RenMagnum - Commanding Officer Application

Commanding Officer Application - RenMagnum

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Ren ‘Sigh’ Valoris

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

RenMagnum - Timed Ban Appeal | Griefing 3 day ban, lifted

RenMagnum - Job/Role Ban Appeal | Job Ban; Permanent, Lifted

renmagnum, Ren Magnum - Discord Ban Appeal | Discord Ban Appeal, Lifted (Got hacked but got my account back)

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?

Was banned as CL I believe 3 months ago due to nearly blowing up the OT Office. Was unbanned though and didn’t cause further issues.

Was also banned for 3 days as Pyro Spec for flaming people behind me when I was aiming for a lurker infront. I assumed it was a bug in-game which was later proven incorrect by an admin and was accredited to a mis click. I was however unbanned due to it and there were no further issues after.

Command Knowledge:

How familiar are you with command positions?

Very Familiar. I play as XO a lot and play a lot of leadership roles like SL. I keep checking comms a lot, know how to load OB and set AA and use the command tablet. I am familiar with the Marine Law and know when to escalate things.

Hours in XO:

89 Hours

Hours in SL:

205.2 hours

Character Information:

Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?

Everything is written in the Google Docs link below. I’ll label it Document Number 1, 2 and 3.

Document 2 is the document that lists down Ren’s military history

Document 2: S.W.S. 7787839-2 - Google Docs
Document 3: S.W.S. 7787839-3 - Google Docs

How did your character attain the position of CO?

Document 3 is where the primary document that lists down how he would attain the position of CO, IF High Command gave it the green light.

Document 3: S.W.S. 7787839-3 - Google Docs

Provide a short story of your CO.

Document 1: S.W.S. 7787839-1 - Google Docs

Document 1 is the front page of his OCS record and has the link to Documents 2

Command Actions:

When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?

I believe it is appropriate to handle an appeal before pardoning them, as knowing the cause of their imprisonment is vital before letting them out. They are there for a reason. If the Operation calls for it, like the CAS Pilot being imprisoned, I will question why they were imprisoned and use my judgment to pardon them or not depending on the crime. Major Crimes are a different matter, and I can’t imagine Ren pardoning any prisoner that has killed, sabotaged or threatened a Marine. DASO is something Ren can overlook as he believes insults are nothing more than mere words, unless it gets really personal.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.

One time as SO, Ren heard a report that Research grew Greenos in their lab despite him denying it. Since it is already in our knowledge that Xenomorphs are too dangerous to fight, growing some onboard is a massive hazard. Thus, the Researcher who grew it was brig’d. Committing acts of Sedition or breaking any Laws intentionally with malicious intent is something that Ren would not pardon. They know what they are doing and pose a danger for the Marines around them.

There was one time when the XO asked if the Scout would be willing to be part of Echo Squad as a sort of Recon and Coordinates provider for CIC. The Scout agreed however it was discovered that the scout broke a few windows and was arrested for Damaging Government Property. The Scout requested for a pardon but was not granted one since only the XO was present at the time. If Ren Valoris was there, he would Pardon the Scout, however would still warn them not to do it again.

Sometimes the OT Workshop would explode maybe due to the OT accidentally mixing too much Fuel in ANFO. Normally this would be a charge for Damaging Government Property but given how it was an accident and was not intentional, Ren would pardon him but would be demoted and prohibited from working in the Workshop as they are clearly unfit for duty after blowing up the workshop.

When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?

Major Ren Valoris would utilize a battlefield execution when:

  • The lives of the Marine Corps or the staff of the USS Almayer are placed at risk

  • An attempt is made to undermine the operation at large

  • Acts of Cowardice, Desertion or Betrayal against the Marine Corps

  • The safety of himself or his command staff is placed at risk

      As long as their intentions are made clear that they are actively trying to undermine the Marine Corps, the Almayer and the lives of the people onboard, then Major Ren Valoris will undoubtedly conduct a battlefield execution on them.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.

One time Charlie was ordered to hold the backlines, however refused to comply as the main force was advancing stating “Command We are pushing them to caves, screw you we can win this ourselves!” and start advancing with the main force despite being told to hold and fortify the backline. The Queen shows up behind them and kills half the force. If by some miracle the Charlie SL survives after destroying the Hive, a battlefield execution will follow.

SADAR on the frontline accidentally shoots a Marine with a WP Rocket while aiming for a Warrior, burning himself and the other Marines around him. People start pointing at the SADAR for shooting however the SADAR reported that they did not intend to shoot the Marine and continuously told them to “Make way!” Ren will have no justified reason to execute the SADAR as they already gave Marines the heads up prior to firing.

If an SO fires OB without my approval and ends up killing the front, then that is enough justification for Ren to call for a battlefield Execution. An SO should know that pressing the OB button could determine the fate of the battle and should be taken very seriously. Ren also believes that the execution of an SO who just bombed the entire front and killed Marines would raise the morale of the troops.

