REQ exclusive Quad Bike. To make REQ more fun and present groundside.

Was sitting on this idea for a while now and something like this came up recently again so i thought i make a little design document for it to have the idea in the open.

What is it?

A Cargo Quad Bike

REQ now has a Vehicel in its storage at round start, a one man Quad Bike. It does not replace the supply pads, but is an added tool for REQ.
It is only drivabel by autherized personal, wich can be ensured by its need for a key to be driven or ID acces.
It is used for quick and easy transport of supplys in the Area of Operation.
Allowing the role of REQ to be more engaging beyond “pack creats”.

How does it work?

It would be a one person vehicel, likly just a reskin of the souto mobile, wich posses 4-5 invetory slots that are cababel of holding backpacks and large items. Allowing for much easier transportation of supplys, small supplys drops, and quick and easy sorting of said supplys.

How will it effect the gameplay loop?

REQ is already at its best when they have someone groundside that is able to judge situations properly and communicate with shipside what is needed in further FOB drops. Ie. REQ tent and deployd CT.

This aproches the front drops in a similar vein, allowing REQ to skip the middleman and bring supplys on their own judgement directly to the front. Allowing for more active ingagement between REQ and groundside and a more noticabel impact. For example, you only need now supplys coms to be able to get supplys to the front. No longer a range finder as well. Making front reinforcments much easier to orgnaize for most players, though to the lack of required reccourses. Only a radio key, not radio key plus rangefinder wich no one takes only for supplys drops.
This would give more people a reason to get a supplys radio key, wich is rigth now rarley used.

Yet this would come with the indangerment of the CT driving the quad, making the supplying of the front much more efficent and active, but also much more dangerous. So yes, there would no longer be a cool down between drops, but also the drop can be murderd on its way to its target.

Also the key would prevent PFC to just fucking steal the Quad.

Is it realistic to code?

Should be.

Resprite the souto mobile, make it faster (for example. runner speed), add cargotrains key thing, and give it “invetory space” that is tecnicly just human back slots. Allowing for storage of bags, but also large items like guns and shit. Giving people choices is good. And that can be easy balanced by adjusting the amount of “back slots” the quad has.
I would do it myself, but i just started learning coding. I can barley find weapon values in that wall of text man.

I would also say, put creats on that Quad. But judging by how the cargo train is not able to do that, and nobody bothers to do it, i assume that coding task is to much of a hassel. Besides, this is just to show that it is reasonabel to code. If someone knows how to code it putting creats on it, nobody is stopping them from implementing that if this turns into a PR.

Would it fit lore wise?

Yes, its pretty common for miltary to use Quads in active battel for transport. Just google military Quad bike. Most of them are strapped full of bags, creats and all sorts of shit. Often even have a trailer attached to it. Something the almayer was likly to cheap to even buy.
They are fast, agile, dont need special tools to transport things and are low cost. Would fit absolutly lore wise to be found gathering dust on the almayer.

Edit: Why is it needed?

REQ is currently rather boring. The gameplay loop only concists of packing boxes each round. This is a way to make REQ roles more active and give them a gameplay loop beyond moving items left to rigth.

One of the first question that pops up is “Front drops are better, so why bother?”.
Yes, they are better. Tecnicly. But as every CAS/Mortar main can tell you, people very very rarley give you cords/signals. Front drops are rarley properly managed.

Giving req a tool to quickly and safly supply the front would give REQ a level of independence in there gameplay loop. REQ is a shipside role, and it should be as independend from other jobs as possible to stay fun. Shipside roles dont interact much with other players, so they need to be fun on their own.

Allowing REQ to decide when and where front supplys should be send allows them to plan supplys more easily and consident. This will also give the role another level of depth wich is very much needed for CT.
The REQ tent will likly see more action from the addition from this as well, giving it the oprtunity to act as a sort of “FOB” for req to organise supply runs groundside.

This is not about making a better version of the supply pad. Its about giving cargo players more control over their own performance, without needing to rely on other players as much.

Yeah, have at it. Every time there is a heated argument about readding the APC this always comes to my mind. And now it seems there is an actual good reason for it to exist.
Migth just end up as an open idea of mine that i willl work on in the future, maybe not.
Either way, i like having my ideas open. Collective is more creative then the singel person after all.


About a year ago req was testing a logistics flatbed truck for transporting supplies down to the planet.
Realistically you can fit a fuck tonne in the back of that truck.

The quad bike would be really weird as realistically you can only put like 1 or two boxes on the thing.

