SideCat - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - Westrover
What’s your BYOND key:
Round ID:
Your character name:
Sergey Petrenko
Their BYOND key:
What are you reporting?:
Enforcement Action Taken
Description of the incident:
Played as a survivor on Shivas Snowball. I was roaming around the west side of a map. I was fighting with drones, but eventually got surrounded by 1 drone and 2 runners. There was monkey very close to our fighting and so when 3 xenos tried to tackle me. I’ve had a flamer so I tried to flame drone that was 1 tile away from monkey. I’ve missed drone and according to witnesses either monkey stepped on it or drone pushed into flames. Either way, I’ve tried to flame drone so it wouldn’t 2 tap tackle me. I’m pretty bad with flaming and others who was following me as ghost could’ve seen it.
After I’ve got capped, Westrover bwoinked me and asked me why I’ve flamed monkey, after discussion in the screenshot below, they’ve said they don’t believe me despite, arguably, the odds of it being unintentional are very high.
I would like my note to be removed.
I don’t have footage, but I can show position of xenos at the time around me (of course you can take it with a grain of salt). Some witnesses recorded my fighting and may post the video in the comments.
Here’s the rough sketch of how it was and chatlog with Westrover: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Again, footage may come, that may show clearer picture of situation.
hello, I witnessed these events while observing how the survivors were doing on a round I decided not to play, and Sergey was talking about what happened, which prompted me to hit my DVR and check if I captured the incident, which it had, here is that clip. I have some more footage prior to and after this video if wanted.
Now that I look back on the footage, I see why Westrover would think it was intentional. I wasn’t prioritizing runner near me, because usually it takes them a lot longer for them to tackle you, so I was laser focused on making drone to back off, because their rate of successfully tackling you is a lot higher.
Either way, I’m a long player of CM and aware of the no harming monkey rule. Logically speaking it would be weird for me to intentionally flame monkey as a sort of last “middle finger” to xenos while knowing it’s against the rules. I genuinely was tunnel visioned by drone amidst the panic when I got surrounded and did not notice that monkey was there in the first place before I flamed it.
Thank you for showing the footage, hope this will make things clearer.
I looked over some of the logs, mainly the admin side of the logs, but I do think that the video mostly speaks for itself.
I believe you when you say it was an accident and both the logs and the video show that it is very plausibly an accident.
I will be accepting this report and removing the note.
I’ll also talk with westrover to figure out how they came to the decision and explaining how to use logs to reconstruct the situation better to get a clearer picture of what happens in situations like this.