Commanding Officer Application - RenMagnum
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
What is your timezone in UTC?
Player Name You Use Most?
Ren ‘Sigh’ Valoris
Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:
RenMagnum - Timed Ban Appeal | Griefing 3 day ban, lifted
RenMagnum - Job/Role Ban Appeal | Job Ban; Permanent, Lifted
renmagnum, Ren Magnum - Discord Ban Appeal | Discord Ban Appeal, Lifted (Got hacked but got my account back)
Have you been banned in the last 3 months?
If so, why?
Was banned as CL I believe 3 months ago due to nearly blowing up the OT Office. Was unbanned though and didn’t cause further issues.
Was also banned for 3 days as Pyro Spec for flaming people behind me when I was aiming for a lurker infront. I assumed it was a bug in-game which was later proven incorrect by an admin and was accredited to a mis click. I was however unbanned due to it and there were no further issues after.
Command Knowledge:
How familiar are you with command positions?
Very Familiar. I play as XO a lot and play a lot of leadership roles like SL. I keep checking comms a lot, know how to load OB and set AA and use the command tablet. I am familiar with the Marine Law and know when to escalate things.
Hours in XO:
89 Hours
Hours in SL:
205.2 hours
Character Information:
Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?
Everything is written in the Google Docs link below. I’ll label it Document Number 1, 2 and 3.
Document 2 is the document that lists down Ren’s military history
Document 2: S.W.S. 7787839-2 - Google Docs
Document 3: S.W.S. 7787839-3 - Google Docs
How did your character attain the position of CO?
Document 3 is where the primary document that lists down how he would attain the position of CO, IF High Command gave it the green light.
Document 3: S.W.S. 7787839-3 - Google Docs
Provide a short story of your CO.
Document 1: S.W.S. 7787839-1 - Google Docs
Document 1 is the front page of his OCS record and has the link to Documents 2
Command Actions:
When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?
I believe it is appropriate to handle an appeal before pardoning them, as knowing the cause of their imprisonment is vital before letting them out. They are there for a reason. If the Operation calls for it, like the CAS Pilot being imprisoned, I will question why they were imprisoned and use my judgment to pardon them or not depending on the crime. Major Crimes are a different matter, and I can’t imagine Ren pardoning any prisoner that has killed, sabotaged or threatened a Marine. DASO is something Ren can overlook as he believes insults are nothing more than mere words, unless it gets really personal.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.
One time as SO, Ren heard a report that Research grew Greenos in their lab despite him denying it. Since it is already in our knowledge that Xenomorphs are too dangerous to fight, growing some onboard is a massive hazard. Thus, the Researcher who grew it was brig’d. Committing acts of Sedition or breaking any Laws intentionally with malicious intent is something that Ren would not pardon. They know what they are doing and pose a danger for the Marines around them.
There was one time when the XO asked if the Scout would be willing to be part of Echo Squad as a sort of Recon and Coordinates provider for CIC. The Scout agreed however it was discovered that the scout broke a few windows and was arrested for Damaging Government Property. The Scout requested for a pardon but was not granted one since only the XO was present at the time. If Ren Valoris was there, he would Pardon the Scout, however would still warn them not to do it again.
Sometimes the OT Workshop would explode maybe due to the OT accidentally mixing too much Fuel in ANFO. Normally this would be a charge for Damaging Government Property but given how it was an accident and was not intentional, Ren would pardon him but would be demoted and prohibited from working in the Workshop as they are clearly unfit for duty after blowing up the workshop.
When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?
Major Ren Valoris would utilize a battlefield execution when:
The lives of the Marine Corps or the staff of the USS Almayer are placed at risk
An attempt is made to undermine the operation at large
Acts of Cowardice, Desertion or Betrayal against the Marine Corps
The safety of himself or his command staff is placed at risk
As long as their intentions are made clear that they are actively trying to undermine the Marine Corps, the Almayer and the lives of the people onboard, then Major Ren Valoris will undoubtedly conduct a battlefield execution on them.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.
One time Charlie was ordered to hold the backlines, however refused to comply as the main force was advancing stating “Command We are pushing them to caves, screw you we can win this ourselves!” and start advancing with the main force despite being told to hold and fortify the backline. The Queen shows up behind them and kills half the force. If by some miracle the Charlie SL survives after destroying the Hive, a battlefield execution will follow.
SADAR on the frontline accidentally shoots a Marine with a WP Rocket while aiming for a Warrior, burning himself and the other Marines around him. People start pointing at the SADAR for shooting however the SADAR reported that they did not intend to shoot the Marine and continuously told them to “Make way!” Ren will have no justified reason to execute the SADAR as they already gave Marines the heads up prior to firing.
If an SO fires OB without my approval and ends up killing the front, then that is enough justification for Ren to call for a battlefield Execution. An SO should know that pressing the OB button could determine the fate of the battle and should be taken very seriously. Ren also believes that the execution of an SO who just bombed the entire front and killed Marines would raise the morale of the troops.
In the event of a FOB Evac, the PO locks all the doors as Marines are pouring in despite the Xenos being held back and taking off, leaving many more on the ground. While refueling, the FOB is wiped and all the Marines left behind who still could have been saved have perished. Only at this time, with great disappointment would Ren Execute the PO for desertion. Ren does not tolerate Cowardice, especially when it gets Marines who could be saved, killed