SallyRRed - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - Steelpoint

SallyRRed - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - Steelpoint

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Enforcement Action Taken

Description of the incident:

Note and Ban of Three Hours initiated by Steelpoint for “Rule 2 | Sanity | Player was non-verbal in-game as a support Marine, player had already been told to stop this by another admin (who didn’t note it but confirmed it otherwise), player either lied or forgot about this. Escalated to 3 hour ban due to player not following a admin enforcement.”

Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava is a non-verbal character of mine, hence the callsign ‘Mute,’ that I have been playing for around 2 - 3 months. The issue initially began, apparently 07/21/24, with my character’s use of text to speech messages that would appear as 'TEXT TO SPEECH MESSAGE: ', with the message following afterwards. No note nor warning was made with the alleged dialogue, sent via Steelpoint, being, "DMIN: PM: NessiePendragon/Sally R. Red/(Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava): Hey there buddy, got a minute?. ADMIN: PM: Sally R. Red/(Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava)-NessiePendragon/Go ahead? What’s up?. ADMIN: PM: NessiePendragon/Sally R. Red/(Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava): 2ndLt Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava [Almayer (Rsr)] says, “TEXT TO SPEECH MESSAGE: please stop this, alright? ADMIN: PM: Sally R. Red/(Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava)-NessiePendragon/Aye, I am playing a character who can not verbally communicate. They are not in a combat role, so it hardly makes it conflicting. ADMIN: PM: NessiePendragon/Sally R. Red/(Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava): Alllrightttt… Just let’s not make text to speech messages!”

The round this took place featured text to speech messages and sign language via emotes that went uninterrupted until around Hijack, length of the round being about two hours. I agreed to stop text-to-speech messages and the use of sign-language for the character, asking whether or not they could remain nonverbal, being strictly told no. The dialogue up until the ban is in the ‘Evidence’ section below.

My complaints are as follows.

  1. An enforcement action was not taken prior; no warning nor note was made concerning this character and my conduct.
  2. A ban was made for a non-existent enforcement action where a warning would be more fair and logical, especially concerning the harmless nature of the act alongside with my agreeance to comply.
  3. The ban was escalated to three hours for “-willful lying to staff on a issue you’ve already been told to knock off, consider this a wake up call.” How Steelpoint came to that assessment in the face of a person who works upwards of 40 hours a week with other life events simply stating they do not recall and that it is not on file for them to review if it ever did happen, I cannot say. The note even hides the fact that the escalation was entirely driven by the perception of a lie, stated as “Escalated to 3 hour ban due to player not following a admin enforcement,” when Steelpoint had previously stated, “Fine, I’ll be bumping this to a 3 hour ban for willful lying to staff on a issue you’ve already been told to knock off, consider this a wake up call.”

A retraction of the ban, though I do not imagine it will be before the ban timer, and at minimum, editing of the note to remain factual as a warning, would be logical.


Admin PM from-Steelpoint: Hey. I noticed you have some kind of gimmick of using some kind of text-to-speech, I’m gonna have to ask you to stop doing that. You are an able-bodied Marine fit for service.
(My reply was eaten by Byond; the chat log will be attached once posted. Paraphrasing, I had stated something about using that for my character for about two months now)
Admin PM from-Steelpoint: Current rules, which have been in place for years, state that all active duty marines are able bodied, physically and mentally. Some shipside roles can opt-in for certain impediments but these are strictly indicated by the spawner system. You can’t opt-in to being unable to speak normally. Also, if you were using sign language, most marines would have no idea how to interprete what you are trying to say.
PM to-Admins: Gotcha. As a compromise, since I want to keep this character, may I hold that they maintain their nonverbality without the addition of text to speech? Sign language to be excluded and simply left to gestures.
Admin PM from-Steelpoint: Considering your marine is, and I quote the rules, “All personnel employed by the USCM are mentally stable and physically fit for duty”, it makes little sense they would gesticulate to a degree of not verbally communicating at all. I’d say no, you can’t.
(Approximately 2 - 3 minutes pass here)
Admin PM from-Steelpoint: I’ve also been told this isn’t the first time you’ve been warned for this very issue.
PM to-Admins: This actually is is the thing. I have not received a note nor warning on the matter.
Admin PM from-Steelpoint: you’ve not been talked to be any other member of staff?
PM to-Admins: Not to my recollection, no. If I were given a direct warning or note, I would have likely remembered it, nevermind that it would stick in my record. This is all out of left field.
Admin PM from-Steelpoint: So you don’t recall your conversation on the 21st of July about this issue where you were asked to stop it?
PM to-Admins: I do not
Admin PM from-Steelpoint: DMIN: PM: NessiePendragon/Sally R. Red/(Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava): Hey there buddy, got a minute?. ADMIN: PM: Sally R. Red/(Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava)-NessiePendragon/Go ahead? What’s up?. ADMIN: PM: NessiePendragon/Sally R. Red/(Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava): 2ndLt Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava [Almayer (Rsr)] says, "TEXT TO SPEECH MESSAGE: please stop this, alright? ADMIN: PM: Sally R. Red/(Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava)-NessiePendragon/Aye, I am playing a character who can not verbally communicate. They are not in a combat role, so it hardly makes it conflicting. ADMIN: PM: NessiePendragon/Sally R. Red/(Gin ‘Mute’ Dultava): Alllrightttt… Just let’s not make text to speech messages!
Admin PM from-Steelpoint: Either you are lying or you have bad memory
PM to-Admins: That is July 21st, I have so much going on in life outside of a game, I work fulltime and this is how I relax
Admin PM from-Steelpoint: Fine, I’ll be bumping this to a 3 hour ban for willful lying to staff on a issue you’ve already been told to knock off, consider this a wake up call.
PM to-Admins: I’m sorry, how was that lying? I told you I could not recall?
You have been noted by Steelpoint.
The note is : Rule 2 | Sanity | Player was non-verbal in-game as a support Marine, player had already been told to stop this by another admin (who didn’t note it but confirmed it otherwise), player either lied or forgot about this. Escalated to 3 hour ban due to player not following a admin enforcement.
If you believe this was filed in error or misplaced, make a staff report at The CM Forums
You can also click the name of the staff member noting you to PM them.
You have been banned by steelpoint. Reason: Rule 2 | Sanity | Player was non-verbal in-game as a support Marine, player had already been told to stop this by another admin (who didn’t note it but confirmed it otherwise), player either lied or forgot about this. Escalated to 3 hour ban due to player not following a admin enforcement. .
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 180 minutes.

The full chat log will be attached once this is posted.


Can’t attach chat logs; unfortunate.

I noticed the player was communicating odd things on the radio, specifically something akin to, “VOICE BOX STATES, What’d you say about me?” (I can’t recall exactly). I investigated and found the OP was roleplaying as some kind of mute Marine, they were gesticulating via ‘me’ to communicate to another person, so essentially claiming to use sign language to speak to people (which makes no IC sense since most people don’t know sign language).

Under our rules, all Marines are able-bodied both physically and mentally. Your character being unable to verbally communicate is a breach of Rule 2. I contacted them to inform them of this.

However, I was contacted by another staff member who told me this was not the first time this player had been talked to regarding this.

SallyRRed denied having been talked to about this in the past. I decided to escalate this from a Warning to a 3 hour ban as I felt the circumstances warranted a harsher wake-up-call.

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I concur with Steelpoint’s assessment that you would not be incapable of natural and clearly interpreted speech as a marine.
Further, even if you WERE using a text-to-speech machine to talk to people, you would not be prefixing all speech with that. It would be assumed already, with the actual speech being represented normally.

Denied, no action taken.