Remove the ability to speak of facehuggers and lesser drones.

These roles pull heavily from dchat and are rife with meta abuses and backseat gaming, toxic attitudes and I think it serves no purpose to have them speak, I’ve lost count of the amount of times a hugger spawned to report a flank, or a lesser spawned to scream scout in hive. I just don’t like dirty tricks on either side and when the huggers get a hug or die, or lessers die you get an alert to the location/hug so we have no real reason for them to speak. I appreciate theres 1/10 huggers that aren’t complete animals but we need a training role for xenos too.


Just PR it. Should be dead easy

Good idea, but perhaps just huggers, as lessers are “less” of a problem with that kind of abuse. Either way yes please do.

On the one hand, this does resolve an easy abuse issue.

But I do like the fun RP that can come out of Lessers and Facehuggers. Sgt Facehugger inspiring the troops is always amusing to see, before they get domed by a single M41A bullet.

I would state that players should just report issues of metagaming from Lessers or Facehuggers, but in reality I know that’s not viable, and that the line between one of these role metagaming, and them acquiring genuine information, is very blurred.

Personally, I’d advocate for removing playable facehuggers, but aside from that, I do think restricting their ability to speak would be a possible good idea.

Let them keep emoting, if someone wants to metagame via emotes, it’d be easier to notice.

This really seems like overkill. Most huggers and lesser drones are not metagaming, when they speak it’s either just fun chatter or it’s IC strategising/coordinating, giving tips and stuff like that.
If people are metagaming report it, if a hugger spawns in and calls out a flank that they had no chance to witness IC that’s a clear cut 100% case of metagaming and the logs should prove so. I’m no staff member but it doesn’t seem hard to ban someone for that as long as people are reporting it, and I’ve seen reports like that get accepted.

Let them keep emoting

Huggers cannot emote, if you try it just does the reeee sound. And before you ask, yes I am talking about /me and not just stuff like *roar

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Quite the opposite, huggers cannot use hivemind, so lessers are a way bigger problem. At least remove hivemind from lessers.


xenoid lesser uav hardcoper detected

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Just ahelp and report the folks you see do it.

I don’t think removing all huggers and lesser players abilities to talk because of a few meta tards.

Its also not going to stop them going to the person and dieing or developing a means of communication via wiggles and dances like bees guiding the hive to a new nectar source.

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It’s better to prevent people from getting banned from a recurring issue. Then letting it sit here, removing the perms for ghosts to speak is good.

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You say that like huggers/lessers talking is inherently a rule break. It’s only a small portion of people that use them to metagame. Might as well stop players from reading deadchat until they perma because some people use that to metagame. Might as well remove looc because some people use it to metagame (before someone thinks I’m being serious, those last 2 sentences are sarcasm)

Yes and if we force them to have much more SPOTTABLE ways of the meta abuse then it’d be easier to report, I’ve reported so many huggers but I’d never be done making player reports, they spawn and walk into claymores just to remove claymores, as queen the other day I KNEW hive was flanked but a vet/baneful facehugger came out of a morpher in Filt and said “FLANK EAST”, and with an entire hive to try keep alive my first thought isn’t always “okay lets get this little shitter warned” also @Rena You do realize that the only reason LOOC doesn’t work when unconscious is THIS reason exactly? So you might be being sarcastic, but some dev was being serious with marines abusing it, and I see it too much.

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And now I can’t say GG as roun anymore, literally 1984.

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Sure lessers and huggers don’t need to speak but this is a social game and being able to talk to others is fun. It’s not only for chatting, as a lesser you might want to ask someone to designate a cluster so you can fill it, or volunteer to take a cap to the hive, or beg a burrower to make a funny fob tunnel, or any other kinds of coordination. As a hugger you might want to coordinate with another caste to help get caps, or even just ask where the talls are or what tunnel is best to use. You can also thank people if they save you or compliment them if they do something really well, or give them advice if they seem to be new and don’t know certain things. Like these things I’m listing aren’t niche rare things, these are the kinds of normal interactions that happen literally every round, and being able to talk to people like this is part of what makes CM what it is.

It feels like you’re acting like this barely affects anyone who isn’t metagaming but that’s just so far from the truth.

If you think it’s worth the tradeoff then fine but don’t act like talking in a social, team based, RP game like this doesn’t matter.

limit the face huggers speech to a single word, they only have a smol basic brain.

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I see where you’re coming from and you make valid points. But honestly I think the pros of removing the talking outweigh the cons. Also you can always point/emote at Xenos to get their attention, they’ll probably understand.

Literally two rounds after something like this is merged everyone will understand if you see a drone do the Konami Code dance theres a flank or something.

You saw multiple incidents of meta gaming and thought that nerfing the only way for round removed players to continue to play was a better alternative to reporting an in-game character that would have no plausible deniability for which xeno it over watched or how it would know immediately on existing that one of the four specs were scout, let alone immediately nearby?

Every marine is capable of metagaming with a similar delay to lesser drone, to an effectively limitless degree as revives are practically infinite. Additionally the marine has the plausible deniability that they have experienced the trends of the round. A lesser drone or hugger are created out of thin air and should only be able to act to their perceptions (a problem that solves itself).

NGL as a marine player remove “ghosting” until Perma’d. UAV sucks for all sides. Remove ‘lesser/hugger’ speak and non-perma’d rine ghosting.


You can respawn as a normal xeno too.