Skateboreding - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - LynxSolstice

Skateboreding - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - LynxSolstice

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Alexei ‘Ramius’ Trofimov

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Enforcement Action Taken

Description of the incident:

11.10.2023 - 20:14 Is when my ban has been applied for 3 days. I can’t access the Round ID information.

So, I was playing a security survivor on sorokyne, after marines landed I headed shipside to get access. I got inside CIC, got myself some IFF and an escort cause I planned to deploy. Ditched the escort as he went down the ladders to lower medbay and headed to req to get an mk2. There was an MP, Chris Skullface. So I am assuming this guy got info that I escaped my escort and so he wanted me to leave. I said I want to get some equipment after which he waited. Then decided it was time to speak up. Something along the lines of " Right, your under arrest". Though he didn’t arrest me. ( nothing against, good guy ) I told him I need some equipment so I moved to charlie/Delta Preparations room. To get some equipment. Unluckily for me, the vendors were ID locked and I was technically tresspassing, but all I wanted was a weapon. So a few minutes later CMP and Skullface are in the run attempting to get me to deploy with a mar. The Mar has limited ammo, I think I had 3-5 magzines left. So I tried to reason with them that I need a weapon to fight xenomorphs.

They weren’t having it and told me it was USCM property and they don’t want to give it to me ( don’t know why you wouldn’t give a survivor who fought for his life groundside a weapon, which I can get magazines from FOB ) . After which I went south and grabbed an mk2, they said to drop it which I refused. Although not said but my actions were refusal. Afterwhich a marine opens the door out of preparations which I run out of. My destination was alamo, which I did not reach because I was shot down my tasers and arrested.

I call over to my budy survivors to assist me, which they do (thanks guys). After which there was a large talk infront of brig and I break out of cuffs and resist the grab intent from CMP and run away. At this point I am now a person which needs to be arrested. So I was running away through north into the north fuel tank and then into the north morgue hallway after which I meet up with a survivor, we are now paired up. An MP chases me so I run down the stairs, but uh oh! The podlocks are down! So me and the survivor fight back. No lethal weapons were used, (to my knowledge) so we strip the MP of their uniform. I grab myself a flash and a stun prod after which we stun the MP and strip them of their gear and detain them. I use his ID to access the USS Almayer, after which I head to normandy and ask the marines is this the way groundside? To which my answer goes unreplyed and some actions happen where the MP gets punched by a marine yada yada and ASO comes to the rescue.

So we were talking till I notice the CMP, now here is where I start escaping into southern lower maints, because I don’t trust the CMP as they were holding me in cuffs infront of brig. So I’m very sure I’ll get cuffed again which I don’t want to, sitting in brig again. I run far east to actually get an Mk2 from req, at which point I remember that the SEA has rubber rounds. I still have the MP’s ID because I need to access area’s. To keep you in mind all I have is IFF and survivor access, which will not get me anywhere and I am currently on the run from cops. So I grab an mk2 and place some attachements on it, and move through maints into the SEA’s room. Unluckily for me I see the SEA possibly Tabbed out in his chair. So I move to the vendor, I believe in IC a security member would know what a rubber round vendor looks like. I attempt to access it. Access denied at which point I want to grab the MP ID to check if that works.

The SEA flashes me, luckily for me, I have MP glasses as a surv spawn. So I flash the SEA back, I grab his ID to access the vendor and vend myself around 5 Rubber magzines for the mk2. I drop the SEA’s ID to pick up the magazines, SEA quickly retrieves his ID and pulls out his revolver, may I remind you that SEA’s spawn with a revolver that has lethal rounds in it. So I get shot in the chest which leaves it battered and bleeding I quickly load the rubber magazine and shoot the SEA down to stun. At which point I attempt to grab the MP’s ID in my helmet and open the door. The SEA gets up, so I shoot him with rubber rounds to stun again. Because I do not want anyone chasing me who is capable of arresting me.

After which I run into engineering and then into northern lifeboats far north into the lifeboat flank. I wait it out there chatting with my buddies, after which this funny guy called LynxSolstice PM’s me. Saying “Hey, got a minute?” I am still unsure what I did wrong? Did I punch someone?

[I will place the whole admin conversation in the evidence]

The whole conversation was this guy telling me that I am acting as a hostile survivor, and that I stole the SEA’s ID card. The conversation was extending even further which was making me very frustrated. This made me change the tone of my speech which I tryed to tell both the mod( I think ) and the manager. I didn’t want to insult them nor do I think I insulted them. Overall this conversation was going forwards and backwards with me trying to reason with them.

I would also like to point out that they mentioned my Mentor as a way to use against me to place me in a bad situation in all the way to ‘Note Me’

I didn’t want to fight with the MP’s, I grabbed rubber rounds in the case I had to defend myself from tasers or any non lethals from the MP’s.

There was a lack of investigations from both Grimreaperx15 and lynxsolstice, due to the wording of his note/ban. If this does get approved as a lack of investigations, I’d wish for my mentor to be returned, it has no relations to the incident and I only have it to assist new players in need and only that.

“Fight off the MP’s” - He worded it in a way that makes it seem I am attempting to be CLF

‘Player mugged the SEA, stealing his ID’ - I did not steal the ID as in I did not keep it in my inventory, the SEA in the end of the encounter had his ID on him.

If possible I’d like the conversation from evidence to be taken from logs again as I might not have the full conversation, I’d also like the Modsay or whatever it is to also be posted here.



