Synthetic Application - Seybr
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?
Elsa Clark
What whitelist applications have you previously completed?
None, this is my first application.
Synthetic Info:
Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:
What is your Synthetic’s Personality?
The Ivory synthetic line was originally created as a special limited edition to help people who love surviving in the wilderness and are interested in extreme hobbies. Swamps, deserts, arctic and rainforests. Ivory has all the knowledge and competence to survive in every conceivable harsh environment.
Her personality, created by blending the experience of special forces veterans and wilderness survival experts, made her a much more useful and in-demand synthetic line than expected. Ivory’s determined and motivating personality was another aspect of her that made her stand out among other models.
With the introduction of the Third Generation Synthetic units and the success of previous units, the USCMC and RMC also requested new Ivory units customized to support their battalions. The main difference between regular units and special units was that Ivory’s personality was slightly more serious in order to adapt to a military environment. But that does not mean that they don’t communicate with anyone unless they have to - after all, one of their specialties is morale support, therefore they’re quite good with words.
How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?
Although Ivory has a cheerful and affable personality, she tends to maintain a professional demeanor and to use few words and be as clear as possible when speaking to high-ranking officers. When speaking to them, she usually addresses them by adding their last name next to their rank. She tends to keep the conversation short unless the other party requests otherwise.
On the contrary, she adopts a more relaxed attitude when speaking to enlisted. She usually addresses them by their first names and tends to have conversations if she has time.
Ivory has a wide range of interests. Although she is unfamiliar with the history of humanity, she is quite familiar with the history of the Earth. She is also very knowledgeable about martial arts and survival. However, she has a special interest in nature and unknown, exotic life forms. She feels at home in natural environments, especially forests, and tends to explore if she is not busy. Encountering new plants and life forms is her greatest passion. Due to her curious personality, she is always open to new information and loves to learn new things.
“Ivory, you can always count on her!”
Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?
I’ve been playing mainly support roles since the first day I started playing CM, so I’m always interested in being a synthetic. The freedom of synthetics compared to other support roles was another concept that intrigued me. Unlike other roles, Synthetics don’t have to stick to the same thing throughout the entire round, but can do it all, and they have to maintain their high RP standards while doing it, which is the part about synthetics that intrigued me the most. I was also drawn by the fact that synths have completely different experiences and playstyles compared to other roles.
What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?
The most memorable one for me was the one that happened to me when I was new to the game.
If I remember correctly, I started the game a week or two ago. Even though I was familiar with the mechanics from playing on other servers, I didn’t know much about the CM. During a hijack, the xenomorphs had breached our barricades and we had to immediately board one of the lifeboats to leave the Almayer alive. My splints were broken due to an explosion or something, I was very slow because of my fractures and it was impossible for me to make it to lifeboats. A synthetic, whose name I can’t remember because it was a long time ago, picked up my body from the ground at the last moment, carried me to the lifeboat and treated me afterwards. Then we had a small conversation and the round ended. Even though this wasn’t very striking, since this was the first time I met synthetics, this is the one that sticks in my mind the most.
Synthetic Character Story:
I am very familiar with all aspects of engineering and I am quite confident about it. I am well aware of the cade theory and how to design a good FOB by placing folding cades on corners and making multiple layers to prevent its falling after just one cadeline got breached. But I’m also aware that placing folding cades on corners is not always the best choice. Sometimes placing folding cades on both ends creates just chaos and never-ending traffic because marines have two different options to pick and this creates discordance. My solution to this is placing two foldables next to each other and blocking the other corner. This way, marines will have only one way to push and this won’t create as much traffic and discordance as the other. Of course, I know this won’t work all the time, sometimes you just need folding cades on both corners, and sometimes you just don’t. I do have my solutions for different situations and know no cadeline is perfect. They have their ups and downs. When it came to repairing fully damaged APC, I’m pretty quick on it as I’ve memorised all the steps.Repairing comms and sensor tower is also a piece of cake along with constructing and deconstructing walls as well as building machines and computers.
Command is my least played area but I’m still confident about it. Even though my hours are low, I know my way around CIC and can manage all of the consoles easily. I can load and dial OB, utilize supply launchpads, designate primary LZ, update tac-map, transfer a marine to another squad and grant permission to ID and IFF, etc.
Medical is undoubtedly my strongest field. I’ve dealt with mascas and OB disasters countless times, and this taught me much as I used to deal with marines that had more than 600+ damage. I know the fastest way to revive a marine and can easily revive a marine just by myself which is heavily damaged and redlining if I only have someone CPRing. I also have a good understanding of analyzing the situation and prioritizing the revivable marines to turn the situation around, such as prioritizing medics and specs. Due to my experience, I can tell with just a health analyzer which organ of the patient is damaged. I also know most of the tricks like using the high body temperature to my advantage and else. I can also do every surgery quickly with both normal and ghetto tools if necessary. I can analyze the situation in no time and if the patient does not have much time left, I’ll just force-break their ribs to gain time. I also know using chest fractures to my advantage. And I do know how to deal with lung ruptures too. I’m pretty fast on chems and can do the common mixes such as IA, MB, KD, Fe, NW, D+, unga, epi bottles in no time. My only weakness is research and I’m not seeing myself learning it in the future, as it’s pretty boring for me.
I’m very familiar with requisitions too. I can manage the line by myself, prepare the FOB and front crates in a short time, and I know the generally needed supplies. I know how to fill ammo crates, and use the cardboard. I am also decent at managing the budget. I’m capable of listening to every squad channel at the same time, I can send what they want as fast as I can and I can prioritize the requests of marines and spend the budget in the most efficient way.
What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.
A synthetic should not seek to engage in active combat. Even though they should avoid combat as much as possible, they may engage in combat with the other party to preserve themselves and those with them until they can get out of the situation. If the threat decides to retreat, synthetic should never chase it.
Here are some examples:
I’m fixing a heartbreak (which is quite fatal and should be my first priority as I can’t see the timer) on the back of the frontline and a runner keeps harassing me and preventing me from performing the surgery. In this scenario, I’ll quickly draw my melee weapon and hit the runner once or twice to make it run back. But instead of chasing it, I’ll just continue the surgery and revive the patient.
While I’m escorting a wounded marine to the frontline and all of a sudden a lurker comes and starts to harass us. To make them run away, I quickly hit them a few times. However, I do not chase them but continue to escort the marine.
While we’re evacuating, xenos starts to enter DS. In this scenario, I quickly pull out my melee weapon and start attacking them to prevent the whole marine wipe and also preserve myself. However, I would never get out of DS and never attack the xenos waiting out of DS.
As we are about to leave Almayer with the lifeboats, some xenos decide to enter the lifeboats before the launch. I would stop what I am doing and help the marines kill them to prevent the marines from getting killed and injured. After all the threats have been dealt with, I go back to treating the wounded marines.
Final Info:
Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?
Are you currently banned from our Discord?
Let us know why you were discord banned.
Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?
Special thanks to the synthetic council members and everyone who helped me throughout my application process.