Remove New Varadero from Lowpop Rotation

I can’t take it anymore! Lowpop New Varadero! AHHHH! I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE!

This map isn’t designed for lowpop! It’s a LITERAL FOB siege simulator, where marines land and instantly enter a siege thanks to medical and engineering being filled with chokes and crevices for xeno ambushes and holds.

If you are xeno, the best thing to do is wait for marines around medical or engineering depending on LZ site, and grind them down until you have to fall back, or marines bleed so much men to the CQC fighting they can’t hold the FOB anymore.

I honestly can’t think of a similar situation on any other lowpop map where xenos hold literally one screen from the FOB every time post-drop. It’s an FOB siege from start to finish, the frequency of it being unique to New Varadero.

Please, for the love of god can we move this map from the lowpop map rotation, or rework it? It’s literally meta for marines to OB or clear the entire region south of Pontoon LZ (or flatten South B-Ball if Palms) just to avoid dealing with medbay/engineering being miniature hives for xenos.

I remember when NV’s modern rework first came out, I didn’t see a single marine major for fucking days.
It’s only gotten slightly better as people have learnt how to approach it, but it’s still a nightmare FOB siege sim day in and day out.

That’s just my two cents, and I’m curious about what other people think about NV, so please vote on the polls :frowning:

Which faction do you think New Varadero is biased towards (if any)?
  • It’s easier to win as the USCM on New Varadero.
  • It’s easier to win as the Xenomorphs on New Varadero.
  • New Varadero is unbiased.
0 voters
Should New Varadero be removed from lowpop map rotation?
  • No, NV should not be removed from lowpop.
  • Yes, NV should be removed from lowpop.
0 voters


Can we just remove NV from the game entirely? It isn’t exactly a good highpop map either.


Wait till Drulikar hears about people who don’t vote getting their vote randomized by the system


NV is a marine biased map, but marines just suicide into the first choke instead of using fire support. Also LZ1 is arguably even more defensible than LZ1 on CC (which is extremely easy to defend), because there are no viable flanks.

To win NV you just need to OB med before marines suicide into the choke, and then it’s an easy marine major. Everything except caves is CASable. Only thing you need to win is to adapt, but instead of trying to think outside the box marinemains can only complain.

I remember when old prison was perceived as extremely xeno biased map. Then marines learned to use thermite and suddenly started to win every prison round by rush.


what are you talking about jessie

NV is like trijent for me. The only reason marines lose is due to their utter incompetance.

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So when voting for map you get a ton of “Random votes” for maps that had like 0. I presume this follows the people who don’t vote and the system just takes their vote and throws it in

No, it’s not random votes. It’s old votes. Past votes accumulate until the map is finally voted for. So if you vote shivas 30 rounds in a row, shiva will have 30 votes after 30 rounds.


Which is a shitty system that shouldn’t exist. I don’t care if I have to play LV and Solaris forever, it’s better than having to ever play NV.


I will now vote NV just to spite you, and everyone who votes LV (They all hate NV).


conflicting because lowpop NV means you don’t need to build as much as Queen which is a huge benefit.

NV must go

LV/Solaris/Old Prison eternal rotation my beloved

New Vera is very fun…if you’re a medic, because you will never have a fucking down time


Only thing I dislike about New Vara is having to fight in the rain as a Marine during the mandatory FOB siege. Gets quite annoying.

Once more, NV enters it’s Xth rework as is CM tradition

I don’t see why NV can’t be taken offline while the rework is being finished like all the reworks before though.

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Let’s be real, if fire support and OBs were actually utilised every round on lowpop marines would fucking stomp. But they don’t, because it’s lowpop and the 2 people who actually play mortar / CAS / spot / call in OB are asleep or ERPing in xenocord.

On paper, marines have an insurmountable advantage on every map (Walls do not matter, you can turn everything non-indestructible into flat ground, XM51, BC, C4, CAS, mortar, OB), in reality on lowpop you’re lucky to even see half of these get used.

Problem being, when marines win on NV it’s mostly because of fire support morbing xenos or xenos being ultra-ultra stupid- I swear NV is the map that requires fire support the most, making it ill-suited for lowpop imo.


Even commtechs can man mortar, not to mention FTL and SLs so I don’t think there is a good excuse to not use firesupport.

Yes, commtechs can use mortar, yes FTLs and SLs can use mortar but it doesn’t mean mortar will be manned on lowpop.
Can engineers, specs, SLs and FTLs build cades? Sure. Will I always have some of these guys on lowpop? Yes. Does that mean FOB will have 1 line of cades 10 minutes into lowpop? No.

My point is that out of all the roles capable of fire support, only a small fraction actually uses it- And that fraction is small enough such that on lowpop, it’s quite regular to witness a complete lack of fire support.

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