RenMagnum - Timed Ban Appeal
What’s your BYOND key?
Character Name?
Ren ‘Sigh’ Valoris
Type of Ban?
Timed Ban
What is your Bancode?
Admin who banned you?
Total Ban Duration
3 Days
Remaining Duration
2.9 Days
What other servers do you play on?
Nova Sector and CM PvE
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
I was Banned in CM PvE for half a year however the issues regarding this was resolved weeks ago and I am no longer banned.
Do you play using a Virtual Machine?
is your copy of Windows legitimate?
Reason for Ban:
Rule-4 Griefing as the pyro specialist, was flaming people/cades in the frontlines. Claimed it was due to brain damage, however brain damage does not make your character shoot guns/flamers in random directions or at all.
Links to previous appeals:
Your appeal:
I remember trying to flame a lurker but ended up flaming the Smartgunner/Marine behind me. I received a DM from an admin as to why I did it and I assumed it was brain damage as I was walking all over the place and my aim kept going all over the place (I ended up flaming another couple marines behind me). Prior to this I was tail stabbed by another lurker in the head which is to how I received brain damage in the first place. I kept getting “Your mind goes blank and wanders off” kind of message. I am unsure if it really was brain damage that made me flame the Marines/Cades behind me at all but I only assumed that were the case.
If it wasn’t brain damage then I would assume it was my mouse since it has the tendency to double click despite only clicking it once (Tho I doubt that were the case.)
Still, point is I had no reason to flame the Marines/Cades at the frontlines for no reason. That’s why I extinguished them immediately. I was even confused as to why it happened. I was not intending on ruining anyone’s fun by griefing in the round, especially as a sought-after role (Specialist). Also, I was not given any indication that I was going to be banned for nearly 30 minutes in-game. I played for another 15-20 minutes after the incident and left the game 10 minutes after I died. I apologize if somehow you were the victim of one of those flames but please know that it was not my intention.