Rp guide to mind control and conitohazerds. Part 2. (Not a joke.)

(Since this guide provides little mechanical gameplay advice, I’m not sure if it should be posted in the guide section. If you all disagree then tell me and I will repost it their.)

This is part 2 to my guide but I included all the information from my last guide. So, this is a HRP gimmick I invented. There is no code in the game to truly control other player’s minds it’s just fun roll-play thing. I guess borers can but those are admin only. Using this strategy I have done stuff like make a MW think he is a plant and then trying to water himself with human blood. So if you see James ‘evil’ Bushman in the game please follow me into the lab nothing will go wrong. If you happen to be one of my victims please tell about your experience any way you think it could have been improved.

(Makhnovsti on the forums wanted to make a PR for the light ball. So, watch out for that as it could undo part of this guide. Also sorry for not giving you the recipe the first time.)

Step 0- Before we do anything, you have to pick a method and write the lore of your mind control method. If you just say mind control and never explain how it works, you are in for a hard time. Personally I just say it’s psychic waves or whatever. If they say those do not exist their wrong causes xenos use them and stims can give you telepathy. So now spawn in as a researcher or CMO. If you’re not the CMO you have to ask them for permission to test on humans. They often say yes if you frame it right. Always deny any explicit danger to the test. Afterall you should actively avoid permanently harming people in order a job ban.

Step 1- So once you have picked your method you got to write the consent form. This is the most important step. The waver is not only there to avoid the MP ruining your fun. Its main job is to clue the other players into what your doing. The form should explain in detail what you are doing so they can play alone. Always write the symptoms and make them sound fun. Now choose, do you want to control their mind or just shatter it. Players seem to prefer to RP having a shattered mind than an enslaved one. Of course this is a spectrum. People tend to RP hallucinating and their always highly creative so include some of that. An example of a good one is below.

(Xenos have been shown to emit psychic waves in order to communicate. Studies show that these waves can influence the human mind. As queen class xenos can emit these waves in such a high quantity humans have reported hearing voices and other odd noises. Object-52 is a modified helmet that will bombard the users’ brain with these waves. Effects range from psychosis, hallucinations, altered memories, altered sense of time, loss of free will.)

Step 2- Here is a collection of the different methods I personally have used.

The light ball- This was my favorite before they nerfed it. So, you used to be able to make a floating ball of light by making something called flash powder. I will post a flash powder handling guide at the bottom. Post nerf this one is hardest to do and the weakest. What you do is lock them the cell will the glowing whatever and watch. Take out all the lights in the cell first and always point this out to the victim. People will not notice that the room is well lit despite the lights being removed if you do not tell them. I personally like to say that the light itself was some 4D object. Since the tank is technically empty it does still look weird and alien. For extra fun I would add parts into the consent form saying we are not sure if the thing is alive or not. Unlike the other methods people will assign sentience to the light sometimes. If they do that than their an almost 100% they will get highly protective of it and maybe commit suicide.

Method 2 the helmet- This is the one I have taken to using and it very effective. The example of a consent form I show in step 1 was the exact one I like to use. I like to use a fire fighter helmet found in the red lockers. The reason for this is that most people are unfamiliar with these helmets, and they just look odd. A normal marine helmet would get less of a reaction. This method is simple, and it works. Not much to say.

The two methods stated above can easily be modified but do have a major distinction. One is scientific, the other anonymous. The helmet is an invention, the alien light is something I found. This might seem like a small thing, but this can have big effects on how people react. If you treat the object like its some STALKER artifact or an SCP people will act more creatively. The only issue is CM’s art style does not lend itself to this. Everything looks so normal and low tech. The old flash powder went against the art style and looked like it should not exist in CM. That is what you want to capture for every method. The more out of place the stuff looks the better the RP will usually be.