In the event of a FOB Evac, the PO locks all the doors as Marines are pouring in despite the Xenos being held back and taking off, leaving many more on the ground. While refueling, the FOB is wiped and all the Marines left behind who still could have been saved have perished. Only at this time, with great disappointment would Ren Execute the PO for desertion. Ren does not tolerate Cowardice, especially when it gets Marines who could be saved, killed


Not sure what’s up with that message thing below my answer for the BE stuff (Or maybe that’s just me seeing things), but anyways, here’s my playtimes for Marine


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Hello there, giving my 2 cents on your pardoning and BEs

You can’t pardon sedition so no need.

ML stated that DP leaving FOB that was breached is an example of NOT desertion. And in your BEs examples you bypassed MPs which isn’t a good sight.
My suggestion would be try out MP for some rounds as CO is expected to know ML.


Cool, high effort story and supporting documentation, really awesome to see.

CO is an HRP role, and you’re expected to be playing the role of a senior officer. With this in mind, thoughts on your going /me farts and other shit like that as XO?


Cheers for the reply. For the BE and MPs bit, I always put MPs to mind but it seems I may have forgotten to put them in since I revised that part way too much. MPs after all, are there to enforce the law and I believe that we should hear their report and charges first before doing the BE if the situation gives us the time to do so. Executions are matters that shouldn’t be taken lightly since you are literally killing someone IC.

As for Sedition, it is a Capital Crime and cannot be pardoned. I’m well aware of that but thanks for pointing it out.

However, I just want to point out for the DP part, yes, it is actually not Desertion when launching the DS without proper reason for doing so (I overlooked that part in the ML while writing this, apologies), but it should be noted that in the event of a FOB Siege/Evac, DPs are expected to hold until the launch order is given or until FOB is breached and xenos are inside. The fact that they left the planet while Marines were still in the process of loading up and repelling the xenos, and compromised the evacuation plan which led to the deaths of all Marines still groundside once FOB was breached would be enough justification for Ren to commit to a BE.

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Yes, CO is a very respected and HRP role as expected for WLs. As for my emotes, I never really do those when I’m in Command Positions since having a goofy character in charge of Marines doesn’t really provide a good narrative for the game. Yes, people in-game do goofy emotes sometimes and I won’t deny not doing those emotes as CL (I apologize for that tho), but you shouldn’t really play the game if your whole purpose is to just goof around. I only ever really sigh.

Didn’t you do /me farts during the memorial service as XO

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Oh yeah, I remember that ONE time I emoted next to a CO that round. It’s not what my character is all about tho. Plus, I believe the last time I did that kind of emote was about a month ago and I don’t see myself doing it again, especially as CO. Gotta raise myself to a higher standard! sighs

Sup basically to add on what George said a lot of eyes are gonna be on you 24/7 in round. Players. Staff Members. Other WL dudes. If you had done *me farts as a CO, a lot of people would be unhappy. Maybe someone holds a grudge against you or just COs. Reported. Maybe a staff member feels you weren’t HRP enough. Reported. Maybe another CO feels you’re representing the WL poorly. Reported.


There’s a concern of you being LRP and it might seep into your command playing, which ain’t a great look and hopefully you can prove us wrong.

While we claim XO is a HRP role, CO is a whole other ball park of roleplaying. Minor stuff you can get away with as XO will get you in trouble as CO. I’ve had my fair share of reports, and they’re not something you want to go through.

Really great story through, it shows you made it with passion and the aliens universe in mind. You’ve set a new bar on stories for the future. It has 100% helped you being taken serious as an applicant, and I hope you can prove everyone wrong on the LRP claims while your apps up.


Can you elaborate more on this, what other situations other then a PO leaving early would you class as cowardice worth of a battlefield execution?

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Yeah, the story and documentation really shows you’re actually serious about this, so I reckon if you avoid doing le funny emotes as XO or whatever you’ll be able to convince the WL cool kids watching you that you’ll be a good fit.
I’ve seen you around enough as XO and SL to know that you’re competent enough, so I look forward to another lowpop CO, hopefully!

Fingers crossed, goodluck Ren!

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Sure. I’m pretty sure we all know what Cowardice or Desertion is, but just to elaborate, Desertion according to the ML is leaving your post unauthorized without the intention to come back. Cowardice is not really a Crime in the ML, but it can be correlated to Desertion as it can be interpreted as “you ran away from your post you coward!” This happens quite a lot but on the rare occasions it can lead to Marines losing the Op. Take for example, at one OP Charlie was supposed to be securing Hydro in LV because the Queen was recently spotted there. They do hold there and fortify it, but the SL decided to go to the front unauthorized which made the entire Squad follow them. Queen shows up with the Hive, captures Hydro and kills the front from behind. I can’t remember which Operation was this, but the point is that you are ordered to do something for a reason, and you shouldn’t abandon post without asking Command.

