Sapper212 - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - Steelpoint

Sapper212 - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - Steelpoint

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

John Kilgore

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Enforcement Action Taken

Description of the incident:

So the dilemma I’m having is what the staff member noted was justified as I did do a rule break however I feel the wording needs to be changed. I have keybindinds set to emoted for when I play as PFC and one of them is /me snorts crack cocaine or something along those lines I was playing MP. I accidentally pressed it in briefing in front of everyone including the major who reported me to the CMP for it. Since i knew it was a rule break and a mistake I tried to play it off as it being wall plaster probably should have LOOCd it but hindsight 20/20. I consumed 3 cups of coffee and had a situation at CIC with the major and the CMP due to me twitching and I was told I was under arrest for intoxication and NOD. The CMP took me to the sleeper and found out it was just a Coffee overdose but continued to arrest me and stated to me that Overdosing on any chemical is intox. And told me straight up that I was being arrested for the Coffee Overdose. AT NO POINT IN TIME DO I RECALL THEM MENTIONING ANYTHING RELATING TO MY EMOTE BIND ISSUE EARLIER. I ahelped and asked if overdosing on coffee was intox and wasn’t sure if that’s in marine law. Steel point did some investigation where I then assume the CMP told them I was doing crack or drugs based on the Majors information from briefing. Steel point then said I was lying to him about the arrest being about a Coffee Overdose and noted me for lying to staff along with rule 2 break and rule 11 along with lying to staff. I just want to make it clear I have no issue with the note about the Rule 2 and Rule 11 as that was totally my fault, However I feel like the lying to staff part is not correct. I was told by the CMP themselves that I was arrested for the Coffee OD so that’s the reason I ahelped, if the CMP said it was because of my emote from earlier I would’ve just taken my punishment as it was justified. I also just want to put out there I have over 100 hours of MP playtime and have had absolutely zero incidents with staff regarding this hopefully that shows that this was a genuine key bind mistake.

I also want to add that I appealed my charges and was accepted for release. When the CMP explained my charges to the staff officer they said it was due to the coffee as well, it had nothing to do with my emote error.


pull logs

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I received an ahelp from the OP regarding their being arrested by the CMP for intoxication while they were an MP. They stated they were arrested for overdosing on coffee. Initially I took their word for it, stating that an arrest for a coffee OD would not be a valid arrest order.

However as I conducted my investigation and queried several people, I ascertained that the OP had emoted they were “snorting crack” in-front of the Commander during briefing. They then also played up the this angle in-game over a longer period of time instead of trying to minimize it or apologize for it through IC or LOOC channels.

Based on this information I believed that whilst they only consumed coffee in-game, but the fact they roleplayed consuming an illegal substance in-front of the CO and most of the Marines ultimately justified the arrest order.

In-terms of the statement of the OP lying to staff. I assessed this off of the fact the player failed to mention during their initial ahelp that they had technically emoted using an illegal substance which was the causal factor in their arrest order being issued in the first place, and that when I directly asked them to clarify if they had used any illegal drug they point-blank stated they did not, and they only admitted to doing so when I presented logs showing them this.

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Yeah, that’s my bad the reason I didn’t bring it up because like I said before the CMP didn’t bring it up to me at all whatsoever during my arrest. They stated I was under arrest for the Coffee OD, when you asked me if I took any drugs I assumed you meant chems because I was shaking and had to be Sleeper’d and wanted to ensure that I didnt take LSD or space drugs. In my point of view the arrest was based off of the Coffee and not my emote which is why I ahelped. I was not aware that my arrest order was based off of my initial emote, if thats the case then thats my fault and I will attempt to withdrawl this report as staff action was justified. I do not wish to pursue this report any further

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This report is withdrawen per the request of the original poster.

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Added report:denied and removed report:pendinglogs