Round ID: 25921 or the Self-Antag round

An exceptional round as XO. The following happened:

A prankster with IFF caused an actual shooting during briefing

The Xeno hive was accidentally discovered because marines were so disorganized they actually encircled the aliens

The xenos tunneled out, leading to a 1 1/2 hour addition to the round

an SO opened fire in CIC during a big fight, leading to the marines getting almost wiped while I domed the SO.

The SO was brought for execution, only for the messtech to shoot the firing squad, resulting in the CMP, Myself, and an MP all shooting each other and being ahealed multiple times

The CO woke up and we deployed stims and finally won.


don’t forget the W-Y edition of three stooges with three different liaisons running around trying to tell CIC to not nuke the colony while everything went wrong

also, though you didn’t include it, a bravo marine broke into my office roundstart to steal 700 bucks and run like hell


I love the chaos.