RRS Sentry. A mobile Comms tower.

Another idea i had in the backburner for a while and didnt post because of me being silly.

A new sentry type, RRS or Radio Relay System.
It would fill the same type of sentry spot as the flag does. One that loses any and all offensive capabilitys in exchange for a pretty strong buff.

How it would work

In an area, one screen big (Or extended banner AoE, just CtrC/V that.) around the sentry, comms would work normal as long as the RRS is operational and set up.
The Sentry would also contain a telephone for direct calls.
You would need to regularly dial it over a pop up window, so comms stays up.
If the connection to almayers is lost, it would blurt out a message ala Msay.

Comms is very strong so how to nerf it

Just make the sentry incredibly frail and weak. If you dont have one fully set up cade line around it, it will be fully destoryd before you can even blink.
Two Boiler shots could maybe fully destroy it, and one runner is enough to fully get rid of it in under a minute with no hope of recovery. But that is something that would just need tweeking.
And to make xenos aware of the sentry, just slap some blinking ligths on it. Just a very obiovus sprite. Having it weak wont do much if xenos cant recognize it easily.

Another way it would be balanced is by it being not a gun. Of course comms is good, but very often it would be better if you picked just a normal gun. And also, if Comms towers are up, the sentry is useless(besides the phone). So if more then one comtec takes it, it gives them a serious disatvatange. Should hopefully force comtecs to communicate more under each other and discuss wich sentrys to take. Because if they dont, they migth end up with everyone taking it. Wich would honestly be hilarious.

Honestly, im not sure if this is strong enough. I have a feeling just the comms and phone would make it kinda weak. So i like some feedback what you all think.


Iā€™d rather not.

You can make it so that you will have to retune it to get the signal from almayer every so often because of the almayer orbiting the planet as a nerf if it is to over powered.


I rather just add that and give it a bit more health. Because that just sounds fun.