Step 3- So, You picked your method now you get to do it for real. First things first are getting a test subject. Just announce on the radio you need a test subject. If no one responds then go to the kitchen as MST tend to sign up. If that fails MT and MPs are prime targets. So, get them to read and sign the document. To sign your name just type [sign]. Now let’s talk safety. The subject must always drop all weapons before entering the cell. They tend to get violent and suicidal. So far, I have only had 3 suicides, one murder, and one attempted blood harvesting. Just assume that they will attack anyone they come into contact with because they likely will. So that’s enough about safety now let’s talk RP. Players can take a while to get the idea of what is going on. One time they thought it was an admin event. If the player does not get the idea just tell them in LOOC that it’s just a HRP thing.

Extra stuff.

Is this against server rules- Well yes and no. I have asked around and read the rules. Plus, admins have seen me do this before and even communicated to me in LOOC about it. Not once did anyone ever imply this was not allowed. So, I can say with confidence this is okay. So yes, driving an MT insane is not a violation of the RP rules. Now on paper this means they can also kill people including themselves. Now I cannot confirm if that is okay. But what I can confirm is that as long as you actively try to stop your subject killing people you are not at fault if they do. As for if a MP or officer can do insanity RP is a little more complex. They cannot act violently or insanely. But they can still play along and claim to be hearing voices or something. Again, it’s up to the other player how they react so the blame is mostly on them if they break the rules. As for stuff like the XO or CO well I have no idea as none have ever been a subject.

Ideal subjects- Here are some tips on how to find who might make a good subject. Now RP’s skills are needed but a proper attitude is also needed. Usually, the less seriously a person takes the game the better. The best traits for the player to have is creativity, reactivity, and proactivity. The most important are reactivity and proactivity. What this means is they not only react to attempts to RP a lot but also proactively seek it out. Now in this case you are the proactive member, so it’s not needed for them to have it too. A good example would be players like the nurse ‘boy’ colon, sergeant burnsides, Tyrone, or Brad Ward. Although I have never gotten them inside the lab I have experimented on people like them. At the end of the day if a player has a personality that is memorable just seek them out.

How to subdue a violent subject- Well you can always call the MP but it is better to handle it yourself to avoid an arrest. The cells have a built-in stun flash function but MP’s do has resistance. Now the best option is to get a second researcher to tackle them and then you inject the subject with a knockout chemical. The best knockout chemical is zombie powder. Mix carpotoxin, copper, and soporific. It will instantly knock them out, but the victim will appear dead on med scanners. Chloral hydrate is also a good option and mixing it with dylo makes it fully harmless. The MP’s will not agree so purge the subject’s system before you hand them over. So, once you knock them out lock them in a different cell. The player will usually stop the insanity RP at that point. If they do not then hand them over to the MP’s and CMO.

How to handle flash powder- So flash powder is a mix of potassium, aluminum, and sulfur. So much like smoke powder it instantly reacts once mixed. So, to make a large amount keep one of the ingredients in a sperate container. Using a regent tank you instantly fill a container will hundreds of units of the final ingredients making a massive amount. When this happened the container, it was in will glow. It used to create a floating ball of light before they nerfed it so hard it now worthless. Somebody PR that I am not joking. Moving on, I have yet to test it a lot with the new lighting system, but it should be relatively the same. It produces a dim red light that also penetrates walls. Now a days it is basically a worse version of a flare. The stuff will burn for a short amount of time.


…why aren’t you in the lore/game master team yet? I have seen you make these posts before and I am genuinely mad at myself for not being present for them, incredibly soul, I expect to see more of this gastev

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You know I never once thought of joining the lore team. I don’t think I have built up enough of an in game reputation to join however. But I could always be wrong.

It’s nice to see people takeing intrest in this gimmick. I hope to see you all try this in game. Welcome to the USCM conitohazerd department. I will know I succeeded when I see one of you rookies do it in game. Also this is a warning to all MP’s and CMO’s you got some work to do.

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Because you got to ask kaga on discord and i don’t even know if apps are open yet (sometime this year they open)

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Oh by the way if you guy provide feed back I might make a part 3 about it.

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