Remove lesser drones

You can discard your rights to respawn as a xeno, or marine and then you will be able to observe everyone.


I personally think with the systems we have now, we currently have a specific issue with ghosted people using lesser and facehuggers to target specific people, and enforcement of rules is non-existent in these areas.

I personally believe having faction observing for people who are - Freshly dead (Not perma), people less than 5 in the Xeno Queue system, and ensure people who are observing other ghosts or the opposite faction, must wait 5 minutes before spawning in as a facehugger or lesser.

It is something which has only got worse in years, I even had a round the other day where I mentioned someone was diving the hive, and saw multiple lessers suddenly appear and huggers after they briefly observed me and the situation.


If this is your answer to stopping lesser uavs from popping up. Someone can literally stream their screen and just tell you where someone is while a player just waits to spawn as a lesser.

That is not a longterm solution. I wouldn’t even call it a solution to begin with.

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So… MTs? They grief like lessers, they die quickly like lessers, they are as obedient as lessers, and we react like the world is an utopia whenever they actually do something useful… like lessers.


MT’s are cursed in not having a gameplay direction at all, apart from loading OB there isn’t much they are expected to do.

Replace lessers with an AI hoard that can be summoned by the Queen.

Replace player-controlled MTs with an AI horde summoned by the Queen to wreck the Almayer.

Speaking of which, I think it would be cool if queen was able to provide support when there’s a shipside burst, let her remote build in a 2 tile radius when spectating the almayer xeno or something, or heal it, I assume she can’t do that at present? I never see ship xenos get any help. Maybe just make it more expensive in plasma because of the long distance factor.


nah it was explicitly removed, the ability for queen to heal or give pheros or build from the planet

it made the on ships too strong, especially the heal

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One thing i love lesser and hugger now is that you can finally see how often marines meta when they are dead and get info while they wait for defib. You see when marines die in frontline its obvious you see they observe front to see whats there and then get defibbed. As bad huggers and lesser do it, is equally the same issue that marines does exactly the same. Its weird how they know the near perma dead is and suddenly after getting recovered they beeline there. Me who was in the pre hugger/lesser era, im happy this proof the issue and honestly need to be fixed BOTH sides.

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The thing is, it’s not an equal issue. If a marine metas, they see that there’s a rav there. Great! That’s not particularly useful information. When a marine permas off in the middle of nowhere, you don’t need to ghost to find that - Command should be telling people where there are people dying.

When a lesser metas, it can effectively ruin a scout’s entire plan, or even the entire round if they drag another xeno there. A group of marines who are flanking to go and break the comms pylon or raid the hive will get spotted and die because of the meta lessers. When Xenos flank, it shouldn’t matter if someone is able to meta locate them and see that they’re flanking, because not only do marines have binoculars, more people to spot, command, etc, they’re doing it fast enough and with enough confidence to attack the frontline, so knowing that they’re about to do it is not useful information.


You do not control when you get defibbed and nobody gets killed intentionally to check what is happening on front.

There isn’t also much information that learned as ghost and then given to Marines few minutes later would break xenos. They are too fast and don’t hold anything permanently that isn’t already obvious.

With lessers it is watching frontline as long as you want, searching for anything interesting, finding it, then immediately spawning as lesser, entering tunnel and then going there, this can be done in less than a minute.

Also, there are already plans about fixing this for both sides, “ghost allegiance” where if you want to spawn as xeno, you are retricted to weeds and observing other xenos and simillar for marines.


What if we instead allow them to evolve into drones after a long enough times having survived?


Can’t wait for lessers AFKing in hive for 15 minutes to become a drone.


I actually think this idea has merit, but it needs a bit of tweaking. In order for the lessers to “evolve” the survival time would need to be based off of proximity to marines or maybe line of sight to marines. A bit of risk/reward play. This would help prevent what RainbowStalin was concerned with, lessers AFKin in the hive.

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