Honestly bring the truck back IMO, it’s a bit of a pain for us to get right but if we add it to the main game I think we’d probably iron all the issues out fairly quick.


True, but the point of the small Quad would be its moblility. Cant carry as much as the truck, but is WAY faster and needs much much less space to drive. So it doesnt need special two tile cade doors, but can use one tile big ones. Not forcing comtecs to rebuild their cadelines for it, wich most dont even do for the ARC rigth now.

And its just AN option how to implement transport fairly easy. Also it would be stylish as fuck. Wich is always important to consider.

Also, if the truck is concidert too OP to just be there for free(for whatever reason), the truck can be added as tecpoint/req point purchase. But have the quad freely avalibel every round, so you have always the option to do supply runs, but you can get an insanly better option for a cost.

And like i said, Quads are cool. That migth be my main reason.

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The truck failed cause it was way easier and efficient aswell as faster to use the pads since the truck would litterally just get spawn camped by marines on the dropship or PO’s. To the point you didn’t even have to go groundside it was litterally a small drive from req to hangar.

Personally I’m a fan of the quad bike idea. The ability to deliver supplies from FOB to front is nice considering the amount of backliners that pose a threat.

Being able to outspeed a cloaked lurker is always nice, and the fact it’s only one quad bike means that if it gets caught it’s over for fast transport from FOB to front with supplies but also not over since marines can still do it manually although slower.

This will probably need a manipulation in the SOP so CTs can travel from FOB to Front without being bwoinked.

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Yeah, it’d be cool but we need practical ideas and useful ones.

A quad ferrying supplies looks cool but is ultimately dumb, if it could take more than 1 or 2 boxes of anything it’d be really stupid. If you could slap a crate onto the back then yeah I guess that’s alright but at that point then it’s just a very hard marine nerf.

A quad is way more vulnerable than a truck and due to the smaller inventory it’s way more useless. No more frontline resupplies or anything like that. CTs dying to lurkercord would happen a lot on a quad lol

What do you mean by that exactly?
Having a fast, small vehicel to quickly bring a full creat to the front would be a buff.
Not like the quad would replace front drops via REQs pads.
It would be an addition.
Made an edit to the post to make the why clearer as well. (the “why is it needed” part)

Also, the suggestion with the back slots is mainly for eas to code. The fact that nobody botherd to try and make it work for the cargo train makes it seem to me that its to bothersome to make it possible to stuff creats onto vehicels in that way. So i tried to keep it realistic code wise.

ID lock it to req only not ASO+, or else req gonna be raided and those being used for unga.


Okay, so in your idea we can still use req pads.

Why in god’s name would I as Delta SL ever request a frontline drop from a CT on Soro who’s going to have to drive his quad across the map to resupply me?

I have a massive wait time from this random goober and now I have to deal with the possibility of him being taken out by a backliner and me losing my supplies. If req pads are still in why would req bother allowing a quad to go out and possibly risk dying?

If you keep req pads as part of this concept it fails entirely to a useless gimmick that only bald, time-inefficient CTs would use as an alternative to req pads. Genuinely if this is implemented and req pads still exist you will only get CIC and SLs ordering Req to specifically avoid it where possible.


Req pads can’t launch into roofed area, I think quad is nice if it can fill that niche without CT dies to backliners.

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Imma shorten it up a bit.
Please at least read the post.
You can open up the little arrow tabs.
I only put them in to prevent walls of texts.
And i told you about the edits.

I read it, and it doesn’t change anything I said.

The only utility a quad has is that it can get to a roofed area but logistically it’d be easier to drop it at an unroofed area nearby and drag the box from there.

The concept just kinda sucks, like I said bringing back the logi truck would just be a better idea mostly because we won’t have as many CTs dying or have to take special precautions to protect CTs on a quad when a req drop would do. It’s the same reason why people don’t want to go back up for shipside surgery and will just walk around with broken bones until a doctor drops or a synth. They don’t want the long wait time.

The quad is a cool thing but that’s all it is.


OK, i give you example, so you understand exactly what the purpose behind this is. Because you definitly dont seem to do. The fact that “supply drops are faster” is NOT THE POINT at all.

Its like what they added with the UI changes to the Drop Ships, because they added a very powerfull new feature to it.
The ability to aim yourself as CAS via offset.
Before you had to trust the person that called you to make the rigth call on the offset, or needed to judge the offset yourself via tile counting.
Now, you are able to use a D-Pad to change offset, wich also moves the camera allowing you to properly aim as CAS. This change alone, makes it now possible for CAS to only need a signal without even a callout to perform well.
It put more of the control over the performance of the player, into the players hands, and removed it out of the hands of outside soruces.
And i can confidently say, that every cas players that says it didnt improve the job imensly, is a liar.

