Removal of nurse and replacing it with a doctor tutorial that unlocks the doctor and researcher role.

I’ve noticed from this round just today of 4 SHIPSIDE doctors AND a CMO all failing to fix a simple heartbreak, I do believe this is caused by the usage of Nurse AFKing to get to that role… for some reason.

The tutorial would allow these players to learn with guidance not moderated by mentor activity or such, this could be slapped on after the medical training part of the marine tutorials, just like the abomination tutorial being required to be played through before being able to become one.

That’ll be all of my take.


Imo to learn anything in this game you gotta do it. Nurses are like privates. Every now and then they SSD or do something stupid. It’s natural for a new player. Only difference being that you somewhat need the nurse more than the private. To take away the time it takes to get acclimated to the server through those beginner roles will do more bad than good. I agree however that we need nurses and anybody who is somewhat more important than a rifleman to be able to get more help to figure out the game. Often there are no SEAs and the CMO or the other docs have no time to help the new nurse. At least for medical I think an ingame automated tip system maybe somewhat like goon would be of great benefit.


Nurse it self is a really nice low stakes medical rp role. We honesly need more non mission critical roles on the ship not less.


I like nurse (silver medal in it, last I checked) - simpler solution than removing it is to lock doctor behind time and the tutorial. I like nurse because it’s low-stress, good RP, and a nice non combat support role. It doesn’t need removing, and I rarely see people AFKing in it. New players are just new. That’s how it rolls.


Hard no. Why should a role be removed due to the incompetence of a few? That is wild.

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Doctors suck at job ----> we should therefore remove nurse, a role that can not perform surgery and is basically a glorified chemist.

honestly if people can’t even be bothered reading the wiki for help fixing heartbreak i doubt a tutorial is gonna help doctors save others.


Why not both? Keep nurse but add the tutorial requirement on top of the nurse time.

There have been too many damn times where a doctor has no idea how to do basic surgeries.


I’m not even joking about the following: Actually have shipside punish unreasonably useless medbay staff IC. Have doctors get jailed and demoted for severe incompetence. Have some stakes in a role that IC is literally about the life or death of dozens of patients (marines) per op.
Have CMOs actually try to assess the ability of each doctor and nurse. I collectively have some 180 hours in shipside medical roles and I can tell you that the only thing demanded to shipside medics is to not smoke when there is a particularly annoying MP.


No, full stop.

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I learned Doctor by reading the wiki and on the job with 3 people with 5 fracs and 1 of them having a larvae in him back when Doctors were literally Gods and if you had none the op was over, since fracs and delimbs happened often back then.

A tutorial would be nice, but without the removing nurse part, since its a good way to ease yourself into the role instead of learning it how I did, since not everyone learns under pressure.

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This tbh. I’m convinced that some docs are played by household cats, who randomly jump around the keyboard. I don’t know if they’re drunk, high or stupid, either way 15 mins of jail time should force them to read a damn wiki

  1. The CMO lost his instruments. Man literally stood in the OR with surgical tray on the table, then he ran out of the OR, approached the guy
    and started screaming about “Where tf my instruments are?!”
  2. The first doc had the spirit - he actually started an operation. He operated the guy right then and there, on the floor. The thought of pulling them into OR never came to his mind. The thought of strapping him to a roller that was right underneath - don’t even mention. Then he fixed the chest frac, without fixing the heartbreak. Bro really just fixed the bones… Without organs themselves. And cauterized the incision with clear conscience
  3. Second doc has started in the right place - in the OR. Where he dumped his tray’s contents all over the floor and got lost in the depths of his own mind, without ever moving since that happened
  4. Fourth doc stared. Bro just *stare for the whole ordeal. Neither he approached nor left, he just *stare

They all need a medical jban for this bullshit, I swear


no no, we just need them to all work on a single patient at once, and let their powers combine to be one good doctor


I mean, if you combine first doc’s instruments, second doc’s love for operating tables and CMO’s knowledge - that three-headed King Ghidorah could probably act like an average silver doctor

Shamefully, we can’t combine people into a Megazord. We can’t even punish bad docs properly, cuz they’re officers and poor NCO MPs struggle to deal with them



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As a doctor main with almost 400 hrs that also mentored some newer medical staff when CMO was too lazy/huffing glue, I will have to disagree with you for few reasons:

  1. We already have a tutorial option- It’s called Professor DUMMY (and SSD marines if you feel particularly vicious).
  2. Nurse is a nice, laid back role if you want to do shipside shinenigans or HRP without hampering the marines too much- A nurse not in their workstation isn’t as bad as a doctor skipping a shift, especially with situations where time is key, like larva removal or heartbreak as you mentioned.
  3. While I completely agree with you that lately the average skill of a medical personnel has reduced dramatically(you know who you are), removing the nurse role would get more doctors without significant experience fighting for the same role (especially in high pop).

Medical isn’t hard, with decent communication skills, dedication and foresight everyone can be a decent doctor at the very least.


Actually, if we had good books on brig’s recreation and some extra procedures to train that kind of people, arresting them and influencing them to read a book (wiki) and/or advise them wouldn’t be a bad idea (if done right).


Not a bad idea Mason.

No, problem is twofold. Too many nurses with no time actuallly doing the work and no surgery experience

Solved in two parts:

Increase nurse time required to doctor

Allow nurses to do surgery on dead people similiar to cadavar practice that medical students do. If that doesnt appeal… then allow surgery on the training dummy


Nurse is a beginner role.
Not a tutorial role.

These roles arent there to make sure people know 100% how to do everything they need for the proper role.
They are there to give people a low pressure enviorment to experince the jobs in that department.
Something that allows them to play in that department without needing to meet some criteria.

Wich is why its so popular to play those roles beyond learning.
A lot of people dont like to feel pressured to play optimaly. Wich easily happens if your roles performance has great impact on other players performance.
But they still like the envorment of that job.
Those beginner roles are great for that.

Actually, on another server i was on there was a problem with beginner roles being 80% people that knew how to play and just took it to RP. Taking the roles from beginners. Was easily fixed with more slots.


I’d like to disagree, but I don’t play shipside doc much, so idk. If it really is the case - CM has fallen, millions must burst

I’m not into removing the nurse entirely, but it clearly isn’t serving it’s main purpose - xenoagents still get to doc and CMO positions with ease