Share your favorite, PTSD inducing, SO story

Lets hear everyones favorite SO storys.
Not the storys about SOs, no. The ones that fill us SOs with nigthmares.
You know the ones.
See this as a group therapy session if you will. Venting, about how fucking done you are with everyting.
I just think it would be neat to share our collective suffering.

I start.

My fun SO story.

Was one of my earlier rounds as SO. Still bronze.
Was on big red. Was a decent round. We got controll of north and east podlocks and held them pretty well.
Charlie was supposed to break through north podlocks while the front was at east. Destroying the hive and flanking the bugs.

But then the front collapsed. Wasnt really a problem honestly. Alpha and delta made it out fairly quickly, and ended all up in FOb in mostly one pice.
Charlie had an even safer route back to FOB then them. The northern path back to FOB was completly empty, and the hive was traveling through the middle of the colony.

I told charlie to hug the northern wall and return to FOB.
They went south from north podlocks. Heading to the middle of the colony.
Comms was still on mind you. And i had acces to some of the helmet cameras of the dead marines in the colony, so i could see the direct path the ENTIRE 30 strong hive took.
And Charlie was on direct colision course.
And i dont mean, they would have hit some of them. Their path perfectly allined with the xenos to arrive on the same spot on the road at the same time.

I send them squad messages. I told them over comms that they are in immense danger if they did not turn around.
They didnt listen. They just keept walking. Imma be real, i begged them to turn around at the end.
I begged the SL to not make the men that trust him, to pay said trust with their lives.

Yeah, non of charlie survived. Like at all. They didnt even make a single xeno start to bleed.
Full squad, basicly reduced to nothing. Only parts that where left where the once that retunred to FOB earlier, so like 4.
I never saw a group of marines wipe so god damn fast.


I accidentally fired the OB on the FOB instead of the supply pad to the FOB.

Millions killed


I told Alpha to flank the North, they actually listened to me, moved there and got completely destroyed. I was really sad because they were actually responsive which is very rare nowadays.


I think this is something everyone has seen before. Where there is some super silent SO. But the moment they receive OB coordinates, they just dial it in and fire. Not caring where the coordinates actually are from.


i was once a bravo so and they didnt build a single fucking cadeline in 40 minutes despite getting roughly 600 metal send to them among other things


So, get this. They added this feature called ‘multi-comm” right. Basically, you could - with no cool down mind you, talk on all channels at once. Basically, you’d have 4 SOs, the XO, the CO, the VCs, the RO, 3 CTs, and count ‘em BOTH POs going ,abcd QUEEN SCREECH ,abcd PUSH with no fuckin’ cooldown. That’s my horror story, dealing with a that crap.


This actually just means you have to do a rp gorman moment where you have a sensory overload and go afk


Had a similiar story, accidentally OB’d FOB after confusing coords, later died to mutineers iirc

Edited: P.S, the OB was cluster…millions gibbed


I did exactly that twice in a round.


I loved having the APC drivers constantly think they’re suddenly the field commander and abcding orders or false callouts.


well this is Not when i was a SO i feel its still will count. This was back when the CE was still 3th in line for command. i saw that we had no CIC staff and i didn’t have the XO roll yet, so i rolled CE and took up as acting CO.

Shit was hitting the fan from the start we didn’t have any req staff, ship engi, or a DP.

but by thankful we had a MP awake that i was able to shove on to the req line. also the map was LV so i was able to just throw out a bog simple hydro to caves plan.

although there were hiccups things played out well, got a LZ1 fob up and running and we got power and comms up in short order.

after the fog dropped the unga ball had push up to cave in good order nothing out of the norm a few loss but it was going well until the the bloody ungas pushed into the caves…

The xenos had flanked comms killing the fobbits that were there. seeing how the backlines were getting fucked and how poorly the caves push was going. I order the ungas out of the caves and to hold there ground.

i than told alpha to move to comms to save the fallen men, they did but only partly… and because the didn’t move with enough men they ALSO started to get wiped out at comms, what’s worst the ungas on the beach’s started to push into the caves again even though i was ordering them back to hold there ground outside the caves.

as much to my horror the comms relief force was taking a beating and was going to get wiped out, in a attempt to save the relief force i ordered the fobbits every last one of them in fob to haul ass to the relief force leaveing fob un-manned… but they were sadly fobbits and as such were UNROBUST… but damn if they didn’t try, The few that lived pulled out and fell back to fob.

around the same time the ungas got pushed out of caves, haveing taken a beating. seeing how every thing was going to shit i gave the fall back order to FOB thankful the ungaloides followed it. i told them on mass to move to comms to grab any bodys they can as many were still on green and yellow.

by some ungodly luck the comms were mostly clear and the xeno were slow to push into the colony, we some how saved most of the dead. but by the time they retook the comms the xenos had started to push up the the FOB.

they fell back in good order, we dug in and were seeming doing well at first but…the lack of a DP had came back to haunt me. the alamo was on auto this whole time, i of course took it off auto for the siege… but i misread the tac-map i thought we had gotten wiped out keep in mind it was just me in CIC and there was no comms.

to try and save what i thought was a mass of dead on the alamo… i called up the alamo hoping to save who i can before the queen locked it.

we of course didn’t get wiped i had just misread the overlaping mass of marines.

There was a great deal of outrage at me the living SLs lead a mass of angry marines to put my head on a pike. when they got to CIC they saw a broken CE lamenting his fuck-up… the mob’s anger kind of petered out at the sight of my lamenting.

after that the highjacking happened, i gave the order to evac and i ended up holding up in CIC planning to go down with the ship. i of course got my ass handed to me by some warrior i think.


