Remove lesser drones

They’re an artifact of a compromised vision for CM that never really fit it well. Also now there’s PVE CM exactly for that vision and there’s really no reason to keep the lessers in normal CM.

They take the job from the normal drones, metagame or just annoy marines by rushing them.


One of the best changes in my opinion for CM.

enjoyable to play as a lesser. Finding an open vent that leads into FOB and speed running it every 30 seconds is fun.

Playing as marine and being constantly attacked by something i can reasonably kill in a few shots is significantly more fun than firing marshmallows at bullet sponge xenos in hellchokes.


iMpRoVe NoT rEmOvE!!!111111oneoneone111!!11


idk after tailstab nerf how do you die to lessers lol


I don’t. What I do lose my bones to is lessers rushing and some baldie unloading his entire mag into me missing them.

But in the end, I just don’t think that lessers add anything good to the game.


i mean you may of had a point at one time. but after the lesser nerfs I.E no talking for a few mins of spawning, lower HP, loseing HP off weeds, no cluster building, the weed chaining they have to do, lower lesser cap.

really they can be a pain at times but that only if you are being really dumb or they are in a intermixed with full xenos.


i dunno lessers are pretty useful when a lot of the drone castes have died out, for weeding and basic fortifications.

plus I think the more people aren’t stuck in dchat the better

they did get like massively nerfed


but in all seriousness i think a better solution would be to add lesser marines :heart_eyes:


*monkeys with guns


Yeah lessers used to be a lot more frustrating, but nowadays I think they’ve been tweaked to the point where they feel quite comfortable as a minimal impact soul role. It fulfils the original PR’s intention of making the hive feel more like an actual swarm, and gives ungas stuff to shoot. Whether they hit or not is less a problem with the lesser, and more a problem with the fact that marines are well, marines.


Unironically I think this would be an extremely fun rare ERT.

Planet of the apes type vibe.


there is an admin only monkey ERT

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Lesser swarms in waves which can be bought with royal resin rather what we have currently. If there’s not enough ghosts to take the lesser role, then A.I should take them and follow around a designated lesser player or something, or be controlled by the Queen in some way.

The whole idea of lessers is nice, but I’ve always imagined them spawning in massive swarms in some form.

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Why can’t people just keep their swarm ideas to the PVE version? Horde gameplay, as the old led dev of CM Neth once put, “sucks”.


Current lessers barely count as a “horde” as 90% of the time they matter the maximum limit is 2 or 3 lessers.


That’s my point too! They’re a compromise that doesn’t add anything useful to the hive and take the balancing space that you can use to give xenos something interesting, or at least some buff.

The only people who like them are those marines who can’t kill the normal xenos, but those marines generally want all xenos to be nerfed to the lesser drone level and there’s the PVE server for them now. With it existing I just don’t see the point of diluting the OG CM vision to accommodate those people.


I don’t like lessers really. Always got to be monitoring for the meta boys using them.

I kept suggesting to remove them but was told, no, we are working on a “faction ghost system” so that people who are opting into xenos can only be a ghost on weeds so they can’t scout around for flanks and then respond by spawning in.

Similar thing planned for marines I believe as well so they can’t go around looking for flanking xenos or whatnot

I’ll wait to see if that happens or not


Doubt that this system would work. It’s not like cheaters can’t just get their agents on the other side by spawning as a hugger then dying or spawning as a PFC, then instantly cryoing and ghosting. Would stop normal marines scouting the hive on death, but that’s about it.


It stops the passive metagaming to a big degree. The kind where you die, look what the other side is doing cuz why not, learn their situation and their strats without actively going after it.


faction ghosts sounds totally awful as someone who likes to observe