Basically several sentry emplacements on key areas of the ship besides pumps that can be deployed by CIC during delta alert. Makes for shorter (hopefully) hijack and better defence. These sentries feed off the reactor core directly meaning it needs to be up for it work.
How does adding sentries which make it 100x easier to cadehug all around the ship make hijack shorter?
Hijack is at it’s best when players roam and skirmish around the Almayer, we don’t need more sentries incentivizing FOB 2.0
This just makes hijack even more of a cadehugging simulator except now you can do it in more places around the Almayer, if anything this actually just makes hijack longer by redirecting attention from Xenos focusing on targets to dealing with the sentries then focusing on targets.
The fuel turrets already extend hijack by their mere existence and ease of defending. Adding even more will see even easier and longer hijack for marines.
Hmmmm… Reward the side that lost the operation? If anything should have happen is that every xeno get double health, double damage as reward that marines evac. Short hijack that you want so hard is received.
Why should marines get rewards at all for loosing groundside? Marines would then just evac even earlier because shipside is better odds to fight xenos than on ground.
More cadehug tools? No thanks, marines already have enough.
I’ve never seen last survivor sit on the alamo with 3 turrets set up and delay round end for ages and think hmmm I would like more of this
This is fine if hijack guarantee’s King OR you get all major boons when you hijack permanently active (and buff boons in general, they are doggy poo poo).
I think adding more around the Almayer would be a little much. However for key infrastructure like the CIC specifically I think it would make a lot of sense.
It’s something I think the almayer should have at CIC and maybe the hangar and umbilicals, and ironically not at the fuel pumps.
My perspective is that the almayer ought to be designed like you would expect for a boarding action or a mutiny and the current method just cut out all that sort of internal consistency and drilled it right down to gameplay only. I think there’s room for some better balance there.
If you want hijack to be a curbstomp, we would be better off just removing hijack. There’s no place to have a “game” where one side is just a punching bag for the other side to beat on.
I seriously don’t understand why so many players genuinely want that.