Separate Working Joe Whitelist

MP standards enforcements means preventing the MPs from going on an arrest spree, not upholding HRP standards.

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If you have no roleplaying experience then go and roleplay as a Marine. You don’t need a Whitelist to be able to RP - it’s just that Whitelists are for people who specficially CAN rp and will do so on a high standard.

Working Joe, fundamentally, does not work if we give it to people who are not screened enough to know they are HRP and know what a Synthetic (of any kind) acts like. The reason Joes are cool right now is because only Synth WL players and Staff get to play them - people who will happily abide by a large quantity of very strict, programming rules. Your average player CANNOT and WILL NOT do this.


State of gatekeeping:
Most important role in the game, the leader of one of the factions that has powers to banish and can really ruin the faction by dying or by issuing bad orders — not whitelisted.

Glorified maintenance drone, that can only drop voice lines while doing unimportant things, and even if it does something off-limit it can be treated as malfunction and even dealt with in-game — whitelisted.


So also I would like to add:

I think Quickload - but definitely one of the counselors - said that most of the shit the council was working on at that exact moment was WJ WL reports. Something akin to 4 different on-going reports. Essentially, people with the Synth WL are not properly using WJ.

They’re not letting the masses have it.

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