RenMagnum - Commanding Officer Application

Hi. So the CO Council has reviewed this application and you, the applicant. Here’s what we have to say.

First of all your story shows great effort and it’s clear you have the passion and drive, that’s always good to see from an applicant. It’s also seen that the community has some vouches for you.

However the Council has reservations when it came to your behavior - councilors have observed several instances of LRP, strange announcements (constantly announcing in all-caps is questionable), alongside a lack of information when outputting said announcements, especially during hijack. The BE example about “cowardice” and hints about a commissar-esque style of discipline also raised some eyebrows. As said above, being a CO is a high-roleplay, high-standards role, and anyone we cannot trust to always uphold that standard will have their suitability for a promotion brought into question.

The Council overall just does not believe you are a proper candidate for promotion yet, and we would recommend ironing out your roleplay standards and developing better communication in command. You’re improving, though, and you’ll definitely have a better chance in the future if you work on the points we’ve mentioned, seeing as the community support for you is already there.

Unfortunately we will have to deny this application for the time being. You may reapply in 30 days on August 23, 2024.


Added co:approved and removed co:waiting

Added co:denied and removed co:approved