remember, it was the ASO.
What rule(s) were broken?:
Don’t remember. It was the ASO.
Description of the incident:
Rule 11 - Malicious Compliance, Rule 3: don’t be a dick.
I am making this report over 24 hours after the round ended so some details might be fuzzy but this is what happened from my POV:
Played the round as CE, woke up and did my usual stuff, set SMESes, upgrade the alamo, check the OB, set the AA.
After that I went and checked in with CIC and saw we were pretty understaffed (only XO, a SO who seemed pretty new and me in command)
I went back to CIC after brief and helped out with overwatch, ended up firing the OB for the captain as the other SO didn’t seem to be paying attention.
After that we realised that req was not staffed and I got permission and access from the XO to go there.
On the way there the ASO (who I didn’t know existed up until this point) said on the radio not to come to req and do other stuff (I was already there pretty much so I went anyway just to understand the situation and see if I could help).
As soon as I got there the ASO was rude to me and immediately told me to deploy (which I thought was ridiculous given the ship was understaffed at that point). I said that I didn’t want to (I was actually lagging and the reason why I picked a ship role and not marine) and they ordered me to so, I said fine or something similar and went to go prepare and headed to my office to grab my armor etc.
After that I went back to req to grab a few things I needed to deploy and the ASO threatened to have me arrested for not deploying (I clearly was in the process of getting deployed as I had armor equipped now). I was pretty frustrated at that point so I told them to have me arrested (I can’t remember verbatim what I said).
This ended up with MPs arresting me for… something? Also the ASO got arrested too for prevarication. Oh and the marines never got a single supply drop the whole round.
I have placed this report under rule 11 as I believe that it may fall under the malicious compliance:
Malicious Compliance is using IC Military Law to impose excessive punishments, make an arrest on a technicality of someone non-disruptive who is acting in good faith, or causing intentional delays in the jailing and appealing process.
It did not make sense for me to deploy as CE at that moment, and I do feel like this player was ordering me to in bad faith in order to disrupt my round. The FOB literally did not have supplies, why would you deploy the CE when this is the case???
Otherwise I believe it may not be allowed within SOP/ML…
Finally if neither of the two mentioned categories suit, I believe this report may ultimately fall under Rule 3: Don’t be a dick.
I do not understand whether or not the ASO is allowed to FORCE me to deploy as CE, and I am unable to determine whether this is the case or not after seeking clarity by asking in discord. However I speculate that this may not even be allowed based on a users messages in LRC.
I would like some clarity as to the expectations around deployment as a member of command, specifically CE as this is not the first time I have been ordered to deploy when I really don’t want to, and is why I like to play shipside roles when I am having lag issues so I don’t have to deal with being deployed.
Edit: I did get a response on the discord regarding ML, apparently it is allowed to order CE to AO as ASO there was some confusion from a previous rule that had been removed last year. Although, I still cannot find a specific rule regarding forced / ordered deployments in ML or SOP so it’s not really clear to me.