Sentry Flamer & Longe Range Plasma Flamer name switch

I’m interested in hearing your guys’ opinions on this - when I first came back to the game and saw the long range sentry upgrade called the ‘Plasma Flamer’, I was under the assumption that somehow the flame was stronger, since ‘plasma’, or at least would be the blue flame I had seen before, when it’s actually a much weaker napalm flame. I don’t see the purpose of calling it a ‘plasma’ flamer unless you guys know why it is.

If we were to change the names to make the usual flamer turret ‘plasma’, or at least just remove the word plasma from the long range turret, I think it would be a lot less misleading to new players who might be thinking that the long range turret has a stronger flame. I think this might be the case, since so many newer engineer players are choosing the (in my opinion, and many others) objectively worse long range flamer.


Fun think about that.
Both use the same chem. They literally have the same dmg.
Both use this chem.

See yourself.

Thing is, besides the larger range, the plasma sentry also has something else. Phosporus smoke.

I agree, that the name is weird though. Phosporus would make more sense, being that THAT is the diffrence.

Also fun fact, miniflamer fuel has reduced time for fire stacks. Being basicly non. So fire stacks immeditly go out.
Also it uses normal napalm fuel for some reason.
I assume whoever told you the plasma sentry is just a worse version, mixed it up with the minisentry. Cause the minisentry uses normal napalm, while normal and plasma use X napalm.

wow, i had no idea. you mean to tell me that the long range flamer fire is actually stronger?

I’ve run some tests on this, and the regular flamer not only does more damage on hit, more damage per tick, but takes 4x more resists to put out. I don’t know whether there’s something else at play here, but what you’re saying is verifiably incorrect. The regular flamer fire is undoubtedly far stronger, phosphorous smoke or not. I tried to run around in the phosphorous smoke as much as I could, and was able to get ~5-6 extra ticks from the smoke, which still did far less damage than attempting to put out the blue fire. and that’s with running around in circles in the smoke - which I don’t think anybody would do.


Yeah no plasma sentry is objectively worse than the base blue flame sentry for sure.

Plasma sentry is an FF machine that also blocks LoS, thereby offering some degree of protection after each shot. It deals relatively low damage, and in terms of general usefulness, is inferior to the base flame sentry.

The base blue flame sentry remains top dog out of all engineer sentries, although OC teslas can be very strong if supported with marines.

A base blue sentry is essentially identical to having a pocket pyro who doesn’t slather everything in impassable fire, whilst doing massive damage on hit, in addition to the heavy DoT that requires multiple resists to put out.

No other sentry is capable of killing xenos on its own or damaging them to the same degree as the base flamer sentry.

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long range flamer is only good at killing human mobs, because every time you move inside of that white cloud it deals insane amounts of burn damage(to preds as well), but xenos don’t really feel that damage for whatever reason

you take about 60-80 damage for a xeno, and like 30 per second. It’s just that you get hit so far away, that you can just resist out of it, and you have 230 hp at the lowest.

Plasma Sentry is really good at killing Facehuggers.

Flame Sentry is just strong in its own right, I’ve seen Runners, speeding past the FOB, get slammed with a flame shot and die due to the damage outpacing their ability to resist the flame.

Mfw my plasma sentry keeps settings medics and their patients on fire because huggers keep crawling out of pipes next to them


Migth be caused because of the order fire stacks are applyd. One overriding the other. I dont know fire stacks well, but i would guess it will likly be that phos fire stacks are rather weak, but great at achiving a big number. And then phos applys last.

But i send the code. You can clearly see, the fire is the same. Only diffrence is the smoke really.
I cant tell you why normal sentry does less dmg then plasma. Even though it shouldnt.

I don’t know about that one…


You can’t get hugged if you have 700 burn :slight_smile: