Screech should probably disable For The Hive

Screeching, running in and combat hugging was just as cancerous and that got nerfed, why is this still around?


I, as an acid runner main, (as in that’s the only xeno I play, I’m a PFC main) fully agree that screech+acid bomb combo is bullshit and needs something to prevent it, though this one seems kinda vague and difficult to implement.

Does it prevent activating (and disable it if already activated) the ability during screech stun? That would fuck over people who weren’t trying to go for the wombo combo.

Does it just deactivate any acid bombs near a (screech) stunned marine? That also could fuck over people who weren’t trying to go for the wombo combo.

Does it turn off any acid bombs that are near the screech when it happens? Then you could just run from offscreen and do it.

I’d suggest (if it’s possible) to make acid runner acid not affect anybody stunned by screech for at least five seconds after the stun ends, maybe longer.

Just having the accid runners accid bomb ability on mandatory cooldown when a screech occoured around them would do the trick. The fact that a large ammount of marines is stunned by the screech also makes the unstunned marines an easier target, so if it is really that big of a problem that needs to be prevented as well. Because less guns to shoot you, means easier time to go big boom. Huggers get fully stunned when they are even somewhat near the queen when she screeches for the same reasson.

But to just prevent acid bombers from comboing wih the queen is the wrong play here. Co-operative play like that is good. The main problem is that accid runner is kinda bullshit and unearned often. You can sit all game in the hive and not engage in combat once to get your maximum explosion. You dont need to combo that with a screech to make it feel like bullshit. The screech combo only shows accid runners problems only more predominantly.

So no. -1
Problem needs fixing, just not like this.

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Honestly, just make acid bomb take like 10 more seconds to explode or something if queen screeches near them. That way it doesn’t completely fuck over the acider, but it still gets rid of the wombo combo.