Slyoski - Staff Report: Violation of Event Protocols - Skycrafter

Slyoski - Staff Report: Violation of Event Protocols - Skycrafter

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Aidel ‘Devil Hunter’ Curran

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Violation of Event Protocols

Description of the incident:

Hi, I don’t usually make these, but I will explain as much as I can.

During 25705, on Hybrisa, the crew was notified of a “Minor Event HvH,” and were also notified on a hostile faction, that being CLF, on the planet.

To my understanding some of the rules were as follows;

  1. They were not to assault the FOB.
  2. They would complete objectives and receive two or so more members. I do not know how many they started with. It is also to my understanding that near the end of the round towards hijack they had approximately a platoon sized group.

Xenomorphs did not bother engaging the CLF until evacuation occurred, turning the round into a constant Marines v CLF & XX121. About halfway into the round, reports come in that CLF are constantly assaulting the southern area of FOB, and marines would die to them around that area.
A couple marines died south of FOB because nobody wants to push into the darkness.
It is also to my understanding that they had 2 specialists, a sniper with NVGs taking potshots at people in or near south FOB, and a SADAR.
Countless others had rifles with scopes or simply sit in darkness and kill those who wish to recover the bodies. At this point, there were more CLF than there were Bravo marines in the FOB, and needing to delegate any of the other 3 squads away from the frontline is not always the best and wisest decision.

The OB on FOB is another can of worms, but the gist of it is that during a stressful frontline;
there is a relatively new XO, both to the game and learning CIC, in the bubble.
I step out and grab dinner, during this time the XO receives a call via a radio telephone to CIC to fire an “OB south of front,” which is where he was hoping to get one to break the stalemate in research. It his FOB, blows everything up, and the CLF receive a message that “They just blew up their own FOB, rejoice.”
It was ruled as an event OB, to my understanding, ad thus the XO calls the entire marine force to FOB, which had not been rebuilt, and evacuation occurs shortly after the retreat.

This report is not about the OB incident, but the entire event as a whole.

This event felt like something that was just ushered up and had no real thought nor control behind it, and should not have been classified as “Minor HvH.”


Pull logs as needed.


Hello there,

I’m writing here as a Bravo marine that took part of this round. The CLF had built a huge barricade structure for themselves south of FOB in the caves. as much as I saw they assaulted the south FOB cades once or twice, killing marines. They also shot marines that got close to their “FOB” (cadelines structure) but other than that they didnt really engage marines up to that point (saw later some discord message that they were told not to attack as they were outnumbered) and later the OB to FOB which destroyed all the equipment (mortar, fob doctors tents, ammo, food and etc) and killed many marines.

After the OB i saw marines dragging dead CLF’s out from caves to shipside to be taken into custody.
There’s also alot of pictures of chat logs in the discord aswell underneath the last-round chat.

EDIT: I also don’t recall any minor event being notified. Thought it’s just the 1 or 2 CLF survivors that holed up there in caves. No xeno contact near their location either.

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I will state I announced as much in OOC that a CLF HVH would be occuring, Additionally I used Ares to announce the existence of a sizable CLF cell planetside.

Hello Slyoski,

This event was outside the scope permissible for the holiday season and has since been addressed. This was declared a minor event by the staff member, when it constituted a major event. Major events generally are expected to be accompanied by event information, but this was never intended to be a major event. This staff report is approved.