Round 19030

You have been noted by Grimreaperx15.
The note is : Grief, ID Card Rules, Hostile Surivor. Player mugged the SEA, stealing his ID, as a UPP survivor to get rubber bullets so he could “fight off the MPs” or something. Player was very rude to handling moderator, resulting in me needing to take over the ahelp. Player was uncooperative and unwilling to accept that he was being hostile. Player has a number of notes and does not seem to be learning. Recommendation that he is removed from mentor due to his inability to respect the server rules.
If you believe this was filed in error or misplaced, make a staff report at The CM Forums
You can also click the name of the staff member noting you to PM them.
You have been banned by grimreaperx15.
Reason: Grief, ID Card Rules, Hostile Surivor. Player mugged the SEA, stealing his ID, as a UPP survivor to get rubber bullets so he could “fight off the MPs” or something. Player was very rude to handling moderator, resulting in me needing to take over the ahelp. Player was uncooperative and unwilling to accept that he was being hostile. Player has a number of notes and does not seem to be learning. Recommendation that he is removed from mentor due to his inability to respect the server rules…
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 4320 minutes.

[The conversation with admins]
18:55:38: LynxSolstice PM’d Skateboreding/(Alexei ‘Ramius’ Trofimov)
18:55:38: PM From LynxSolstice: Hey there, got a moment?
18:55:58: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: whats up? I doubt any rules have been broken
18:56:35: PM From LynxSolstice: You doubt any rules have been broken when you’re being hostile? You are aware of the hostile survivor rules?
18:56:52: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: I’m not hostile, I broke out of cuffs
18:57:09: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: Never have I even harmed anyone while this has been happening, unless I somehow punched someone
18:57:15: PM From LynxSolstice: You’re being hostile. You shot the SEA with rubber bullets and stole his ID.
18:57:29: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: The SEA shot me with a fucking revolver round.
18:57:42: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: I used his ID to get rubber rounds to protect myself
18:59:28: PM From LynxSolstice: You flashed him, stole his ID and broke into his office.
18:59:41: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: He flashed me first. Self defense
19:00:00: PM From LynxSolstice: You broke into his office, you’re immune to flashes.
19:00:48: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: Its still in character
19:01:05: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: I am running from MP’s cause I just broke out of cuffs.
19:01:10: PM From LynxSolstice: Also, as a MENTOR you should be aware that the SEA’s rubber bullets are protected, OOCly.
19:01:51: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: wdym protected, stop using my mentor sign to cheese your way into giving me a note. I am a mentor to give people advice on gameplay mechanics
19:02:27: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: Also why are you using sleep on me.
19:02:30: PM From LynxSolstice: Mentors also get access to SEA. the role you happened to decide to grief.
19:02:45: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: How did I grief them? They’re perfectly fine and healthy.
19:02:49: PM From LynxSolstice: Because you’re being hostile as a survivor.
19:02:58: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: I am not a hostile survivor, neither have I been hostile
19:03:09: PM From LynxSolstice: Okay, how about this, you don’t want a note or anything right?
19:03:20: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: Bro call in frozen
19:04:20: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: Your litterally making this escalate even higher than it should
19:04:41: PM From LynxSolstice: We’re going to be contacting the Mentor Manager about this, and you’ll receive a ban and a loss of your mentorship for this, as it’s conduct unbecoming of a Mentor. You’ve broken the hostile survivor rules while not being a hostile survivor, you griefed the SEA, and you used the SEA’s rubber bullets to ATTACK the SEA,
19:04:55: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: I am not in any way a hostile survivor
19:05:12: PM From LynxSolstice: Then why are you performing HOSTILE actions against the USCMC?
19:05:16: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: If you do some more investigations you can litterally see I did no harm to the SEA and it is self defense
19:05:30: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: Because I’ am being arrested unlawfully.
19:06:07: PM From LynxSolstice: You weren’t, you were being arrested for being UPP personnel, which is covered by the PoW charge.
19:06:18: PM From Grimreaperx15: Hi, I’m taking over this ahelp as you’re being very disrespectful to the moderator. You shot the SEA multiple times. That is being hostile.
19:06:22: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: FOR ONE, I was trying to get IFF and a weapon and deploy. TWO, the Mp’s decided to arrest me as I want to get an Mk2 THREE, I break out of cuffs.
19:06:44: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: BRO, I am not even trying to be hostile. I am grabbing rubber bullets.
19:06:57: PM From Grimreaperx15: And shooting the SEA repeatedly with them.
19:06:57: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: The only thing escalating is the fact that the guy shot me with a lethal weapon
19:08:06: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: Neither I’m I being disrespectful except that fact that my tone changed due to frustration of being slept.
19:08:52: PM From Grimreaperx15: I see that you stole his ID from the logs, is that correct?
19:09:14: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: I grabbed it to vend some MK2 rubber rounds. Then I was gonna throw it back to him after I opened to door to get out of his room.
19:09:36: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: There was no intention of being hostile to him.
19:09:45: PM From Grimreaperx15: And why did you need the rubber rounds?
19:09:55: Reply PM from-Skateboreding: To protect myself against MP’s, I have no taser.


Are you saying this was on October 11th or the 10th for clarification.

11th October

Ok we’re mostly Americans ill forward it along to investigators

Do not reply on reports you are not involved in.

Reports are not a peanut gallery.

You stole the SEAs ID for the purpose of getting rubber rounds, and the stated purpose of those rubber rounds was to defend yourself from MPs.
Arming yourself to fight the MPs is dancing a dangerous line of hostility as a survivor. The reason rubber rounds are not available to anyone other than the SEA typically is because they’re not intended for use outside of training. Stealing the SEAs ID to get them is not ok.

I do not find any errors in Lynx’s actions here.

Added report:denied and removed report:pendinglogs