That is the idea behind the quad. Removing the variable of needing to rely on marines. It is not supposed to make support drops obsolet. It is supposed to make the begging for front cords obsolete.
It gives REQ players more control over their own performance, and takes away the control out of other sources hands.
The Quad is supposed to impact the game in that way. Not in the boring way of “this is better then that”.
It is objectivly worse then supply pads yes, but its not supposed to be better. So that dont matter.

ultimately, the reason why reducing friction for gunship pilot is a good thing is that other than some kind of signal or line to the gunship, the GP can do his job of shooting bugs all on his own.

Also, why add a quad (other than cool factor) to reduce “reliance on marines” when…the entire point is so that you can directly resupply marines? if marines ignore you who are you going to coordinate resupplies with, the xenos?


I get what you mean. The problem is a front drop has multiple checks it has to pass before it can happen.

  1. Have marines in a stable position
  2. Have a front marine think of asking req for more supplys
  3. Said marine (or one close to them) needs to have a radio key/bag and rangefinder.
  4. They need to take cords and send them up to REQ.
  5. REQ needs to prepare a front drop
  6. Front needs to stay at the exact position it was when the cords where taken, until the drop arrives.

Giving REQ a fast transport vehicel would reduce it to two checks

  1. Have marines in a stable position
  2. REQ needs to prepare a front drop

That is the part of “geting rid of reliance on marines”, that i mean.
Cutting out the middle man. Just like with CAS UI update. All the stuff inbetween Signal and fire is reliand on the pilot. With the Quad, all the stuff inbetween front stable and sending the supplys would depend solely on the CT.

At this point i dont even care anymore if people find my idea good. I just want to at least manage that you all get what im saying. Im confused how i fluffed that up so badly.

I can appreciate the possible boon of allowing cargo personnel, or at least someone dedicated to this function, to operate near the frontline and help organise the positioning and relocation of frontline resupply items. There’s no guarantee the frontline marines will be inclined to sort out the resupply area due to the nature of them wanting to fight.

Ergo having some req personnel have the tools operating near the front and helping move supplies, I can see the benefit.

But so long as the req pads exist I don’t see a cargo bike, quad bike or truck being viable to use. I feel it will be more likely that people try to avoid having these vehicles deployed due to the risk of something being screwed up.

Furthermore, the fact that Morrow (who?) often tested out the usage of a Cargo Truck, and would then not push for its perman implementation, strikes me as further evidence any kind of cargo bike/truck needs a comprehensive implementation


The bike can deliver supplies from the FOB to the Frontline where at FOB could be multiple ammo of the same kind that can be distributed to the frontline through either the quad bike or marine labour.

A quad bike would be more faster however, lacks defensive measures while the marine are slower however have defensive measures.

It’s just adding another way to deliver supplies more efficiently where a req pad can’t be used.

Picture this, Req just sent 3 mk2 AP ammo crates to FOB and marines just requested some at front right after the pad has been launched. Req will contact a CT groundside to deliever 1 or 2 MK2 AP ammo crates to the front to save some cash.

If maintainers allow the quad bike to enter caves then that’d be nice since it allows req to reach into a place it can’t reach with req pads.

This would be really cool. I would definitely have more motivation to try CT if I got to maintain a 4x4 or a motorbike or something. And I’m of the opinion that vehicles should play more of a role in rounds. Could be one way to ease in.

Got me thinking, though: I’m a Bravo main that spends a significant amount of time organizing ammo, yet I’ve NEVER witnessed someone loading up an IMP rack or heard one mentioned over the radio. And they seem to try to solve the same problem this seeks to address.

Granted, if you gave me the choice between a motorized vehicle and a man-portable ammo box rack I’d take the vehicle every time. But why is the rack so rarely used like this? Is it just availability? Or is it something this solution would also run into?

Nah man, people take IMP racks all the time. Just a lotuse it for more ammo for themself. There are a lot of people that use it to share ammo as well though.
Its just a big support item with wich you give up quite the ammount of personal storage and are slowed by.
The slowed part is also a big reason why its not as often choosen.
Besides, there are only like 5 of em in req on high pop.

People normaly go play comtec or corpsmen when they want to support.
And people that are rifelman usually want to go shoot their gun, not support.