RenMagnum - Timed Ban Appeal

RenMagnum - Timed Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Ren ‘Sigh’ Valoris

Type of Ban?

Timed Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration

3 Days

Remaining Duration

2.9 Days

What other servers do you play on?

Nova Sector and CM PvE

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

I was Banned in CM PvE for half a year however the issues regarding this was resolved weeks ago and I am no longer banned.

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Rule-4 Griefing as the pyro specialist, was flaming people/cades in the frontlines. Claimed it was due to brain damage, however brain damage does not make your character shoot guns/flamers in random directions or at all.

Links to previous appeals:

Your appeal:

I remember trying to flame a lurker but ended up flaming the Smartgunner/Marine behind me. I received a DM from an admin as to why I did it and I assumed it was brain damage as I was walking all over the place and my aim kept going all over the place (I ended up flaming another couple marines behind me). Prior to this I was tail stabbed by another lurker in the head which is to how I received brain damage in the first place. I kept getting “Your mind goes blank and wanders off” kind of message. I am unsure if it really was brain damage that made me flame the Marines/Cades behind me at all but I only assumed that were the case.

If it wasn’t brain damage then I would assume it was my mouse since it has the tendency to double click despite only clicking it once (Tho I doubt that were the case.)

Still, point is I had no reason to flame the Marines/Cades at the frontlines for no reason. That’s why I extinguished them immediately. I was even confused as to why it happened. I was not intending on ruining anyone’s fun by griefing in the round, especially as a sought-after role (Specialist). Also, I was not given any indication that I was going to be banned for nearly 30 minutes in-game. I played for another 15-20 minutes after the incident and left the game 10 minutes after I died. I apologize if somehow you were the victim of one of those flames but please know that it was not my intention.



One of the people in the CM discord general hypothesized that I fired flames the moment I got the your mind goes blank and wanders and the flame pathing got janky.

Also, things were goofy when I deployed since my Green flames which should be covering a width of 3 tiles, only fired as a 1 width tile. The issue was fixed when I reloaded the tank with another green flame tank. This however caused the green flame tank sprite to be stuck on the screen from the inventory. Perhaps these minor glitches may have contributed to the incident.


Good evening, I’ll do some digging into this and testing out trying to recreate the issues that you have put forward for investigation.


Alright, so after some hefty testing and code diving.

Brain damage does not affect the firing direction/cause random shots to fire.

However, we don’t ban people over miss-clicks or mistakes. So this is lifted.

Appeal Accepted. Ban lifted.


Added appeal:approved and removed appeal:waiting