Shouldn’t be allowed to instantly shoot either mk2 or mkey after activation/deactivation.
I think it’s pretty obvious why the attachment’s OP if you’ve watched or played the game over the last few months, read on if it isn’t.
Broken item in current state, makes fighting t1-t2s way too easy, especially funny with lurkers that just get 100-0’d by lone marines if they ever get hit by it. Nearly the same issues as double buckshot but arguably stronger:
Entirely replaced shotguns since it’s better in every way - faster than taking out a shotgun one handed, already has the range of a wielded one and comparable burst damage - runners don’t get up without going into crit if you dont miss followup. And that’s before we even mention one tapping doors, the storage benefits of not needing a shotgun for cqc and being chainable with actual shotguns due to not having the same weapon group.
Needs the old swap delay back so it’s not such an insane all-purpose gun and so t2s can play again.
inb4 abusers cope that it ain’t OP - yeah sure bring up a gun that trivializes t1-t2 combat to the same extent besides sadar, scout. It ain’t here - game already removed double buck + heavy revolver for the same reasons.
Personally I don’t think it’s that bad, just now you cannot safely CQC people with Mk2 as a T2, but could you ever? Switching to shotgun for PB is basically just as instant. Yeah it’s a bit BS you don’t need to sacrifice a slot, but at least you need to use an attachment slot. Maybe masterkey just shouldn’t give slow on hit or be nerfed in another way, I am not sure the delay is necessary. I also didn’t really like the fact you HAD TO carry a shotgun if you wanted to play the game and not be memed by a drone/runner, masterkey kinda solved that issue.
Shotgun into UBF is a stronger combo because it’s as strong as double chung if not stronger, but you need to wield the weapon in order to use UBF, so I am not sure if that’s too bad either.
The main problem imo is there’s no visual indicator as a runner you basically just avoid marines wielding a shotty cause it’s an Insta kill but it’s different for a mk2 but now I guess it’s m39s only now for roonas.
Agrip? Wield delay is kinda huge, and you cannot use UBS without wielding the gun. So like runner gets more leeway when pouncing an UBS than when pouncing a shotgun.
Not the worst idea I think, also wall slam still exists.
Again, matters if you got stunned or swapped your gun for some reason. No agrip/gyro also means you cannot insta LRB.
Wall slam or PB stuns might work I guess, but even then I think it should have at least a very short delay.
Agrip’s good but I don’t think it’s good enough to compete in current mkey state.
Eh. True but then again you can still run just pulse + shotgun for these cases you need a quick pb so its w/e. Even if we cross out storage bonus the main issue’s in t1-t2 fragging.
If you’re so in awe of me that you need to thank me for it you can take it to DMs or open an acid goop thread in appreciation of me. I get it, im amazing, but it’s not exactly the point of this thread.
I assume it’s sarcastic, but I don’t see any real connection or pattern between these - it’s neither favoring one side nor salt (I dont die to jtac and warrior isnt a nerf proposal) - so do enlighten me as to what you’re seeing there before mods deal with offtop.
Also it is worth mentioning that no delay was never intended (unless I am wrong then prove me wrong please). There was no PR that removed the delay. It’s just that one day it stopped working. It doesn’t mean that you can disguise the possible nerf as a fix though (this is the maints stance on the bugs that affect balance and stay for too long, you have to use balance tag anyway), but it is still worth mentioning.
It’s not like there aren’t things that need to be removed. It’s really not acid goop, so please stay on topic or don’t participate. Or I am calling mods
The fabled PR. The only unintentional thing is masterkey not being part of the shotgun weapon group afaik. As for fixing that or introducing a delay, im too bald at coding.
Almost every single post in these forums is complaining. I think you’re confused by the “top reply” section of the profile - click the actual links there and you will be taken to the reply. Surprise, surprise, they’ve nothing to do with complaining.
As for removal I only proposed disallowing tunneling. Take these to acid goop or PMs next time.
I still die to runners and lurkers with UBS equipped I don’t think its overpowered but im kinda poo poo at the game so take my opinion with a grain of salt
Just assume every Marine has a UBS and go from there.