Why ASO, XO, CO not included? I can tell they have pretty same experience from what I can tell.

CONTEXT: I play at RU/ENG CM13 usually as XO due to regular absence of command and I can tell about unholy big amount of absolutely relentless acts made by marines. I swear to god, command roles cause not just PTSD, but also anxiety personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, ADHD, OCD, BPD, schizophrenia, psychopathy, dissociative identity disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder and serious trust issues as well. There’s a little list of such events causing me these:

  1. ASO bought 8 GAUs. Why if only 4 can fit on Normandy? To put other half on Alamo… I didn’t try to figure out what was inside his head when he did it.

  2. SG from alpha had beef with delta SG in lower medbay to the extent nobody would listen to my commands to cease the hostility. I stripped off especially aggressive deltard to humiliate him as part of NJP. When I returned in medbay again, my eyes beheld dead alphoid… delta SG killed him with a bayonet what caused my synth to arrest him. Fast forward: synth thought tossing perma’ed delta SG to me is wise decision, so he ended up running around CIC. I can only say killing marine is already a mistake, but not listening to XO’s commands during hijack-induced red code and flipping him off… is a fatal mistake.

  3. It was a simple day on LV-624, my plan would go peacefully I thought… it was before alpha SL without my permission paradropped with rifleman at T-fort behind the fog. Both got hugged. We lost that round, apparently.

  4. I joined at 30th minute of round just to enter CIC and see through cams how single screech kills every marine, including CO. Nobody survived… But later aboard Almayer, without any hope in winning, I managed to kill all xenos with ERT.

  5. APC drove to CIC during hijack. I entered it with other marines, but driver leaved CIC with CO in there and carried us to lifeboats. When I said “it’s dead end, we should get back to CO”, xenos surrounded APC from all sides, like in some movie, and queen blocked our only escaping way… all marines inside were eaten while CO simply asked “where are all?”.

  6. I landed groundside, leaving commanding officer in CIC. Literally the worst CO I ever saw (probably father of Bob Cross). We were pushing decently, but that effing screech destroyed our plans and killed most marines. Everyone retreated to FOB, but the worst part is this piece of bad officer didn’t want us to evac, because “Foxtrot will paradrop soonly”. We were grinding our supplies and health to xenos 15-20 minutes before foxtrot paradropped with intent to chase xenos to T-fort and… get wiped out. No comments. At the end we evaced. During hijack CO didn’t tell a thing in announcement to coordinate marines, shamefully died, got gibbed and was talking in OOC how bad I was for… not flanking and taking OB coords the moment he ordered when we in fact flanked and launched 2 OB what are both rare occurrences.

  7. Landing as XO at Kutjevo Refinery, I leaved SO in CIC. We fought our way to north-west caves and I made mistake by not flanking or making cades at route of retreating xenos, so queen ran away to south-west caves where we failed to push. SADAR shot Queen, but only me and probably other marine were shooting this abomination. We failed miserably. The screech caused us so much casualties that I ordered to retreat to FOB. The problem was… when we arrived ALAMO WASN’T AT FOB for some reason. When Alamo arrived, we had to enter it with queen chasing us, so she locked the dropship and I was left with leftovers of marines, supported by sentries around, surrounded by queen and her drone. I didn’t stop marines from unorganized pushing in which they died and only one marine actually did something to cause her damage. I was following him, but he got knocked out by queen’s spit, drone was after me and I was all alone. My last marine died right in my hands. That moment I was dead, but simply didn’t know it yet. Screech… destroyed sentry… spit… shoving drone… In my last efforts I’ve been trying to pick up my MK1 to shoot drone back, but this sucker wasn’t told bullets do damage.

I didn’t include stories with non-istening marines when they ignore my orders, so they die; CIC sending OB at FOB coords; wrong number of solid fuel loaded for OB; and story where I just similar to Dross went for a minute in req, to send supplies groundside, just to hear from CL whole alpha got wiped out.


@c4xmaniac The absolute horror.

@LoveShacker Broken English only made the experience better.


Fair, but i felt like more people know what i mean with SO storys.
The rest of command has a lot of diffrent types of storys after all.


I was SO in a round where @Harrysno was CO. He looked at the crew manifest and immediately put me on Alpha squad and ordered me to micromanage the ever loving fuck out of that Squad, purely because a certain Platinum Alpha SL was on, “take complete control”. I initially didn’t know the context as to why he was telling me this, but meh, good soldiers follow orders. Little did I know the absolute hell that would occur that round.

Objectives were fairly simple on LV-624, Alpha was supposed to push with the rest of the squads into the Western caves where the main hive was located…This Alpha SL decides do to go on a safari. He takes his squad and half of Charlie, not west…not central, but to Containers then the East caves. I was ordering him to return the entire time, Squad Messages, SL messages radio. However, he was not deterred. He then got absolutely BTFOd by the entire hive when they noticed his Safari and got his entire squad + half of Charlie killed. Frontline then IMMEDIATELY collapsed as the Xenos come in from the East and massacre the marines.

We got comms up 15 minutes ago at this point. Instant loss + evacuation. A SINGLE Marine doomed the entire operation and I could do nothing about it. Calhoun was a mixture of distressed and livid.


My favorite will always be the molerat VC main who would scream ,abcd RETREAT WERE CUT OFF because literally, I’m not joking or exaggerating for this one, a single runner would run behind them. It was either super HRP fearRP or intentional griefing.


I remember Molerat.


any round as SO is PTSD inducing because you have to watch how your favourite squad of apes rushes a chokehold and dies one by one while the corpsmen r fluoride staring


this XO ruined cic for me for a long time


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