Slavor - Synthetic Application

The biggest immediate stand-out issues have to do with the foundation of the character.

Standard procedure for captured synthetics is a full program wipe meaning the result after the procedure is a complete blank slate, i.e. the personality you wanted just got tossed in a trashcan. This is done to prevent sleeper and infiltration programs from activating later, and removes liability.

You could go back to the board and design something that is manufactured by for example Hyperdyne for market to UPP and non-aligned groups, as they are a corporate subsidiary of WY that usually sells products to that clientele, but if the individual synthetic has ever been in UPP or another “hostile” entity’s possession, it will get the full wipe if it’s to ever see service with the marines.

Once you have a viable personality, you can work on a story. We usually want something that’s 2-4 pages long and emphasizes the dialogue and character interactions with the character you want to play. Focus on showing the personality and how it fits into interactions with others.