Role Availability

Hello there, I have a question about how USMC roles work, and become available. Mostly I’d like to ask about the Smartgunner as it’s the role I’m mostly interested in. How long, or under what conditions does it become available to play?

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There’s a gameplay help channel on the discord where you can ask these questions.

But I believe they’re always available, they’re just a highly preferenced role by many players, just like weapons specialist, so you either need to get the RNG gods to bless you or you just get it on mega-lowpop


All roles besides rifleman have limited slots (the smartgunner has 3 on lowpop and 4 on highpop, as far as I know). If you latejoin, you’ll be able to choose them if there are any free slots. However, for more popular roles such as smartgunner, you’ll have to roll for them at roundstart (set role preference and then ready up before the round starts).

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What he said. The system is all chance so you’ll need to get lucky to roll em.

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Understood. Thanks for the clarification. I was under the impression specialist roles were locked or something similar.

To szy; thanks for the info as well. I’m familiar with discord, but prefer the forum format. I’ve used discord in the past but I’m an old head, well into my 30s you see.


Appologies for the double reply, but I did have and interest in at least joining the discord server in case either one of these are temporarily down. Unfortunately I’m currently trying to get a ban appeal situation resolved and can’t join the game. I was trying to join to get a faster response. You see, I play regularly and I know I’ve seen you online regularly. My in-game moniker is Zacharia Q Smythe and really I’m just looking for regulars to vouche for my behaviour is all. I usually play FTL or SL. But yeah anyway, that’s about it.

Yeah anyway sorry for the long rant, but I’d rather not wait until next friday to get my daily dose of retro futurism role-play but if nothing can be done, a guy’s gotta try.


As you were told, they don’t lift bans applied for slurs, but to join the discord, just click the discord logo in the top right (I do not recommend using the discord for anything but reading announcements and bugging admemes, though).

Welcome to, or back to the community. As a brief heads up, I’d just wait out that discord appeal and see what comes of it. Questions on the forum should get answered.

A warning that’s probably not needed, trying to get round any discord ban will probably result in a ban forever from the discord when you’re caught.

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No it’s not a discord ban. It was in-game.

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