rework cm lore to be a coming of age story about clf terrorists

cm lore is a joke
how the fuck would you even ram a ship into another ship in space? Are you stupid? Almayer can just dodge 10 seconds before you’d hit and there is no way you will make enough corrections in time before its jover. Orbital mechanics, bro.

Instead Operation Canton was a disaster because of powers of friendship by the CLF and Girl Power. A guy with cool hair who’s basically Mahdi or something could be as well, who cares.


What if tychon tackle only succeeds against the CLF because a group of orbital drop shock troopers (ODST) on the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) vessel the Forward Unto Dawn popped out of slip space by accident there and thought the CLF were insurgents on a planet called Reach.


get this man the lore contrib role right fucking now


This is now canon.


The reason the CLF were able to crash a ship into the Almayer was cause there is no astronavigation job, and the CO, XO, ASO and CE were completely unaware that they possessed the skill.

Plus someone disabled the astronav computer.


So what you are saying, is that we have an impostor aboard.


No, just an MT doing shenanigans at the worst time and getting a Damage to Government Property charge for like 10-15 minutes

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