SideCat - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - Stalkerino

SideCat - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - Stalkerino

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Sergey Petrenko

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Enforcement Action Taken

Description of the incident:

There was limited time feature added where people could speak through TTS voice. I choose Male (Military 1) voice that sounded like H.E.C.U. from Half Life 1 game. Nile, other marine who had similar voice said “my ass is heavy” as a reference quote. I wanted to say it again with my voice and then I just wanted to test how would my voice sound like if I said other quotes from H.E.C.U. which involved word Freeman. Previous rounds people kept doing reference quotes for fun and had no trouble from admins, yet out of nowhere Stalkerino without a warning, he told me to stop doing that and just said he’s going to ban me for 3 hours for LRP. I asked him for what specifically and he did not specify and just said LRP. I plead to him that I’ll stop what ever he was angry about and that I just wanted to enjoy new feature while it’s available, he said okay only to do 180 on me and said he’s gonna ban me anyways for the previous notes I had even though they were really minor.
My problem that he’s enforcing rules without any warning to stop it if it’s a problem or not and that if it’s actually that problematic for him, why he isn’t enforcing similar punishment to other players who kept doing on similar level reference quotes. People were just fooling around for a bit, no one really were going out of their way to completely break the RP aspect of Colonial Marines.


Imgur: The magic of the Internet ← just a screenshot of the ban and time of the ban. The whole process was so short, that you can probably just check it through logs in few minutes.


Just for a side note;


I don’t have access to CM’s discord, no one warned in OOC chat before round start as well.


I’m gonna throw in my few cents in.

There was a custom-event made about it, aswell as two announcements iirc about it


Hmm, if that is true, then it is my bad. I usually alt-tab and just check OOC messages from administrators later when round starts. Yet, it is still weird how others were not banned for it, but I was. I wasn’t even the first one to start saying meme quotes to begin with. It feels like some people just get a wrist slap or not bothered at all.

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Staff are not omniscient and cannot punish things they’re not aware of.

Whilst I appreciate you may not have access to the discord, it does not alter expectations.

Stalkerino was acting as instructed by management in regards to the TTS Testmerge.
No action taken.


Added report:denied and removed report:needverdict