Removal of carpotoxin from fish dishes

Carpotoxin i believe originates from space carp in the code and i think that if the chef is provided carp its from like an actual fish instead of a space carp so i would remove carpotoxin or just make a distinction between regular carp and space carp meat so chefs dont just poison people.

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Carpotoxin is awesome and removing it is stupid (funny research chem requires it)


from what I vaguely remember of carptoxin on /tg/station it should make you appear to be dead but actually you aren’t

is that how it works here too?

Carpotoxin just deals toxin damage it can be removed from the dish with the use of syringes which for some reason requires medical skill. Else I would love to see a culinary method to remove carpotoxin from space carps


we demand our exotic space fugu!

The only problem I’ve had was with specifically eating it raw at the fishing spot on New Varadero, as a survivor you can get very hungry and it looks very tempting to eat that raw fish. But yes it’s a very pointless thing having it be toxic still, changing it wouldn’t be hard.

Raw fish/meat dangerous to one’s health? Impossible

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Restaurants issue a warning for a reason.

This was resolved by Food processor can be used to remove carpotoxin and acidic blood with master domestic skill #5577.


Excellent, thank you.