So. Whatsup. It’s been a while since I’ve played CM.

Like, 3 months. I’m in my discord break arc and have just been… working, taking care of my fam… doodling. Working on Crystal Keep (soon). A lot of regulars got banned… again. As has happened in my 8ish years of play. Again, probably for good. A good few others are still around. Like me. Eventually gonna get pulled out by the scalp kicking and screaming for the next funny word… again.

Whatsup? Any of you excited for whatever next tide comes?



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Push Pull Legs Cardio
Bench 3x8 Barbell Rows 3x10 Squats 4x5 (biweekly) Ellipticals 45 minutes on solo days 20 on lift days
Arm Flies 3x10 Bicep Curls 3x12 Kettlebell Squats 3x12 Goal: 30 on lift days and overall 150 minutes a week
Tricep Pushdown 6x15 (varying styles) Hammer Curls 3x10 Kettlebell One Handed Swing (3x24 = 12L 12R)
Dumbbell Presses 3x10 Shrugs 3x10 Hip Thrusts 3x10
Diamond Pushups (Aiming for handstands) Pullups (till failure) Smith Machine 3x10
Incline Reverse Crunch 3x10 (Goal: till failure) Lat Pulldowns Incline Reverse Crunch 3x10 (Goal: till failure)
Face Pulls
Incline Reverse Crunch 3x10 (Goal: till failure)