Should Sentinels have guaranteed caps? -- NOT COPE

I recently learned and had it confirmed by other players that it is, in fact, possible to guaranteed cap a solo marine as a sentinel by combining the scattered spit, neurotoxin slash and tackling (from range!).

I was wondering if any of you guys have any comments on this, since there’s a lot of contention regarding warrior lunge capping and lurkers having had their guaranteed pounce cap removed, or if this is in fact not the case, in which case I ask you to let me know, and then disregard the post.

Not Cope!!!


i think this is cope did you get capped by a sentinel by any chance…?


I feel like sentinel is the one caste who really should have a guaranteed cap: they are the protectors of the nests and egg rooms and other sensitive areas, its non lethal strength is the only thing to really seperate itself from other castes, and back in the day before the perma nest sentinels were essential


Yeah, and I have used it a bunch. Its essentially the only thing you CAN do unless you wanna slowly runner slash someone to death.

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Sentinels have always had the ability to solo cap, but they’re completely countered in 1v2 situations where a second marine can nullify their 4 second stun.

Why u lone???

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people keep mentioning “guaranteed caps”. not sure what this means. are xenos walking up to you in a group and instantly devouring you and walking off?

if you mean a sentinel paralyzing slash and then tackle dragging you away then nothing here is guaranteed. If you’re not close enough to a group of marines that you can’t walk back for protection in the several second long delay paralyzing slash takes to stun then you aren’t positioning right.

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Alright, thanks for your opinions.

Guaranteed cap, in this sense, is one in which you as a player cannot do anything to fight back. It’s a ranged stunning ability from which you cannot single-handedly stand up from, which is not shared by any other caste apart from Queen (unless im missing something obvious?)

I thought that this was only due to the extended stun timer they added to the recent sentinel buffs, I’ve never had it happen to me before that, but if they always have then I guess I’ve just never noticed.


Yes, sentinels should have gauranteed caps.
However, they had it before the sentinel buff. They don’t need more neurotoxic slash stun! That was insane powercreep.


If anything Sentinel solo capping is probably the one that feels least bad. I’d applaud a sent who caps me solo, but a runner solo capping? Nah, fuck that shit. Lightspeed caps :patrice:


Literally just get 1 of the 70 other marines to go with you and a sentinel can’t cap (unless huge skill issue).

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ranged stun you cant get up from

youre wearing armor right?


Marines are a horde faction, there are significantly more of you. If you are alone a xeno should be able to 1v1 you and get a free cap… skill issue thread

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That sounds like multiple things to do and a lot of math included. Unnecessary if you ask me. When i was young a single spit was enough and we could spam it more once ancient “raising and shaking his old walking stick angered in air”

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Sentinel sucks. They exist only as a forced stop before the far more engaging Spitter class. If a skilled Sentinel can guarantee a cap, I don’t see why that has to be removed.


I fear neuro/stuns more than any acid/brute damage. Why am I alone? I’m one of the low-pop Bravos - we ain got the manpower for multiple peeps lookin in a given direction.


yes because it’s funny to see a surv get dragged off by a sentinel.

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Sentinel has received considerable buffs that I would consider it to be a little bit of a power creep.

There are no downsides attached, no reworking, just straight up buffs. Such that Sentinel has enough time during the neurotoxic stun to guarantee a cap.

Prebuff, the only sentinel player I would be afraid of is TAR. They were the only prime sent that could pull off solo capping, but even that was rng related and still gave a chance to fight back.

So to me, a sentinel that knows what they are doing in the backlines is infinitely scarier than a lurker due to their ability to roundend/cap vs a lurker who can at most kill you with a 5-minute grace period before perma-ing.


TAR is a menace yeah


All sents were capable of pulling off solo capping if they knew how. But yeah now it’s a lot less situational and is a huge threat.

People still haven’t mastered the caste because no one uses neurotoxin tailstab very well

You can still suicide during neuro slash tho.

But yeah it really is a case of, if you have a mk2 you never have to chase sentinel if you don’t want to, and that’s when sentinels get you - on the chase.

I won’t say sentinel has less capability against groups too (unlike lurker/runner) but it needs a group to do well vs groups. Further senti is genuinely tough to get good teamwork with. In a 1v1 it wins in close quarters OR halls with obstacles that let them get close, but vs lurker you’re basically guaranteed dead if they don’t misplay. 22 slash damage is not enough too and leaves you very vulnerable dmg wise unlike other castes (making it best to have your stuns followed up by teammates with good dmg who can usually instakill by the time the enemy gets up).

Senti backline will always be held back by these factors though, to the point that people who know the counterplay will never feel that challenged by sentinels, and more often then not, the senti player will just get owned by the first group they meet. Will be happy to see if I’m proven wrong but still.

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