Request a Nickname

Got a twofer for y’all. These two are sisters, Jane is the younger and fresh out of boot (rifleman only). Tiffany is 22 and is commtech, medic, IO, and similar. I’ve written some snippets about these characters as well as their aunt which can be found here: [Name] Buckley's Snippets. I will take these recommendations as suggestions.

Character Name: Jane Buckley
Favored Role/Position: Riflewoman
Favored Weapon: Incinerator
Character Description: Young and fresh faced with her hair in a sensible bun. She can’t have been serving long.
She has an asexual pride flag sewn to her uniform.
Unique Character Abilities: A critical lack of fear, not because of courage, but because she doesn’t know to be afraid.

Character Name: Tiffany Buckley
Favored Role/Position: IO and OT
Favored Weapon: Anything explosive.
Character Description: Her black straight hair is in a bun under her helmet and her eyes are dark. Also nervous. She looks nervous.
She has a bisexual pride flag sewn onto her uniform.
Unique Character Abilities: A unique capacity to always fumble a grenade at the worst possible time.

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