shotgun shell in a flare gun

allow us to load a single shotgun shell into the flare gun and fire it, basically only has a 2 tile range but can still pb with same damage as a normal shotgun (cause thatd be funny as fuck), with a 20 percent chance it blows up and breaks ur hand and some brute or somethin

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The return of double chunger

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The high chance to just blow up in your hand is perfekt risk reward.
“You get a shotgun pistol, but you likly lose your hand.”
I would love to see how many hand injuries this would generally add to a round.

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The only problem is we don’t know if the flare gun is like the orion in that it’s got a 12 gauge chamber.

Also the main reason orion flare guns blow up from shooting standard shells is because it’s plastic, and i’m pretty sure the flare guns in game are steel, so they should probably withstand it.

Personally i think that if it can’t fit a 12 gauge shell, that instead we should get this


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I personally don’t like it since its just powercreep for people who PB shotties.


I feel like comparing a single shot breech loading shotgun pistol that doesn’t do any damage past 2 tiles and has a 20 percent chance to frac you upon firing to the shotguns in game now is kinda silly. This isn’t intended to be a meta weapon, just funny and occasionally useful in desperate situations.

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You say that, but its probably gonna be a meta weapon even if you don’t want to. People are already building a “PB once with a shotty then burst them with M41A” builds, which are super common. This would just be a better outcome for them since it frees up an entire backslot, with a minor chance to frac your hand (They run light armor, their entire body is just a frac anyhow).

The only way i personally would see this work, would be a 100% chance frac, with a chance to take your hand off if its already fracced. But even then, its hard to see a pistol do 250 damage and it not be meta.


High frac chance for one-handed use would make sense to me and be hilarious (and maybe launch it out of their hand or drop when they fire while we’re at it).

Is the frac chance from 25 brute tied to cumulative damage or a single instance? If it’s cumulative, could make it do like 20 brute to the hand.

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Cumulative, in the sense it’d do enough brute to the hand to frac it, not just instantly frac it.

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Ture, having it as a low chance of blowing up would make it meta. So why not a 25% chance to not blow up?
just to really insetivise that its for when you have an “Oh fuck” moment.

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better idea. pocket mortar