Acts of Betrayal is basically a Marine going against the interests of the Marine Corps or humanity itself. Xeno agents or Thralls (I believe that’s what they’re called? If I remember correctly Preds can revive dead Marines and turn them into agents.) are an existential threat to the Almayer and its crew and Ren would see it fit that they are killed for the safety of the crew, assuming they are discovered. Marines that join are secret agents for CLF or UPP (Basically admin events) that are actively committing acts of Sedition or Sabotage could also be interpreted as Betrayal and Traitors to the USCM is something Ren does not take lightly.

Thanks for the insight! I know I did some goofy stuff before with some emotes, however ever since I started making my CO app nearly a month ago I knew what I was getting myself into and stopped. CO is a role that takes a lot of responsibility after all! Plus, as some of you may know, I have a way of roleplaying especially as CL and I want to up my standards more to provide a good atmosphere for those around me. I even started doing some heavy CAS larp whenever I GP lol (I have a notepad for calling in firemissions). I hope this will clear up some issues with me doing some LRP shenanigans. If not, then I’ll prove it in-game!

This guy seems pretty solid as marine, I see lots of people commenting on LRP behaviour so I’ll try to observe him as he’s playing.

Make sure to play XO during your application, if you do good you will beat the LRP allegations.

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Hi there!

Thank you for applying for CO WL, I know you’ve been working on it for quite some time.

I’ve had my beady eyes on you for a little while now, as well as that of others im sure, and I’m super impressed with how far you’ve come as a Commander over the past few months.

I knew you as a comrade before I knew you as a friend, so I feel I can be objective in the feedback I am about to give you.

First things first, reviewing your pardon and BE examples

I have already taken up the opportunity to privately discuss and pick apart your BE and Pardon examples prior to your submitting, and I am happy with how willing you were to receive and discuss criticisms throughout that process.

Overall, while I think you could have benefited from some more legally diverse examples in both categories, you have still been able to provide some great responses to the scenarios you’ve set.

For once, I have no complaints that haven’t already been posed to and addressed by you privately.

Nice work!

Addressing the Elephant in the room: complaints of LRP

I think its no secret at this point that people have taken issue with some of your behaviors in the past, for good reason. While I’m not going to go into pinpoint specifics, since I’m sure we both know what I’m referring to, I’d like to give you a broad warning for the future, as well as a public defense.

About two months ago at this point, I took the time to personally reach out to you and give you fair warning that particular inside jokes of yours were likely hurting your reputation in the eyes of others, and was not a good look for an aspiring Commander.

Since we didn’t know each other super well at the time, I was impressed with how professionally you were able to process my feedback, and accept potential areas to improve. You demonstrated a willingness to self-improve and reflect on your actions, understanding how they may appear from my point of view.

This shows maturity, a trait rarer than you might think within the XO/SO promotion pool, as sad as it is to admit.

In the following 2 months after my conversation with you, I have not once seen your professionalism slip at the helm, nor have you repeated any of the silliness that was getting you into trouble behind the scenes.

With that said,

I’ve always been super happy with your willingness to challenge yourself as a Commander. On more occasions than one, you’ve contacted me for deliberately difficult judicial scenarios to work through, in hopes that you’d be better for it.

You’ve frequently reached out to me for my feedback on your CO story, be it contents or formatting, as well as having me review your BE and Pardons, as I mentioned earlier.

You’re no doubt a competent Commander, be it in the Bridge, or on the field, who I can always count on to make the right call for the operation.

You’ve come an exceptionally long way over the months, and I think you’ve earned the respect of the CO WL, and the wider community, to be taken seriously as a candidate.

Fly high Major Valoris! I hope to see you sitting amongst the Ivory Tower someday



Despite a previous history of LRP and grief, I have not seen any remarkable issues from you as a player or from any of your characters that make me doubt your ability to perform and RP. Therefore, in terms of both strategic ability and role-playing, you have my +1.

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Ren, I have seen you command as the Executive officer of the ship and have seen you numerous times as a squad leader. You have shown that you can command an operation and you have shown that you are a good coordinator. Your backstory and all documents linked to it are well made and set a very high bar.

Overall I do believe that you are a good fit for the role of commanding officer and I do hope to see you in the future as one.

Goodluck! +1

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Haven’t Exactly seen Ren all that much as CO or XO Due to different timezones but I have seen a few instances of them being a good leader. They can coordinate and lead effectively trying to wrangle marines is hard. All the backstory will take a bit to read even me typing up a small CO Story for myself is been trouble… :face_with_spiral_eyes: But im sure you got this!

You’ll make a great fit in the CO Collection

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I’ve seen some of the LRP, but I think of these as rare one-offs, for the most part Ren has conducted himself well and I feel he has the maturity and thought to adhere to his promises to curtail these behaviours.

+1 Solid in command and groundside leadership and knowledgeable in many fields.

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Very cool man, definately KNOWS the game, see them on all the time, would make a great CO IMO.

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