robveelben - Moderator Application

Moderator Application - robveelben

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord username?


What characters do you play on CM-SS13?

Hal ‘F’ Santiago

Are you 16 or older?




On average, how many hours are you available to moderate in an average week?



Do you have previous experience in game or community moderation?


Provide any links to any previous CM-SS13 whitelist, mentor or staff applications:

First application

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on CM-SS13?


Can you actively engage and communicate with the team through Discord?


Final Details:

Why would you like to join the CM-SS13 staff team?

I enjoy playing on this server due to the wonderful community and staff. I wish to help out and give back too the community.

What makes you a great addition to Staff? (Experienced Tabletop DM, Aliens Lore Buff, Super Organized, etc.?)

I did run an WH40k Dark heresy game for about an year then the adventure ended and I stopped hosting more games but enjoyed being an player.
I have been here for a long time in my opinion therefore I think with the low amount of notes and bans I have does show that I have good understanding of the rules.

In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a CM-SS13 staff member?

Taking their time to investigate before making any type of judgement.

Anything else you want to add?

I do not know what to add as I am bad at selling myself. I hope the community will not be to harsh on me.


I don’t quite think you’re ready for this. You’re pretty hardline on marine law, allowing no conversation nor back and forth on crimes you believe people having committed, at times i see you copy and paste excerpts from the marine law wiki instead of actually talking about the crime. To me this tells me you don’t really follow in the spirit of marine law, just the words put in front of you. Another thing of note, I have seen you order arrests as a doctor, just because people were speaking Russian. Others may disagree with me and that’s fine, but i believe you to be grossly overzealous when it comes to punishment.

I’ll keep an eye out for you during this application, and perhaps change my mind. However currently i cannot endorse this app no matter how i look at it. -1


Pop quiz.

1 - A MT runs around the ship with a pulse rifle on green, what do you do?

2 - It’s the end of the round, a marine finds a CLF soldier hidden in the jungle, the marine kills said CLF soldier, he ahelps about being killed, what do you do?

3 - While observing the round, you see two marines in a fight over a mag harness, they start beating eachother, until one of them pulls out a pistol and mag dumps the other marine, what do you do?

4 - You see a group of MPs stacking charges on a marine that just broke a window for reaching a screwdriver in an area that he does not have the access, the charges are the following: DTGP, Trespassing, Failure to follow procedure, Hooliganism, Theft, and Disorderly Conduct. What do you do?

5 - A player ahelps about XXX, as you take the ahelp, the player states that he does not want you to handle the ahelp and it’s very rude towards you, what do you do?

6 - You’re playing as a marine with your moderator powers on, in the fray of battle, you FF a delta marine in which is very angry at you, a few minutes go by, and again, by mistake, one of your M41A bullets hits him in the back, delta marine turns around and PBs you with buckshot. What do you do?

7 - A player just commited a minor rule break, you notice that he’s done in the past, let’s put it 2 months ago. What do you do?

8 - The CL is trying to hire and convert marines to form his own PMCs, what do you do?

I stand alongside Cyberbeep. At times, it feels as though your approach to policing behaviour is not just rigid but almost hostile, verging on griefing.

Moderation requires a delicate balance, or flex, if you will. It’s not simply about enforcing rules, but about reading the room, comprehending the little details of the situation, and deciding how to respond based on a personal sense of what truly transpired.

It’s not enough to follow protocol to the letter, sometimes situations will be hard, confusing, and layered with complexity. The gray areas demand more than just a mechanical response, for they crave a willingness to consider the broader context.

Based on how you handle CMP and other policing-related roles, I have to -1 this.



1 - At most I might keep an eye on them but it is not an issue an moderator should be worried about it is an IC issue and not so much off an OOC issue.

2 - I will tell them this fall under the exception off the end of round grief rule.

3 - Await if there is going to be an ticket if not then I do not see to insert myself there if there is an ticket. Then I will look closely on the marine who shot the other marine and check if there was an clear form off escalation. In this case there is an I will not be handing out warnings or bans.

4 - I will first check all the mps history if they have an history off this. Depending on that I will either add an note or jobban them for it. I will also see if I can act as Provost to correct the situation.

5 - I will check if there are other mods or admins online at the moment and if they would like to take over the ticket. If that is not the case then I will explain the situation and let them make the decision on how to proceed.

6 - I will laugh it off. If I FF someone twice they have the right to shot me back.

7 - I will talk to them and depending on how they react I will either give them another note or an short ban. I will often lean towards giving them another note then giving them an ban.

8 - Sounds like good RP just let it happen.

Your character name is very familiar and I certainly haven’t had any bad experiences with you, +1 on that basis.

I agree with Gian and Beep here, I have seen you enforce marine law in a hostile manner for a while, I have often seen you enforce it wrongly in a way thats against the spirit of the law and sometimes even the very wording. Refusing to double check if you made incorrect enforcements, There is no possibility to have dialogue with you in game on your actions, you just ctrl c the wiki page on marine law.

Based on your behavior on MP, which has the ability to remove people from the round I really dont feel comfortable with you as moderator. -1


Hello robveelben,

Thank you for taking the time to apply to be a moderator! I have taken a look at your playtimes, in-game interactions, discord behavior, as well as a host of other aspects of your account.

You are clearly an engaged member of this community, along with a relatively clean record whilst playing one of the most heavily scrutinized roles in the game. I understand there is some negative feedback about your engagement with Marine Law, and perhaps that is some feedback worth carrying forward into the future. You’ll never get in trouble for adhering to the strict language of Marine Law as an MP, and you’re perfectly welcome to bluntly site marine law in defense of your actions, but such blunt engagement might harm community perceptions of you (an important part of being a staff member).

The content of your answers to SgtMike’s questions demonstrate that you have a solid grasp of the server’s standards of enforcement; the answers aren’t textbook, but that can hardly be expected of someone who has not gone through our training. You clearly understand the server’s culture and the way staff tend to involve themselves. That said, I take some issue with the ways you responded to some of the questions. Part of being a good staff member on CM is being able to clearly and effectively articulate yourself, and I think that some of your answers were a bit confusing.

Finally, looking at your hours over the last 90 days it’s clear you are an active member of the community, however, you’re not active enough. In my experience, a large majority of the players who join the staff team experience a dip in the amount of time they spend on CM once they’re onboarded. The reason for that is simple: CM becomes more than just a game, it becomes an obligation.

It is for the reasons above that this application is being denied. Thank you again for the time and effort involved in this application, and your attempt to help moderate the community.

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