skycrafter - Player Report: Unknown but presumed to be a MP, Rule 11 regarding MP compliance with marine Law

skycrafter - Player Report: Unknown but presumed to be a MP, Rule 11 regarding MP compliance with marine Law

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Mia Philips

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Unknown but presumed to be a MP

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 11 regarding MP compliance with marine Law

Description of the incident:

During the round I returned from listening to the XO conduct the roundstart briefing and noticed a odd cigarette butt in my personal quarters (inaccessible to MPs legally) and discovered it to be a MP listening device and upon further investigation IDed a second one in my regular public facing office. I notified both Provosts and the company via fax though received no response. In the end the round ended too quickly due to a marine wipe to take any further action in game however my understanding is that in breaking into my quarters without a warrant or similar would violate marine law which MPs can inherently not do.


Due to it occurring roundstart I am unable to pull appropriate logs given it only goes so far but some discord message help support this occurrence as noted in message ID 1267161922873331826 saying “because quote “my previous experience with CLs on the ship makes me precautious” so they roundstart bug the CLs office” on the discord from what I believe is the CMP confirming it did in fact happen"

I was the CMP and was also the person in discord that send the message. I latejoined during a disaster round and I heard the CLs office was bugged and I didnt authorize nor did the warden did from what I was told. As the captain was busy in a disaster round with little SOs I doubt he authorized the bug either. I was trying to find out a definite answer on why it was bugged in the first place and the only thing I really heard back was something along the lines of “my previous experience with cls on the ship makes me cautious”. It may not be word for word exactly but it was something like that. I was trying to send faxes to provost and then also assist CIC in overwatch duties due to the fact there was little to no SOs present and the front crumbled within 10 minutes of deployment. I had the devices removed and put back into the office and hijack happened, so there wasnt much I could do. I still dont exactly know for sure if he placed the bug but since he responded to me with that and also were calling them corporate rats I assume it was them.
I think the MPs name was Ernst or Hernst I dont really remember.

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Hey, I was a MP roundstart this round. My 2 cents about it:

it was something Ernst that bugged the CL office. He always does this, from what he said in comms at the time. If I am not mistaken, we didnt had a CMP nor Warden until later, thats why he didnt run through them at the time.

Heya! Thank you for your inputs. I’ve read the logs and I saw that Heinrich Ernst used metaknowledge as their reason to plant a listening device in Corporate Liaison’s office, at the same time they also broke Marine Law by entering CL’s office without permission while planting the bug. MPs can break Marine Law only in emergencies. I will be issuing a Note per Rule 6 and Rule 11. Report approved!

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Added report:approved and removed report:needverdict