RealLord - Synthetic Application

Synthetic Application - RealLord

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?

Saul ‘Astra’ Winton

What whitelist applications have you previously completed?

Synthetic Info:

Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:

Cruise (not a top gun reference)

What is your Synthetic’s Personality?

Cruise’s personality is very friendly and extroverted, but at the same time - he is cocky and selfish. He thrives in informal conversation, using quick-witted humour to break the ice. His selfishness, on the other hand, is displayed in the most harmless of forms - by his habit of talking to, and encouraging himself.

Another part of his quirk is that sometimes he plays into the idea of being a lifeguard, additionally using water-themed puns and metaphores.
Apart from that, when push comes the shove and his lifeguard duties are required, he acts quickly and efficiently, and doesn’t lose his focus until everyone is safe and sound.

How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?

Cruise is a 3rd generation synth, whose civilian background is a combination of a watersports (swimming, surfing, diving) coach and a lifeguard. If you hear kids playing in the water - Cruise is usually stationed nearby. You can find him in seaside colonies, swimming pools and even cruise ships (hence the name).

Cruise, naturally, is interested in everything regarding water-sports, as he was programmed to make all of them sound exciting, so people would pay for his lessons, thus making his owners some easy money. His conversations with the marines would often play into his coach side, I see him teaching Privates CPR or offering them swimming lessons (especially on New Varadero).

When talking with Enlisted, Cruise would lean into a more informal conversation, positioning himself as a friend/mentor. He would call marines by their first name or callsign.
Dealing with USCM Officers, however, would force Cruise into a more formal setting. While still promoting his diverse coaching capabilities, he would act a lot more submissive, calling officers by their rank and last name, or just “officer”.

“Keeping an eye on the tide, so you can ride the waves”

Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?

I genuinely adore the idea of playing as an artificial person. A common trend I notice about myself is that regardless of the storyline, movie or game, the synth ends up being my most favorite and relatable character. Some of you might know of a sci-fi tabletop roleplaying game called Mothership, it gives players a chance to roleplay as a synth through a DnD-like adventure. And it’s so much fun!

Apart from the obvious roleplay uniqueness, I also want to play as a CM synthetic because I am a support main. Seeing what things synths manage to do to help the marines - I am really excited to try it for myself.

I would love to explore this ultimate support role and challenge myself with some intense roleplay, I think I am more than capable of taking it a step further.

I think you should whitelist me because I can add something unique to the marine experience. My synth’s quirk adds a variety of possibilities to roleplay with marines, which would improve the overall experience of playing CM. It’s the little things that matter in forming good memories and experiences.

I also think that this whitelist keeps the bar high when it comes to approving people, and I would really like to become a part of this little comminuty of high-level players (mechanically and roleplay-wise)

What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?

I remember once playing as a CMP and having a hostile synth in my brig. I think she was a UPP combat synth, but I’m not sure. Me and my MPs made stupid mistakes letting her escape a couple times and she effortlessly sent out asses to oblivion again and again. Nevertheless, between those cursed combat instances, I really enjoyed her roleplay, like she was trying to convince us to open her cell using different excuses. She showed me an undying and persistent thirst for USCM-blood. It was iconic.

Synthetic Character Story:



I am no stranger to cade-theory. I am familiar with the popular cade blunders such as FF-inducing middle-placed folding cades, I keep in mind compartmentalization, avoiding boiler-killboxes and corner-slashing. Additionally, I can perform such crucial tasks as comms and APC repairs without trouble.


To quote my fax responder application, I have gold hours as ASO, which helped me get a grasp of CiC. I feel quite in touch with everything Command-related, even if I learnt it from a side-perspective. I can do supply drops, OBs, know my way around a CIC and all of it’s consoles.


I am quite confident with my medical skills. I have no problem treating multiple critical marines and doing multilimb surgery, as well as reviving 800+ damage marines. All surgery steps are burned into my mind. I almost never run out of medical supplies and tend to not die first. I communicate clearly when and why I need medevacs and try to grab marines’ rifles so they don’t get melted by xenos.


You will not find me spending budget on sandbags or MREs roundstart, let’s just say that. Being a gold ASO, I am used to having to man the line and make FOB/frontline crates. I can also raid prep for loose ammo, SG drums, and other supplies…So yeah, quite familliar indeed.

What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.

First and foremost, if I am bodyblocked by a xeno and cannot easily escape. No comments.

Secondly, Cruise would for sure bash a runner or a lurker a couple times if they try to stop him from carrying a marine to safety. His priority is saving a human’s life, not farming T1’s for roundend stats.

Thirdly, like with the dying marine, if Cruise is tasked with a critical mission (repairing a pump, or comms after hijack) the outcome of which largely affects the mission/lives of the marines, he would engage in combat and make a stray xeno fall back to regen while he completes the task, should any interference occur.

Final Info:

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?


Are you currently banned from our Discord?


Let us know why you were discord banned.

It’s a medical mystery :slight_smile:

Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

Regardless of the verdict, I would love to get as much feedback as possible, especially regarding my in-game performance, so I can improve on any shortcomings. Thanks!

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Baywatch synth just dropped.

+1. The man can RP.

Please tell me this is a joke.

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I’ve rarely seen Saul as groundside support roles such as comtech or HM before posting this personally

That being said, interacting with them as ASO and CMP has shown them to be a great role player, and I love the premise behind “Cruise”, the quirk and theme is unique and charming.

+1, and best of luck!


Hello. At this time this application is being denied, you may re-apply in 30 days.

  • When you are writing a story, this is a showcase of the personality of your particular character. If they are destroyed or captured by hostiles, that individual’s history and personality is rendered moot because even if they are repaired or recovered, they have to be reset from factory standard which deletes the personality you just spent a whole story arguing for.
  • In the combat scenarios, there is missing detail in the second one which could drastically affect the permissibility of actions taken.
  • There is concern about priorities and execution of support duties, noted over-aggression in combat medical in particular.
  • Engineering needs work. We strongly recommend spending a lot of time in bravo engineer building FOB, and in going to comm practicing getting power systems online and fortifying a field position with minimal resources.
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