In an ideal world there would be a better visual indicator of who is using a UBS, but the sprite is already so small, I don’t know how you’d make it clear to a xeno.
Oh well. No wonder no one noticed until Ghostsheet accidentally find out about it.
That’s a lot of assumptions you need to make. Just assume every marine has AP loaded, just assume every marine has NVG, just assume every marine has thermals, just assume every HPR user is running bipod, just assume every marine is wearing GL armor (yeah this one you can actually see, but the sprite difference is so insignificant), just assume every chunk of open ground is being watched by AMR sniper/flak sniper, just assume every marine is pumped with NST, etc etc etc. Honestly I hate this take with passion and I think we should aim to make this list shorter. You cannot realistically be always prepared for the worst, otherwise you would not make a single move whatsoever. If you assume that everyone is running UBS, then just like was mentioned above you won’t try to cap anyone with Mk2 as a runner, then what in the world are you going to be doing?
Few years ago I suggested basically HUD icons that would show what people are carrying. This would also solve the problem with some sprites invisible when facing specific directions. But honestly this is kinda silly.
But the fact you give stuns to marines who otherwise wouldn’t have stuns is the only thing of note. That SHOULD be the default tho, not the exception, so its not really much of note. It’s just complaining that marines have the basic capability to defend against you, instead of learning to fight ALL marines.
but it’s not really a very powerful stun so, no point in removing it. You can only gaurantee around 1 or 2 mk2 bursts off a masterkey stun in bad positions (but with multiple people ofc this goes up like every other weapon). In a good position you get a kill because the beno won’t be able to dodge or anything. Xeno still wins if they outposition, outskill, or use abilities. You can’t pb off stun either due to wield delay, unlike normal shotgun.
So yeah I think this is just a idea to make the game more autopiloty. Xenos very easily win against masterkey if they have enough experience, aren’t on autopilot, and aren’t making easily avoidable mistakes. I will say it’s a good door breacher tho
Ofc good marines have extra power with it - but i do not think many good marines use UBS - and if they do they could have probably killed you with m37 too. m37 is generally more powerful imo, altho im sure masterkey has some situational niches where it excels.
It cannot even be compared to either double buck or heavy revo.
PB into UBF can definitely be compared to double buck though. It’s arguably even stronger damage wise and doesn’t require you to carry 2-3 shotguns.
To turn this argument against you, someone could (and had) argue that you should expect double chung from every marine and that a PB should sentence you to death even as a T2 and if you disagree you just want the game to be more trivial.
I mean it’s all about measuring of how deserved the capability and how strong it is. Does sacrificing an underbarrel slot justifies getting such capability? Should the capability be as strong?
Before UBS has become so common and strong you could safely pounce groups of marines as long as they don’t stand to close to each other (so you won’t get PBed). If you saw three guys, one of them carrying shotgun, two Mk2, punching the guy with a shotgun was a winning move. Now Mk2 guys can instantly hit you with LRB from masterkey, so it did make lurker’s life more miserable.
There is no real penalty or opportunity cost to take a UBS for a M41A. At best you lose out on the a-grip, which I don’t think is enough to counterweight the supreme power of the UBS.
The assumption doesn’t matter, it’s that you can’t fight these marines as a t2. Double buck you could at least utilize range, but against this there’s just no counter besides not fighting or stunlocking them.
just assume
you would end up unable to play the game if you properly applied this - if you assumed every marine has an UGL for example it’s just unplayable.
The issue is how it’s utilized by robustos, not by the average marine. It’s a good point regarding suggestions like
because removing stun punishes/nerfs the average player more than adding a switch delay - the average marine fumbling/being slow on UBS switching doesn’t utilize the full potential, so nerfing that is more in line with nerfing how “the 1%” uses it, with less impact on avg pvt.
Revo was aids but double buck was weaker since it had clear counterplay (range limits go a long way), with mk2 there’s just nothing you can do about it besides stunlocking the marine since you can’t compete with the dps on top of stun+knockback and chase potential. Stunlock necessity isn’t a good thing.
I’d much rather have double buck again than deal with this.
We can’t even have enforced spec armor wearing to use the spec guns, no way we’d have HUDs lol