Snooper44 - Fax Responder Application

Fax Responder Application - Snooper44

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Colonel Greg Lauffer, well regarded as the Miracle of Sol

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?


Have you read the role guidelines and expectations?


Why do you wish to become a Fax Responder?

I have been an advocate for more diverse roleplay since I first applied to the CO whitelist. After joining the staff team and eventually rising to be the WL Maintainer I made it my ultimate goal for CO backgrounds to be more meaningful and for the world to be expanded beyond just the USS Almayer (even if we are in an endless timeloop). I credit myself with pushing for the creation of the lore team after organizing individuals in the community to aid in creating lore pieces on the wiki (Third Fleet, faction lore, ect). Afterwards, Triio and monkey would create the lore team to begin working on things behind the scenes which I hope their team are still doing proudly.

Roleplay is important to our server, what sets us apart from more PVE LRP servers like TG marines is that we maintain an atmosphere (as loose as it may be sometimes) which provides us a setting for our characters to feel like they are USCM marines and not just meme pvpers with stupid names like John Marine. I am grateful during my time as WL Maintainer to have answered numerous faxes and even created HTML templates to be utilized for both USCM HIGHCOM, USCM Provost, and WY replies. I made an effort to do minor things such as faxing the MPs about a riot on a colony several lightyears away from them and to prepare to aid in quelling it after their operation by doing an inventory check of their armory gear. Essentially just to give them something to do and talk about besides sitting AFK waiting for a marine to arrest.

Another thing I enjoyed was quality of life things both for COs and for the press. For example with the COs I would send them a fax giving them updates on the latest military operations against the insurgency in the sector, talking about successful operations against the CLF as well as failures and the dire strain on resources in order to empathize the world around them so they felt not just like a CO of the Almayer, but an officer in a wider conflict beyond their vessel. None of this really mattered to the round, but it was just some RP fluff to discuss with their officers and staff.

For the press I enjoyed doing a thing called Colonial News Network (This was before the press role was implemented) essentially where i’d give like three or so stories in announcements after awakening such as a young woman being brutally killed during a misfire by USCM forces on a colony (sometimes referencing in-round players or squads), as well as stuff that was very fabricated, such as a couple talking about how their 3 year old child’s first words were ‘down with the USCM’ showcasing the horror the marines are creating in a new generation (obviously a lie, how can a 3 year old talk?) Ultimately, this would lead to marines talking about these news posts such as denying being involved with war crimes (or embracing them and their crimes) or speaking of their hate of the colonists and how they should bomb more of them (early post-cryo banter) in comms.

What do you consider the purpose of this role?

I believe this role is to help encourage roleplay. It is in no way a role meant for creating/starting events. However, it should be to help stir conversation and encourage more discussion about things other than just kill xenos. For example, thanking the CL for his loyalty to the company, an old friend among the USCM upper brass reaching out to the CO inquiring on how he’s enjoying his new position on the USS Almayer, encouraging the press to pursue stories about specific marines, and in the worst case assuming mods/staff are not already on it, dealing with MP related stuff through the provost.

I see this role as a successor to the RP council, this is something that was talked about as an idea and frankly I love it. Roleplay standards can be created and maintained simply by marines reminiscing about how they ate a bag of chips on a previous operation as war crimes were being committed, or officers prior to brief sitting around a table discussing the latest events in the sector regarding military losses and victories which was faxed to them.

I understand a lot of people talk about becoming a fax responder ‘so someone can finally respond to MP faxes’ or ‘so the Liason can be heard/survivors can get something to do’. While I think those reasons for being a fax responder are noble, I believe that is devaluing just how much can come out of the role as there is much more that can be done with it. This is a story-time position/fluff rp role. You will be giving people something to talk about, something to make them feel immersed. Your faxes will not lead to events or spawn hostiles in/cause riots/mutinies. Instead, it will break down the walls of the Almayer for those who are not in PVP roles and create dialogue to be discussed besides the xenos and predators on the surface.

I hope to be able to create a unique atmosphere should I acquire this role.

What is your playtime in Command Roles?

140 hours

What is your playtime in Military Police Roles?

All my hours were erased when the new system was implemented, I have been playing MP as far back as 2018. As of now 9 hours

What is your playtime in Corporate Liaison?

Hours wiped, unfortunately I cannot provide an accurate number because of this. I have been involved in numerous events however with the CL role when I played it often.

What is your playtime in Civil Roles?

Hours wiped, I usually played as a combat reporter dedicated to telling Sol the TRUTH about the outer-colony conflicts.

What, if any, is your playtime in Special Roles?

I have played numerous special roles during my time on CM-13. USCM Sky Mashal (when that was a rank), Admiral, vice admiral, ect. USCM Provost, WY Director, WY Regional manager, also UPP HIGHCOM and CLF leadership.

The most notable one I remember though of course is when I played the United Americas President during an event visiting the USS Almayer in which every marine lined up in the hallway to salute me as I entered to give a speech in the briefing hall to the Falling Falcons



+1. If this guy dedicates half their rounds to long-ass speeches, they can write a flavorful fax.


+1, There is no doubt in my mind that he’s more then capable of using this WL to make everyone’s day incredibly enjoyable and can be trusted to use it correctly.

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I’m not even gonna bother asking the question I asked the others, if we can trust you as a CO WL Colonel we can trust you not to call the Almayer for dumb reasons. I render a crisp salute and provide you my +1


+1 Greg should be the gold standard of HRP.

Also I want to get a fax in CiC from the Miracle of Sol


When I think RP, Greg Lauffer comes to mind +1


Gold Standard. +1. This is not even a debate.

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Is here to roleplay and can be trusted with the whitelist. +1


Do not use all the ink. It’s expensive.