Re-add squad comms to Corporate Liaisons

Listening to squad comms was one of the best ways CLs had of learning how the op is going. The command channel is not always full of relevant information. CIC staff certainly do not want to give constant updates to us on what is occurring. Liaisons lack the ability to view helmet cameras.

Besides learning about the progress of the op, it also hurt RP. There have been many ops were I have put bounties out on specific tasks via squad comms (a single message; not spam). E.g. $5,000 to the marine that brings me the colony’s blackbox, $10,000 to anyone who kills the Jamaican, etc. I have also learned about many potential mutinies via listening to squad comms and been able to update WY about it.

Please consider re-adding squad comm access to the CL role.


“,abcd charge” - liaison


“,abcd MPs have no right to arrest me after I shot one of them ded for fun, break me out of brig!!!”-CL

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“,abcd charge” - liaison

A liaison that abuses comms in that fashion should be warned and eventually banned from the role.

“,abcd MPs have no right to arrest me after I shot one of them ded for fun, break me out of brig!!!”-CL

That CL is getting warned/banned for killing the MP, going to perma, AND having their headset rights revoked by the MPs.

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There’s this thing called “humor” and “not everything that somebody says is an argument against you”


I have you know satire is a very serious matter


Dont listen to this guy, he’s the one who removed squad comms and research grants from the CL

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This was such a strange removal, I almost never saw it abused. I think it should be returned, no idea when it got taken out. It’s fun to talk to squads and banter throughout a round.


Reminder that CL can contribute nothing to research anymore and you should immediately kick him out as soon as you can as researcher before he sabotages you in some way

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Reminder that as a CO, you can legally bar the CL from exiting his office, or go to any of the departments (If the department heads unionize, they can just simply bar you out from their respective department)

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Reminder that CL can contribute nothing to research anymore and you should immediately kick him out as soon as you can as researcher before he sabotages you in some way

I would like to revert the removal of research grants as well but one thing at a time.

Reminder that as a CO, you can legally bar the CL from exiting his office, or go to any of the departments (If the department heads unionize, they can just simply bar you out from their respective department)

Liaisons hate this one simple trick!


Consider the following: CL Briefcase Radio Keys by blackdragonTOW · Pull Request #5063 · cmss13-devs/cmss13 · GitHub

I did not approve of the removal but this is a good medium. Good PR man.


If the CL doesn’t make you want to kill them just as much as the marines wanted to kill Burke in Aliens, then why the fuck do we even have the role?
Give them squad comms back so they can shill their cryptocurrencies and ponzi schemes during firefights or the staff are admitting that CM is a TDM and not an MRP server.


Most friendly CL-Marine interaction


Inb4 liaison’s ahelp and then immediate update to CO whitelist rules

“CO may not bar people from travelling in common areas…”

It actually doesn’t make any roleplay sense whatsoever for the Liason to not have squad comms in their default headset. Just limits potential roleplay.

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